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Show w e4' THE DESERET NEWS jr i Hekiise ' LAKE THURSDAY entertained ednesday evening at her home In the Mayflower ipartmenu in compliment to Mm Muriel Hanson and Moburn Hardy,' whose marriage will taka place In the near future The guests were 4 Seated at one long table which was centered with7 rosea. Places were marked for twelve guests. During the evening games serg played i Snow at a formal dinner Know Your World PETTY RALEY and Mis? Elizabeth Cn were hos- gerTVATkluson of Berkeley, Cal., the guest of at- -a delightful-sapp- er party Wednesday evening at the Raley home on Military way Mrs. Atkinson, who will be remembered a Mies Elizabeth McBride, is visiting n her nd James L. McBride at their home MISS parents.-Chaplai- -- at tort-Dougi- aa. THUMBNAIL 1- 1 v ln compliment to Mrs. Carroll B Huntress of Washington. D. C. who la spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs J J McClellan Kellogg. , N mark). I J. A F. (AP) onw m!vasif,'ViUiny president of the Brother rep?I youthshohp- -j of said trainmen, uied to be the first to die m lwoul i fator government owner-rado- 'a new lethal hmoer, ould there bo of raUrOads ady today for toiwardlng-t- o Gov COI3ljnuanre orexieting condS- ernor:E. C Jolinson of Colorado.' It.ons a hich in the past four years - - Kefpprm " marriage of Mias Helen a Special Meeting daughter of Mrs. Catherine I AsLn and Leroy Mickiy o! The generaPboard oftHe Salt Washington. D. C.. as sol. nmized Lake City Federation of Women's Xi) nrsda-- at- hleh nnon atahwhome,1 etubs wiii hotd a meeting at the ol tne bride's mother, 1448 Gilmer special call of the president. Mrs. drive Lei I Edgar Young perform- Dana C.' BUyney. at the chamber ed thejeeremony in the preser.ee qf of Commerce Friday morning at 10 members of the Immediate families oclock. w and a few dose friends. was lovely in a frock Weds Salt of deep blue chiffon and wore a corsage of gardeplas and lilies of announcement thev interest THE - r!9hlp - the Nevada supreme court in dis nitl5 missing the divorce action of oua Chicago ,man m a Reno court the ground that h was not a bona fide resident of that state, was hailed bv Chief Justice Joseph j bath of the superior court as put-- 1 in s ting Reno easy divorces wee f wbi'k. -- The New Aid in faker e CAP) Henry Pu-launching expected to bo crowned king of Manchukuo March - 14 President ILXDO.Y (TP) InIdaho, j Roosevelt a lack Of reference to 1. northern of Coeur DAlene region ;!atlon in his speech to Congress recover to to dollar Just beginning United the States Idaho, causej from the effects nf llooda 10 da 8 g;iin g cents to the pound and it new j CIoj!e(j by at 5 09 j.4 to the pound; ago, now Is threatened creeks.n pane, likewise the dollar gained, floods. Fed by the eouth fork of the Coeur at jg 37 rance (.10 cento 24 doting . river rone eight inchea-wlththe franc) up 32 centimes from hours, ebdangermgrecentlyestab- Wednesday . and in Berlin It closed v Tht-brid- NELSON A WALLACE, V, Home TELEGRAPH Picture travelogues of all countries on the globe ' DeliglitfulTSupp er Young Couple Wed - Luncheon For Visitors ' Honors Young Downie Muir will enterSlrl Thursday At tain St a luncheon on Tuesday In Matron lumber inluitry, d ing scribed the KRA lumber code as challenge fo competitive spirit. I Formal Dinner Misa SALT -- PREVENTING COLDS hTsikr'fH?!,y,.a!ienfhWai!ofe'n'iarn7goV'xttMMEl'iai Criinson tspers In filler holders beth File Neice of Mr. and Mrs. LONDON, (AP) London finlighted the supper table which "was a jowilof otyre green crepe And William AndreW kisher of Detroit, ancial quarters expressed d sap-- 1 CLEARS HEAD QUICKLY a bouquet of Talisman ros- and centered with a silver basket fill- carried of Joeph Ltndon Simpson, which es. Mrs. Atin was gowned pointment today at the absence in ed with bright colored fruit. took, place December 6 in Detroit. on the American fiione-- 1 fresh light an1 and c'raf the affair included MrsT AtkmHU"wn,l't c',pe Mr Simpson fa a former student tary poneyin President liooseveli s John MacKenzie-ae- t0 on. Mis. Ellzahelh McBride. .Mirs of the Unnersity of Ltah where message to Congress. Louise Carter. Mi-Dorotfiv Ann wi.h the Beta affiliated 1 ceremonya w.dd gTheta DEXTER (API Afrs Adrmn-pAt ,herM. ewisrfihrargarcr'FferfcTi. Miss' fra,ermt) 1 Miss Carol it, a. . Marjorie Patrick. halke'l of- - f'at ,,me he secretary to Jtobert Hungerford president of the Allh e er CQUp Colorado W. C T. C; who was Graham, Miss Eleanor Stewart and Mr. S.mpson Is. broth- roses Mtss Patrlcla31cDwen, willed Jive shares of brewing com A Minting pmk -F. r Gurdewaun. Eark tor the Table Where Covers were In- - the psnw stock bv a Denver business-- , entertaining' of The guests laid for a few close friends and rel Bryan at emu man said today she should not were the hostesses mothers. Mrs dlivea. , .i E H. Raley and Mrs'H. W. Cram owning ail such stock In Mr. and Mrs. Mickey left y Dinner Guests be There wouldnt Colorado. for Oakland Cal., where Worla a fastest multi. she ww much brewing In Colorado i Mr will Mrs. will and Wells make home Seymour their The they ..motor crvice..2 pilot Radio.. tn st a dmner party Thum brrde wore-a- n 'msembtt Stewarde Heated cabina. wool with matching accessories. day evening at their home on EleWASHINGTON, (API Man- Mrs. Astin la a former student of venth East street in compliment to uel U Quespn said lodayhe Phil- - 22' Hr. - PhnyinUg tlWR j the University of Utah, where she Hr. and Mrs. William H. Horni-brooproposal! Ippino independence WHIVESIIIIS AND n L nlSBJRglOfl Ti s Is preparing for i L was affiliated with the Delta Epsil-O- it who will leave in the near whn,h SATL KUAVS Pw dent noosefH shouldunlike-le- IS Hr.- - KEW YORK - 12123 sorority; and ts a graduate of future fur Persia. ready tomorrow, butrrIf University in WashE. E. HARTWELL, D.O. the American TheThe Sait Mb Mr. g regular tneettngof ington p C ly he key is graduramneQi RLM " PhyriHi. aad Vnr.ro. before ate of Syracuse university and a Lake chapter. Child Conservation confer with the UlTUirtTH HONDURAJ BRITISH TODAY aercuw fo Btdm, will week. be next held Equally of America, student uniLeague Harvard of graduate . ' Sit Templeton lllilg. Form of govjighteemh celury Ay the Scotch SAJL1EXT FACTS Spokane, Portland. Seattle. a member of the Sig- Friday at 2 pm. at the home of versity and l'k.se W as. tje. , ho ta of Great BrUam,adeTiturerr Lord- - R.V'1en- - 1 Uaii.s, LONDON ( KP ) rlnY I Iihi-- lm Off I Mrs. Harry U - Nordberg, I ma Phi Epsilon fraternity 129 rnment' tVen the country lia to 8 59S square milee, popuia-.pos- d founder undet LOBBY, HOTEL UTAH, Powell. Buy Stratford avenue. FREE BOWKLE.TS. .fns.rwr-lin4. 2003 Be ze or.xm.'il Belize Numerous tioa internal $1,347, an (1831) went capital, jnjme operation a Kxp.rl.Mt Snlhrn Howls, Postal sad Wastem Uoioa Oftcaa Hon-ll'i- v unsuccetHrt ailetapt were rnade GOVERNMENT British Visit on Coast nnd the t,rc nf Infnnts. Mrs. P. C. Reynolds will be the bv Spain to expel the British set n Dr is administered by a gover-o- r AVASHINGTON--(AP- ) Rinnr npern.lnna prrfsrmed ni UNITED AIR Mr. and Mr 6 S Checker are leader for the meeting of Mondam liens and not until 1788 that assisted by an executive coun- manager of the Na- Compton the nfDre. week in in San spending several was concluded w hich ll chapter of the Delphian society 'i;aTi,in A rr to the Ef-seven of and a treaty theja members, of Franciw'o and duringrtreir sufgjnr Friday morning al io oclock afthe' t ywtmg,' wlth'nrtrtu oearj; .inckipmcnt ot the .HTho council. Newhouse hotel. The lesson will be i,optcs rerl)Js at till Hotel Sir Francis Drake. wajff bemg given by Mrs D C, jeountrj. In 1X36. th count: Shriver, Mrs Ray Hess, Mrs. F confirmed "is a foeaslon oyGrea g. L tjj: -- to Imme-dlatel- .. FREE CLINIC . k. llTt mis-lo- 000 - woaldhiiTean-apT'ortunHy-XnK.- pre-.de- nf . Cltn fut v I X I a, ha-r- ns I.. I -- LINES Wll-so- rier-ic- J Mra. Mrs W T Cannon BSltealftUSnlTB- Mr. J.-- W rnTMAirnrBrMueh of the is with the Lnued Stales The export products are G n enter Forties mN i cle gum. mahuganvand cedar Mrs Bron tain the menthe-- e ot the Ladies t og coconuts, bananas and other fruit. In 1910 exports toauxiliary to the Postal Clerks day afternoon at 1 39 o docket her 'aed 2SS 219 pounds, while S3 Sixth East street. amounted to 1.012,429 jboris . j pounds. will The Lady Militants NAt.vea of British meet; INDUSTRY Friday for a pne o clock luncheon Honduraa are primarily interested, at the LOOP hall, 41 Postoffiee industrially, in the exploitation of place Following the luncheon the th- - forests where valuable-stand- s lot hardwood-ar- e found. The lum- regular meeting w ill he held. Jones, TT Mra-T- t TSetlhairrr a! j I . Royal Neighbors of America. No.! 3072 will give a public party Fri-- 1 FT 4 day afternoon at 2 o clock at the U Moose club.- - The Mrs. H. H Adams is in charge or the arrangements for The affair j A IJJC ilUiVUl QFf?T) FOR FLOOD AID JL mmm public vtiLwiie department of the bait Lake dluit. Utah mill club of Wotutrri boll a meeting rrfdry at 10 a m ' at the Xesihouie- JUT Mr Var- - rfte'TrrrrdJ cdflipalM tortu ren H-- Kcate i cha man of Gift to zud sufferers in the flooded The bed-erati- ..- .- doom, pep noon, mums coon -E-S llefaraah earn ImpoMlhie Ynnr at latlsgs fiaaae t Daplicate Again. ; v .Tegon Meetings of m.tnbei of tin LaMayor Louis Marcus likewise dies Literary club to be held on appealed for support of the Include the current event pa gn He issued a statement as and current literature clas atJ2 foiSows-- , p in.; the Spanish e'ass at jtl Fully sensing the seriousness o Clock and the club chorusal 12 43 ol the catastrophe ,n the northwest o'clock. Mrs. Howard C Mean states, I hope that the people of will give a ceview of "British Balt Lake will contribute as freely .iH be as possible." Agent." and piano sciaclsou given by Mias Jcannett- - Morrell. Referring to the eantpalgn, Gus Current event tuples will be pre- P. Backman. secretary of the sented by Mrs. Henry A Willie. chamber of commerce, said W'e should feel it our duly to Mrs. Rose Hail will entertain the through the Bed Cross, in Yale camp. Daughters of the Utah j furnishing supplies and equipment rieneers. Friday afternootr at 3 to relieve the suffering in our at her heme.H33 Gtlnter, ter states, caused bv the recent lastrous flood a The chamber of ' commeree I happy to commend to the people of the commumly f. Utah the Camp Daughters Pioneets, will meet af the home of the efforts of the Bed Cross in this Mrs. L. L. Peters, 4t Sixth Tat 'behalf. canvas will No bouse al reel afternoon at 2 Friday I o'clock- take place, E W. Kelly, chairman -,of the Salt Lake county chapter of PARIS (AP) American qiiotas the Red Cross, announces. People sre not expected be affeitedjare asked to mail their eontribu-b- y France's tariff bartering policy, tions to Red Cross headquarters in ;the Beason building itjyws said today A quota of 3859 has been given At the Inited States embassy it was said there was no Intention to the local chapter to raise as its the (part of the 158.699 total fund policy: protest -' your opportunity to modernize your home: at truly remarkable saving. All appliances are included in this great Clearance. Below are just a few examples: . , I trn IMLllIIX, t.R8l) RtPins, KiRrct aad atlier Iaasna $lakee. y Here . S-U-l-T- - II tin Living Room Suites HI Llnensw la inJ'Qjj iving Room Suites 69 her Priced " Saltea la this lot, reduced fa T Living Room Suites 1 89 laf Ta ( lose aatw ( baica e. mm wmM li)QP&& I 4- - RANGES Nest models in a size to fit every quirement, Regularly priced at $ V to $162.60. - fiou $3401 $116 19-1- re0 Minimum 1934 BEAUTY PRICES FOR (Tltt (llswlag is $320 Convenient terms. Come id and make your selections ZT CT while the stock is complete! : onrAM 5 - WASATCH CAS CO . V jes 9 7 $5.50 ....... V (to age of CHILDRENS FINGER-WAVCHILDRENS FINGER-WAV.ADIESSHAMPOQ AND when combined: $60 l4-year- dried wet E, ........... .25 E, low eRVJNGmXWENZXmaNEmUIAbmCOMMUNtXiES s4 COST mm SPIRAL PERMANENTS CHILDRENS PERMANENTS al remarkably Attractive new designk Regularly priced at $11.75 to $62.50. OGDEN GAS CO. aro based nents) SPACE HEATERS as &cdt:iE-C(D- . v rlascfs r- - : AlMlalsinlsr) CROQUINOLE WIND (no name permanents) - $3.00 C0MBINATI0N (Spiral and Croquinole perma- - R$13Smo255 Ban $9S3 BEAITY SHOPS IN THE STATE OF UTAH The famous Electrolux automatic gas refrigerators that never wear out ! Reg ulariy priced at f 162.50 to $320.50. 1 Ai-- L FINGER-WAV- ............... E. VIRGIN HEAD. HAIR TINTING, long h&ir (AIR TINTING, re-tou-ch . . 75d .. .$5.00 .$3.00 25 50 75d v RINSES 2YE BROW TWEEZE, with wax COLOR OIL SHAMPOOS V HENNA PACKS, excluding shampoos FACIAL PACK, including facial konb llw gaaw cr THFbat CP.VEIAl PI s.$130 All Other Prirva wf Oraafy a la 1933 ron BtrnbbtTinv ni.lr, The average tiro required to firs a Croquinole permanent Vsv complete 2 liour The average number of curt required ta give a Croquinole Permanent tkare ire 3t to 34 The verje tine re aver paired to fitTe a tpital ivrmanent Wave in 3 houra, Tfce Wave aae number of curl required for a Good Spiral permanent are- Om mmc. RKtr fa PROTM T The JM4 Zmaty iedt P rtlMtlve JfOL. hpxtrpnrliag ibe f MIhCLKR. Heasrtp vrorfli donf at teV i O'iT rae enly ea IFirF.RJKUCKg mr m H(lRT 4 tT mm Ihn tv irhlrb rm ate B$TITI1 U. and IMTI yiF R!l 109 Living Room Suitese e1 Haap- thoire f ear finest salles Just I haitfs REFRIGERATORS Clean radiant heat Living Room Suites I eft from tbl fair starks, aow redaced ta 1veil fur Earh alt lnriMfr 4 arse piece. A 'I ? 395 BEDROOM SVITES Higher priced line: Reduced lo sell for 5S BEDROOM SUITES Mostly All reduced to go for 78 D IN1NG SriXES iN Cf.EARANCE s Vk, |