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Show - CV rW V V w k Mr V - , NEWS SALT LAKE CITY 4 I i Absence of Witness MORE DAYS - ssqp, V LEASE0ILUEE JHolds Up Probe by Idaho Grand Jury GREELEY. Colo, Jan. t-- dft of Idaho and Utah delegates for a larger representation sag pnt over until the next annual meeting, before the naA re truce! - z9Blt clothesEployt Out of look If your and cant afford s wo will clean and press yooi mtek old cost and vest new them with n TWO DOUABa 4 tow M Alee have a large selection of uncalled-fo- r suits returned PicX yooi through ourtowsgsntx aa choice as Dress well for s trifp. nJrof." Jury-Sheri- , -- State Defrauder DeniedPardons d: a,tr4S If Ruptured TryThis Free A to llir V.'V'l N -- -- vu - HusbandPoisoner, el. Anti-reba- te --to Mem eul co-o- ward-chap- 193 mos ceil som i 'in '4 The state BOISE. Jan. 4 AP grand Jury yesterday ran into an abrupt snag in Its Investigation of the shortages In tbs accounts of former city V Colorado High Court Mrs. Angola Hopper, clerk, when It was discovered Clarence Van Deuse n. accountant wbo MAIN BT1IKT 109 Agree to Review who tho audited the city books, had crossed To ooeommodato L wo Or Case and ot border into stmts coll daytime. Oregon the Reppin opoo Wednoodoy oai was not available to n subpoena. do Bifhto Sheriff Earl Coleman made the subto he after attempted report, IX9 At DEKVBR, Jan. 4. Van Deusen for tho lsast 29 days of Ufa remained to- poena Coleman said bo telephoned day for Walter Reppin. II, the Van Deusen in Nyssa, Ora. to exNewark, N. J., boy who was to plain that the subpoena bad been tho i havo died in Colorado's new lethal issued to bring himVanbefore Denson reJury. He said gaa chamber at Canon City some- grand fused to return, and quoted the time this week. accountant as saying: ' Tho stats-- supreme court.' in 'I am doing the same work over review the her ruling that it have donq for 29 yearn, and case, granted - fteppin's attorneys I do Jnot intend to return to Boise 20 days In which to file n bill of Ths death watch, for grand Jury appearance. exception. Van Deusen Is a former state which was maintained at Reppin's in haring- -- been elected for th Pst .week." waa re- t- - Aa? loot a. OM off ef cell year term.' Hs ha for a moved on receipt of word of the mm4 Vow Iiwi Lavft ormlaiN accounts the been auditor of city supremo court's decision. That Hoo i Aro oo bo . Gov... Ed.C. J ohnaan repeated for a number ot year ana when his former statement that he suspicion was aroused last spring rooid not Interfere with the sen- that thera were defalcation in the Sent Free To Provo This special funds he wx directed to tence of tho courts. Every ruptured mss or woman make the Audit. should wiilo ot onco to W. & Ric "Reppin did not ohow any mercy Me recently reported shortages of ill-to Vincent Regan, Gov. Johnson Main St, Adam. H. Y for z - fc4 said, T feel that whatever , the 179.99 and long before tho audit treo trial of his wonderful Mothode Jost was Mrs. who pot It ob tho roptoro and tho decrees should bs Hopper, completed. rtww ootoroRy oo tho oood had served 11 years as city clerk, opeataf out.' of a support or trass or spplUaco pleaded guilty to embezzling ' Aa energetic lad was caagbt by Tho Deseret News camera convicted of killing eral Is TDtusllr dono sway wltk Doot Reppin was dollars hundred Regan, a Colorado Springs taxi- tenced to one to 29 and imprison- negloct to send for the froo trial ot " the other day as he took the street in his stride, unaware that cab yean this Stlmulottaff Appllcotiop. What driver, during a holdup last - Ms is tho ii so of wetnnff supports sli dreted picture, brought personally to the editorial rooms of August . Feeling against the young ment. life, if yoa dont hive to? Why son. Her jroar John bandit In ran Hopper, formerly Colorado The Deseret News, will entitle him to free tickets for himself high nin tho risk ysnyrsno ond sock Many prominent cltixena of Los Angeles, also faces trial as danger from of ssnaU-aa- d loaoeeaV-ittl- e and family, to the Orpbeuaa theater. Watch for this picture every Springs. an of disclosures. the of that city have protested to Gov. outgrowth kind tho Jus roptare, . day you may be the next to enter the charmed circle Johnson against showing any Ha is charged with receiving about throws thousands on tho that oporattac-tablo? $21,009 of the money asaertediy oom-a- n A host clemency, TOADS BORN IN WINDOW ho monlng sach risk Mrs. Rose L. Regan, mother of stolen by his mother and i held In c usedaily )their raptures do aot hurt or -- MANITOU. A the slain man. wrota ths gover- Jail for trial in default of $19,099 prevent Colo (INSthem from potting arowad. ' bond. nor: Wrlto.at onco for this free trial, aa horned toad had ten babies in s "If you have a child of your own certainly a wonderful thlac store window here. It was enter-e- d and should - locomotives 'are itandIs has child be kidnap- aided la your raptures in a toad race, and was on dis- ed and murdered brutally, would being tried on the Indian tSats that were os big healing os a moas twp to W. onco fists. and write at Try play. Crowds blocked tho you feel as I do. dear air. that In an endeavor to reduce Railways Mala Et, Adan at seeking a glance ties ehoul be mated out to tho tho expenao of operating trains forjj; Rice. Inc, Sll-little creatures. strange murderer?" short distances , T JANUARY - Convention Lays ReTill Over quest Next Year Young -- Woman To be Honored (AP) THURSDAY lad Enters Charmed Circle 20 ?n ErkVsmrrar' ..rats.vpy tion n I beet growers association closed Us convention here yesterday, It waa explained the request The railroads were found by tie could not be acted upon this year, interstate commerce commission in it was not listed when the since In bo its annual report today to official call for the convention a better condition than a year aro. went out. In a document covering the year Thu. association adopted n resoluend ins December 1. the commis usin' tion b carrier' today in which Secretary of sion found the Agriculture Wallace was asked to improving, with operating costa on "reconsider his decision and apand condlUont tn.general prove tho sugar stabilization agreethe upgrade. ment which he recently rejected. for Only one recommendation setA-- statement waa approved, legis'ation waa- - mads, Alt others the ting forth the first objective of recwill be left until such time as r association as "the securing of Joseph B. Eastman, federal ognition by the U. & department of tranportation. complete djptor of agncultare or sugar beets as a hi. study of the railroads Then, wiU publish staple crop entitled to' protection the cdmralssion said, it and assistance sufficient to assure comment. the American fanner a reasonable Tha dooo recommendation - war ' profit. - that ChO 192 transportation net be " - Another objective - eras given tightened to prevent special favors as "securing beet contracts wbicb being granted ehlppera wbo aend will give the farmer a fair and freight from one foreign country - to equitable-divisi- on of returns from another over American railthe products of each ton of beets." roads This was explained as In line with a Charges Balanced A farewell testimonial win be movement to secure universal beet Prior 10 1920 the commieeion - Peter-- contracts In nil states-could control such shipments while gives In honor of Florence processors were urged - in the United states By the word' sen, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Al- - in Beet sugarresolution another 974 Post street, approved by ing of ths 1920 transportation act. ma D Petersen, of jibe assoclatloa to adopt a universal - however. It ie eaid thei a ahtpper In on contracts. The all beet Eighth West between Fourth and checkoff rpadf for Instance sending Fifth South. Friday, at I 19 p.m- - U; R. department of agriculture waa good to Mexico for example ncrosa the United States can bo prior to her departure foe the requested to maintain and enforce beet price differentials between given favors without running afoul North Central gutt mission. Yarwhen .nee ertabttsh-arrangeact or Tho following program has been'd of tho Elkins aimilar laws Vocal solo. Paul Mixon; 'An Important feature of rall-- y Hawniion trio. Earl Preston and t a commissaid tha recovery. company; doable mixed quartet. bor or Industrial code which may sion report, is a The BOISE. Jan. 4 (AP) ndjaatment of railway charges als and labor unless commensurate state pardon board yesterday railway wages and tha general price 1rgioia RumuiKo: musical ic returns are assured tho producers level. We had occasion to consider lections. Margaret Graham, Alma n pardon to Lydia Southard, of sugar beets. tho relation of prices of commodi- Dittmer, accompanied by of Twin Falls, serving a i year to rates la tbs Graham: whistling selections. Dean ties and railway freight lire term for poisoning her .husgeneral rata level Investigation of Croarther. accompanied by Mari292. band. and to Henry Gusman, ot anne Zenger; piano duet. Kenneth - The evidence showed that while Turner. Lilly Schmidt: cello solo. Boise, whoae conviction of tho rata level was high compared O. R-- - Heppley. by of defrauding the state in chargo the price level, it woa impoesi-.- Marianne Zenger;accompanied h piano trio. Ella deals furnished moet of equipment to require them t bo brought May, TurKenneth Lilly Schmidt. tho 1922 gubernatorial campaign JJJjCtar by s general rata reduc- material. 4 Jan. P1GCOTT. Ark.. fINS) Mra Southard was convicted 12 Prosecutor summoned rate wdltnesuea today to testify lTr hanA! In Msy of 1 IJ1 ehe escaped tho murder trial of tho Rev. Dele; frtm e prison and was gone 8. Crowley, pastor of Jone8ioro monthe. being recaptured in To- fares. It is Baptiet tabernacle, for the "church peka. Kan., where oho fled . klo to restrict feud slaying of J. W. MacMurdo. months after marrying sofar as It Jo aged night watchman. t - Denver. Mora than 99 witnesses to ths Gusman was convicted in LewMra. hooting which culminated n bit- iston" In Howeror. DENVER. Jan. 9. (AP the April and entered lion of foil Kriste Dodds of Eureka. Utah, em- ter factional dispute within the penitentiary in May of 1932 to church remain to bo called. sold to oxlst, H will ho braced her brother. Donald 3 j serve five sentence, n to year transport agendas Before a courtroom packed to Ha that tho various accused Mayer ef his three, recently paid a 12.609 fine andL mV the asms rotas of wages for In tho county Jail capacity by spectators who Jour- settled for $2,90(1. tha Outstanding drill. loader retiabie and with tears In neyed to this country hamlet in all claims ot the state against him. torvtco on a nndlowriinlnntory hers yesterday begged him: "Why don't! types of conveyances ijrz. Clara aa A faw aad hear oquai tag jyon toll tho truth? prisoners war granted Witneaa n of IColeman Jonesboro, . . . , harden. hut moat of ths 99 apa state, eyawitnoas clemencyrwere Mrs. Dodda too wife of T. L. jfor either denied or thetr "Tha federal coordinator at Dodda plicant rcount of MacMurdo a slaying. Eureka. at maa railroad were canes continued to later transportation has to ana subjects to visa bar Mra. Coleman stated that ah bora Tu under Investigation and his recom- brother, hot nottoday to too taharnaslo on OeL 19 quarterly meeting of to board. nntil Into yeotor-mendations whan recalred will ha day afternoon waa aba admitted to to attend prayer meeting During Darrell Thurston, nerving a life transmitted by ns to tho president visit him. toe services tbs handful or wor- - sentence for murder of a Nes Ferce comon to and vo1' county policeman nin years ago. whtn Congress with Bb. was the first viritor Smith J ments. denied pardon, as waa Guy -- i' hT bas had Mnoo hs waa arrested Tho oommlnrisn tots year found eral weeks ago Nelson, also serving for life for ch.Brch hallway. as aad result. a Jtaetf without one of tto favorite Warden James Norton allowed the Investigating Mra. Coleman said! the murder 19 years ago of an Ida. Janitor bo FalU merchant. recommendations for years peat -- two to talk together for more than she found th too repeal of tho recapture clausa an hoar, and night watchman halt sitting than ordinary Ray Wenger, the youth who conand half lying on th floor. Bund- fessed of tha 1929 traasportatiaw act. This Jail visits.far longer to $225,699 ot blank waa abolished at tho apodal saoains to Rer. Crowley, state bondstealing war ing nearby and forging-thnames! was Bmith As Into th . brought was said. MacMurdo of Congress when tho emergency Jail she unarmed, state officials of them, likewise! to sisrotunda from his ceil, his railroad law was pssssd. the to witness. according was denied clemency with little ter ran to him. crying: "Th truth. Rigid questioning by defense discussion. He has served nine Don The truth will dear you!" counsel for the Rev. Crowley, wbo month oa a plea of guilty for Five Take Test For "Don't Smith claim tha pastor fired in cry. - Kriste. forgery, for which he was SenNo matter what hapJailed in shake Mrs. Cola-ma-n tence Rhode Scholarships answered. to one to t 4 years. X to JJhs knows truth. pens nie,'Oo4 story that tha Janitor bad case Th C. no After bad gun and that th pistol shots was sentencedat for J. Walsh, who, coaroned at they BOI8E. Jan. 4. (AF) Five two! refraudtng Mra Dodda an attractive mere Bred in rapid succession. candidates for Rhodes Scholarship length. .Boise banks of $4S9 through al of 29 posed wtth her brothThe Rer. Crowley, with his to Oxford Uatrersity wore to Ipndar-g- o soman railroad stock deal, was held ishl'e'ifk er newspaper photographers at hia aide at tho counsel examination hara today hafora and for than left the Jail, telling her sat apparently unperturbed through over pending receipt of informathe stain committee. tion from Milwaukee whether that II he recital. Of too candidates, two win he brother "I be back for tbs trial. wants him to fact a felony a city to Three had who Bmltb be to month! next tried phvsicians selected to compote la district exand Shelly Lee, a eharge there. aminations at Spokane Saturday. to charges of bearing and kicking tended MacMurdo The appeal of R E. if ounce, death his son. Donald Arlen Jonesboro civil engineer preceded . The district Includes Monts oa, OreColeman to the witneaa stand serving for burg buy. and Lonnie in toe family home near gon. Washington, Wyoming North Smith, I MacMurdo waa a follower and Walling, nerving for forgery, were Dakota and Idaho. Four will be tleton. south of here. Jo Jrt carried over nniit next October. Mra Dodds told reporters later c,ce fr.1nd f ,h elected at Epokano far acbolar-ahlpheaded faction in the ell beyond their minimum senahe was convinced her brother was fera-wh- o th araertedly oppOs-a- h tence. as extrawithpunishment ... for The candidates era Lloyd Bert of shielding someone else. end that.'1''' the prison warwaa ears b Activi running away "never Intended1" to the Rev. Crowley. Pocatello. CnivenUly of -antomobil n year ago. The uu ,ml Bonny She said aW'm of Jeffers caused den's st or, Roeach. Taoom. Univerarivt tws men. from Jerome, were! of Idaho Dais F Walden muj ibd aeveral other sisters of Smith ' "Ute authorities to summon mill- - sentenced both to on to 14 yearn lm- Bt e,othl'' (Ofiti men to Jonesboro a year and a College of Idaho Gerald Wollac.,,feq,,T and priaonment they - bar served' b3r-Twin Falls. College of Idaho andl jhalf ago to preserve order there. 29 monton i to. the mother of i Frederick. Ftaker. Boise. Whitman! 11 Th appeal of Charles Burnett! tore children, nngmg in age from college. of Jefferson county for a 1011(1 '"-Eacij scholarship carries a grnnti was denied. He is nerving 19pardon of about $2,099 a year. years! This to the first chance T hare; to life for second degree 'murder.! !h,o to come to Denver and see Th waa board informed OOU9 BROUGHT DEATH Iral by Don. ah Y said. hare not Taylor, newly appointed warden vk OFIA IX8 Finding a Urge ,.But 1 w,!l b whom is home in Jefferson coun- m- mut hT gold nugget while ho was pan- ,ht ty. that a coroner's Jury firm re- to to triads y river leased Burnette on flrmerlv second convicted of a finding t of degree Ijhoccr. UTC'1 J murder of Reinhold C.Letch. Twin Justifiable homicide after evidence! ; - 4 local maa to aenienced ails rea'ior. presented and -Indicating h. had' --wnlf-a few grains filter through i verve 16 to :9 years in tha state kille a drunken man who had e tb atevo and when he I threatened to kill him. The Doer was new denied a trial n uvnitcntiary. aaw a big lump h was seized with OiCClC was taken up afterward. j following bearing on hia motion ' heart trouble, and died. lietore Judge and Taylor said, tho in A. Babcock waa man w, I the il 'strict court here yesterday. WE UVE AND LEARN Judge Babcock also refused to CLINTON. In. (1X8) Rack tue a certificate of probable cause Thompson, a transient. Is paying1 for appeal to th supreme rourt. a pricn for ffnroily. WhIU In tho horo. lr -h looood hUi park mnt com to another hobo to boo onilr of XtbruU umverAit. his dpiWr asked for ti present oxeentiOBhd anrokn to find both ,J1 - andodmin- m, i a Uv- Nis outt ease ond bio tho opinion of h !! on Of Hunter to bail bonL Judjpe eonpaatoB - sono. tBabcork aaid bond tnightbrfiied node fcno later but that It would not be less ,uTh ? body cirrHii,,. than $2 009. anJ Poisonous wastes hJWd is thru ths func- rm ofy.wlrMillions argument for new trial. Hun- - j.lion of tiny ler'e attorney dealt only with the , filter, but he careful, donl! contention thaLthe court had 40 " torimctlon re- - .ioorlyfut!"i'g,:Kdrnu J querie by defense, and dlsre- - Bladder mak you suffer from gS-- 1 -rardcdclalmhgreylouly set forth l,nK Lp .Nights. Leg Pstn. ,NAX MODELS In support of (he morion .that r Hheu-fh result of beat FARIS (I.V8 Even the wax!'erdlcl Los or j or wood model mun wear nrake-u- n "n1 "comtromlse verdict ! EDtirr a minute Tr IIP Farm. Songs and Stories critiHerramplezloui M a,to that there bad been miscon-a- a rhs Doctor prescription called studied by beauty experts! pronounced Eiss-teForm-cised, revised, published, carefully that of the women who will'doct bv he Jury which "fair and l's T17 PcklS- Starts work minutes Soothe and tone of the case bad copyrighted and market" eventually wear the pretty hat or'du consideration 11 " Prevented frock aha displays. Large depart-- i miHionTa1 k'Pinr ed. Charges reasonable. guaranteed to fi ment stores In Paris now-haal- - Hunter was accused ref. ra n, T,?n,r5?ck CALLOMwarrc toblng Letsch to death when pedal bra of v staff which attends11'1 to such details. la'ler visited a ;arm for whlrh jthe wa he the owner agent wh Hunter waa employed digging jit a toes last November 2. TI CaatlarafaT Bank Bids. SPAIN BUILDS MANY ROADS SS1S Wind ah )ato CNy. I tab. ' MADRID Approxt-matei- y (INS) Words as asdevf It n i 009.999 pesos will be spent Who Flayed lojoo Tto tort bv th Spanish government this Wlm We mf to oMalae esr on rosd constrnctlon work in. tram obwvw various provinces. More than S2 projects have been prepared for execution this year. Jan.' ti 3 nual Report WASHINGTON. r YOUIH GIVEN UTAH BEETMEN DENIE- D- RAISE IN DELEGATES Railway Conditions Commerce Commis-- " sion Makes An- - r THE DESERET Over Last Year In -- . xneo-.an- Diesel-electr- d ic aide-wal- K -d- enied - lira "i-lt- Woman Describes' Church Fued Death Of Night Watchman A issrbU"7i,r.swACUcd suyCT 'KSfis li Denver Visited by Sister From Utah ' E i C:dUrtf ClUri. li-- pn u .i ' CH nt e i ' at-o- ! Zzzzzi M. 25SCJTtt!;!j..lC3 Ci Y&s ! V 7w2 YkYt R' HUB1TB " CAMPBO ca L HUT inw, Me CASCABA qUINUtg CA9CTHOBATKB OIL Quaes to I lOUnBALM... ANALGMIC CASTOHOH. TINCTUM lOOINB. 1 Ounce StEBCVBOOIBONE, H Onnes ..... Parrn I .Attention I - Composers 9k andf,iAp,!; Sovereign Scenario and Song Company ' I eaysr. y I FASTS, .lpn - ue. 'tooth'7 ...Mo BBo Mnri'lZo 28c ... . IL25 8. BL A. M BEAST Ik 65c DKXTR1 MALTOSE.. CSoDryco Mai $IM Oralttao 9US CLOCS J bss-z- Ceil tear Foker Chips chhtl m FOKEB Bam ft. G. B. UCHT GLOBES, IMMSWltt thebhat HEAT FAD OCA BANTUS 98cSSb -- business i'--fi ....... 4lf ...5B bygela nubsbb. 0 onnes SI. at Sagmr, Me FULL BEAM TYPE- WRITER PAPER MS B fee si. 2AC d Ara 1 VC AA leUU (hunatood Te:S Ctsd 27e 31c 39c :25c tax so - iltC J v SAVE ON SMOKES 4 - TOOTH Ato rowi OEAMt 0k CVWP ANA'S ITALIAN BALM ,.4Bo Sk ZATA FACT Sk WLXXIFTED COCO ANUT n h" .....BBo RETEUTtmi - ve (. ltoC FAITT-- tS Ok T ii', - ...CCa 14-- cl FOWDON Me ZEBOEfFS LOTION 9k HINM NONET ANN ALMOHD cwr AW the;"?-.s,'-Uf"vB.urnir.JSmr- b0 BRAT- 36: P(:fd rr Me (MUM B fee f' - Authors and 0WAB. SBAtmta CREAM. Ml IWlrtm TWO PsuU d. Jb C AX TILS oa LAN PXSTB k 1 Tc:i JA. lsC LA1HBBLBS0 Bur 9H-- m MAMA TOOTH proae-cutlo- ! 19c jrz? c! Fti.Ej 11 home-mad- Kidneys Musti Clean OutAcids 9r FCnriuTS Itolia SJf map3 lor 19c OUVB 39c Lhwa. urwiio'.'1 Says Nephew Sauer Is Mat Prospect II.' CCj C.CT3 New Murder Trial Fd PrrrLlr"ivh woodBiiars C04 STDriCni:: ...D fVniFfl I iJ OS. Q. Zsr ton FEAV BOCt Ci 4g ALL Ms 19c KPAT1CA snrWM...SBS BT 19c 18c 39c 17c 18c 9 Owwce 9m VtoHTH Ml 9L2S ABSOBBINt ZB BTn SIAS TOKIC...? 91 AS BISOOOL. 9 unues BBo ls AMACIM TABLETS.. $BO HOSmAL ABSO- BCOTTON. IA. totoC TTtON BUBBEB AVC GLOVES. Pule Or P4LWOLIVK S FOB 14(9 OAF . 4M 16C 7Se Down's Piito EPSOM SALTS. 29c OnLIAkTlSSPTiC. :s7c Istg Sat a o. 47i :b ,. 4 LTPTtfS. hl r' Yt-r.- Me Fertnasia u -- Cr:p J7i TSe Yapsx a. a. .c:s ic - Se LB MUNA er EL MODELO CIGAJU CXXMO OIOAXg 3 Qfcrlfc for 10c Bos of 80 1 3L59 .JL - T c ) f |