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Show THE DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE CITY THURSDAY ALL LOCAL JANUARY 4 Cronin Stands People who etllLUUak Baer i't had experience fex ba. Un have overtook rd his martial adventures, He alUi keep cooitBr back for more, which oupit to be proof that the bojr cen Jake it. not Pat On pletely successful. That about a Judes the New Zealand runner from that four minute mile turning oat wera-so spring. Cunningham mag lower the mile 'record this but Bootbroa did Sma Pnwl me chln-jJllook so etrong during the MM nei ptam "a Used stubbly to play foot- - fa)! cross country season. Mil in the old das stopped to aay hen be collapsed inrunning a race hello. - before reaching the finish, andshortly gase cro Luigi country running, Say.lie inquired "Whiu chi.up Btreeali f Italy to a serene nmner Uilc I hMr mbn.it national her ought to do well this year. championship? iiera'i a team that won its conferenca title although After bis pear ahawtag leu playing an Ineligible man all iea-obile and wax defeated by a team a palled assch f low atandlng In the conference laid plans far a la ItU ahltfe weald gte and tied by a team In pelge -. . bias a chaace e have hie greetthe-BiTen- -, , g a gang' 4 ret year w the track under playing that rates about w.tentn in the Olympic elab baascr. His the east, or something like that. Don't raaalag days are aver bat here le ee reaeea why bca tell me lt'a a national championebeald aet have that asm great ship. aeaeaa be have each premise ef be set the wsrld's gaarter Well, it is so, I said- - "I read tries half mile retards twa it in the papers. There is some aad years age. kind of a championship." "What klnd!"he growled. -COSMOPOLITAN GAMS' Well, the way they are H up, I bet it la a kind ofpiaing QROOF that golf is a very cosuo- thampion- - krpobfeMcgsiPc is prewBtla"ttt yotTsea ournproents. tbs Pasadena ope. picture? Columbia', student ,7i imong the player sere EUewortu send-oeam ith .tr tmes, and Bing Crosby, aa well as m other parts i Johnay Daa- on nd the utomrv string of way out west Just to play footbalLt F Stanford expresses appreciation 0f faou .re by tennis Cnlumhl.'. lie l,h Uh.mpa and ooiwra statement that the west coast j way. placed pretty well up ia a snows and respects Columbias tournament, the wees oefore. though that doesnt definite- Ideals and scholarshio "Next. Ferrara, Columbia'. ,e-- f prov an,h.i, (Oclou. tackle, la suspended be-- s. Raala. then avi lake b-1 he eeuidn't yank sufficient-l Ls-- ap Mr. a... yra Hlltea bad sever ly high in his studies This is met1 kat ball Stanford's by declaration that Nor-fir. HiH. HtnM HUM, who Sard, a star end. who caught the wm tfec Brltlkk pr twice, was (wt pass that got Stanford the Rom ttaca imatcvr chaafto mmd tkitf Bowl assignment, ta Ineligible ta th Imw trorr aaatew he played two minutes too 'haaptonhif Wrilf eeailas mm4 wtaalaw aar ter much football . . . ." latm er - . n. rock-botto- m eel-le- ge - Intel-ligen- cs ff Pg'fen' Blng.-by-l- , s.r -- 1 " .a, fr be-ea-ae stateskr ld letr ckaaptassl'r. Stone Is Only New Addition Boxing-Du-e For Advance Says Foster BT THE SPORTSMAN ho hatted la drily. ptctaia. Roe Boa see sNstraw va Principal Need bis Washington Senators Satisfied with the perteam the and 'with the sonnel of prospect. for another American league pennant and this time a world's aeries verdict. Stalwart young "J o e, , spending th.T' winter at his' home "here, went Into huddle with himself today and came op with a smite o' at anticipation what the New' Tear will bnng Tor him abd his ' W4o ball tossers. h'im Ji Joe Cnmln that Injohn-first. -' Ity&S Afblmie'd AA9, ny Stone he has Just the rightfielder" he har beeir seeking. hi 45 SotO'JoUiCJWlI't Second, he sees in Travis, who hi aWl WCK5 So came np from Tennessee last midIf eZBOUO rftRST n of great season, a Tte xrmeTics promise. SiAice. Me tecAMe "I think well do, summarised A MAJOR lEAfideR. hi IQVI At. the Senator manager. . With the addition of Stone,- - hO -MAS JOUSAfS Bil 0t Of TAB came from Detroit In a etratgnt Mt W VeASHOb MrfTERS deal for Goose Goslin, we'U go to rue. l&AUX SI 930 AMD 03l bat with last year's club. Stone Has Everything Jan' 4'1-NShoJd mlurialy Mp . . Simmons, the sluczmft outfielder, conlj-gc-f wiIF Uie Dncago IT.te box today at an our Tiatiing puncR.lIe'll drive in runs. He has all the qualifications, annual salarv of $115,000 or thereabouts, a substantial reduction of a star for he can 33tipend paidhim for last season's work. Sim mons new contract throw and hit. will cover his eleventh and twelfth seasons in "Travis k about ready for the major league baseball. The outfielder is whilmg away the winter big leagues. He got off to a great months cutting lee on near Eas'e Htver. Wis. Comiskey's start when he went in for. Binege la satisfied with . mi s llz f ,1' Y,' Gonnd le i Lucas Expected To Aid Pirates Title Chances FRIDAY, JANUARY 5TH Pltts-ourg- h, - -- np BirTrr" ems ,o he ahlo ,0 m.k. a trade that will bring a proud winner to spot in the world. their city. TMttnhy ef UD- - Ctah iiaksoh s. jo:inso:i TiMR Liitrr A. A. V. RALPH HUELLEn Cmua vs. Lad -- IVATSOn Iulwntty mt Ctafe DEL CUM CE L Weetrra MMdlewrisli"Cbampien DAUE REYHOLDS The Snappy x Tfa.lee free, oct, or fall the Ceae - TmTuI Th. Tew comeF: ib l.ties.. FYplJffr DpTlipC HitW Forbids Levin sky Match There lent anything ln partlcu- lar that would commend Lucas to e manager on tho lookout for pen-- ! nant winning material. There is. however, a quality about tho young man that yon don't find so htgbly developed among ball playera in general. For Instance, juet tell faahionabl sertlon of Berlin, and Lucas that you have got to have some particular game won and occasionally eh cast an affection, ate glance at the big husband who nicely stowed away in cold etor- once held the greatest and you will see him grit Wi Breaking a prolonged silence ship within the gift ofchampion teeth pugilism prepare to do the stew-- 1 M ,Unsand now was about to essay a .he ubct ot hi lng. He pitches that wsy. too. He . come back. former heaiy weight throws the ball to the batters mith8ch'nr'iX. a wicked menace ln his eye andfchainpioiq-announ- cfi t.xaay thar h Is likely to have greater speed! he was sailing Anny ma quite ft accord wttl her a piano and likewise with at the finish than at the beginning. ahoard the Bre- - husbanu This ls tralt whlch. mort. manw! ni i .a t i cha nol knv cnfTanT 12 overlook. gera to meetHKtnir he compli In Chica- - aid. enthusiistkally. mented" mr fi! s In the nicest nay COLUMBIA LIONS go ueat month, Imaginable. to quite an ardent He characteriz-emnd. d STOP-OVEas 'Donsenae" film Ian, I understand. HERE The conversation ' then veered those reports Th victorious Columbia nnfver-- , that said Chan back to the' Chicago meeting with . 'i alty football team which staged the, cellor Hitler had Levinsky. th year In greatest upset-- of the forbidden feel certain Til minTio safd Bowl last Monday, will make a rematch. Tha quietly. it atU be my start tostop-ovIn Salt Lake ports In ques- ward another match for the chamat 2:34 p m. today. , , were tion prediTh team was Invited to stop ever , pionship.' cated on tho fact by the Salt Laka Junior chamber of commerce, hnt the time will be that Levinakjr o limited that vary little tn the a Hebrew and NORTH SANPETD way of entertainment cun he prothat the jHltlec vided for th gridsters. anti-Jetsh. policy ia M MEN, START That'a almird, Schmeling said UimTH TtMl rao advlaed "Herr Hitler BASKETBALLPLAY instaatlj. LOS ANGELES. Jam. against Any break with my mana- (TXSt Fotlowlnfof Aaron Roao The ger. Joe Jacobs, who Is Jewish. 80 kT. PLEASANT Jn. I.schedule ivrf, Univoraity of Southern Call hy should he object to Levin North Sanpete hoop orniaa alAtncrlcaa football ruard. sky opened at Fatrview when Ihenrth riffitlx. aou qiiarferbat k, lo- he qnrwt nat Ag gehmchfig-talked- , oJ tun prr framed b7 tb mat' pf In An arm chair with a hl7"f-- . The as d plar with the . , gnme between the two d ri,m t al.f 2rna All Stan ia a pro z!.f Plesrant which been ward had were ei aamc against the Chicago Bears Aimy Ondra. for that day waa poet- kero Jan. li. tea at their palatial home in w.ngj,ch.dule4 thelpoaed to Jan. t. IbuM ft IS, ss Tin 6cwnl A4mlm4un, ri Nwt plai Tai I allei Half Price, Stwnrcl taler? Saata. cCullougbs Arena x,:u:xi thy joe iisurs'AgK i u. t The-Irish- . -- ,g Even more difficult to run a human body when your system does not function properly. You can buy more gas but you can " not buy health. The greatest asset any one can possess is a sound body. We can not sell you one, butwe can help you improve the one you have. r In these days of keen labor competition who wants the man or woman that is ill who has lost the .go the vigor of health. 1 t oPoLaf-rth- doing it. deftod-4li-oBt-wae- Tif-v- I d ' : Start the Year Right Cost of Gym Membership -- BUSINESS MENS MEMBERSHIP, complete with full privileges of V floor, classes, pool showers,iiand-ba- ll courts, ,gtf am room, locker and health examination, from $20 to 130 per year, f SENIOR MEMBERSHIP, (young men)(l& to 19 years), $12 to $20 o- i to Go! If you make a grind of your work and your health fails, your loss of time will be infinitely more, than to spend a little time each week in the gym, keeping young and having a pleasant time per year. JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP, (boys) (10 to 16 years) $5 to $8 per year. -- R - j Of Course You Can Find Time SWIMMING the-Ro- Umjm - Very Hard to Run a Car IVfien Your Gas Is All Gone u er NEW POPULAR PRICES er J, ch RILL oe Baer-Cnrne- ra slst-No- w JACK TWO STARS mat perf ormersi la enhanced WTO list of local catch esnery the presentation Friday night of an adepts would he correct unleae rx r'd'rjerBerl Kunkeis name appealed 'Arena made up entire- - near the top. Kunkel ia a Junior ly of local talent. middleweight but claims ha can limit required Strange as a It make the may seem- - the, of legitimate welterweight compe. titoTaHe la generally acclaimed j, program Is Just as state champion in both clsssea about as inviting as it could be, but Hy Shaman disputes hie lalm 7 even with na- - to the welterwetght honor, Kunkel has been in the profee. tionatly Import- ant stars on rional class only two seasons From the very first of his mercenary mat parade; The cynosure activities. Del proved To he a sen- - " aation. His latest feat is perfect, will of the show be Pat O Shock- - ed execution of the airplane spin, er. The- - sorrel- - ala Ira Dern. Del gets It off right thatched Ctabn Pertly. Dev Reynold has been in clr- recently of In the dnnatl. but now of Belt Lake, bag East" for - five msde a. host of friegda h. Pat OShocfcer years pow. re- took np his abode here. He will a have fair country following when turning occasionally for an appear- ho ance before the home folks. He has goes In against Kunkel Friday been an outstanding attraction In night In one of th double-henuPhiladelphia, Boston, New York bouts. Reynolds is a cousin of Ja k and other centers of grappling ac- Reynold veteran champion of atl. tivity. It was reported by on east- terwelghta and the youngster ern sports-writthat Pat made wrestles very much after the same more than 230,00 In one year but atyle aa the old master. This is le two out of threo Pat says the Income tax man found affray. that report to- be somewhat exag- tm Marllcr le O be Shocker will gerated. Anyway aether ffee T""" Wrtwaw who has back on display Friday night. -riWIri Salt Lake M will wrestle Blit H Is estiva Has. he re, Cvr-- "" Bill is another local boy Aveee patoeas have had " Longson. of renown. He gives assurance, by their eyes apeaed this -- tn'is X the seieatifie aatiea a his past performances that no refI he hlead Tratea. He will taeele eree will be obliged to stop th agalast Ralph hnwa, fence match thl time and give the dee( rtah capuia. tahndly cision to O'Shocker because of lack -- -a a a of competition. Indeed, there are ' axd BILL t those who Insist that Longson ls A PPtQ the IMP toWE-l-y e about the best of the local heavy- tha weights, right now. Bill Benson. tH. y r scbedulvd jor LonxMons style quite dis tie in the spe. "s Arena eard- .gniscs his effectiveness. Borne- - dil event on Neither r"llol phrases of Intro. what maladroit la bis actions. ' ductlon hekyTuffice It to say that Bill Is nevertheless effective. Johnson, college football star Wrestlera who have tackled and Hainan, the A. A-- C. alumut big, bold Bin declare bias lo be have bean nt each oUier lor 1 one of be strongest athletes conple of month Dempsey Out To Make Champion P?! f th. they ever Hutched- - Longsoa is fighter ioo and as placky aa tbey come. v n. ?cJe'sperfecUy DILL BT EDWARD C. FOSTER (President, National Boxing Asso- elation.? : , R, I Jan. PROVIDENCE, ring 14247 boxing of air klndx will a tremendous impetus. All cloee that Is really needed ia the dealcooperation, and honest, fair boxers. ings by the promoters and The boxer, on his part, must real cannot pay lze that the promoter excessive prices for services and toe able to exist. This realization by the boxer, with honest sndexvor to deliver his best-- efforts, will result h boxing being placed again on the high level which 4thaa enjojtd in past years. Must Deliver Both boxers and their managers hats been brought face to face with the fact that L order to prosper they must deliver the good I believe this has finally made an Impression on -the boxers, and --that th quality of the contests will be vary much reason that the promoters realize that the general more alive to much la very public iAt.constlt u tes a good lst boxmg Contest and tho promoter-witMn-seven more strongly than In the past that the boxers render their best services or no employment Junior" Boots Boxing commissions all over the country should at once put their foot down firmly on managers and prorootara who andaavrr to stag contests Junior" championship These "Junior championships'' no whatever have ln.pro- standing feaslonal boxing. Certainly th from public has suffered the -- exploiters in the boxing came In the past and It la high time a stand against these contests was taken and that they b entirely eliminated. that' ftav-ert- DIG DOUBLE I 1 . Howeverrl don't thtnk Binege is through. He's a good, steady ball player and I Tor one think ho has a lot of good ball games left." riria Uly Cronin named as the younger A. A. V. Basketball men ho aspects to develop Into -B-aer-WorldS players for his opponents to tear Committee Meets tho following; Prim. Chapman and ' i Bolton. Tbt latanBonntala A. A. D. Bolton Boasted ketball committee, comlatlaf of I By WALLACE X. RAWLE8 A "should be a, ho sold, "Bolton." Joe Joo fight with tho Chalrnta ChrUtcnaaa, Bobby Richardson aad Jimmy a great hitter. WeU put fn consld- - f OS ANGELES. Jan. I. (IXgrifht prices would draw a million-erabl- e HaAkwb. will bold Its first meetinr iR Ch cago and interests time this spring polishing , jy nala olijec, 1934 Is dol,ar Kat of tho mum ot tbo Deseret gym there have consulted with me about Bacr th. w,oridst. eadiaz room tonifht to decide on net-1- 0 to rtop o er In Chi 0."g e-- kt dates for the meet aad make pleas tefied" with Sewell. Berg snd champion." a, dy on th.s trip east. Its what fcuM be tbs rrsetsst A. ',0r a and staff For ha of his c for Bcnmellng. "Jack Dempsey, yearn nter the midwest nd a catching kept . p. court tournament ever etaged. ton formerly . the,he crew of pitchers composed of champion, now a would go 'er,b1- me waiting. He wouldn't fight me.t The meet has been definitely iflEht.thlre sports promoter StewWeaver. fee- I aren't give him a chaace. l!'dL,',4 '! Lak Crowder, WhitehUl, .?!!" hI" hw rly part art, Russell, Thomas aml Burke. tKur a 1QUld won't fight .nynn. who fights him of0d..,,,11.Ilk'1 , owner and oil March. "And," be --added with a smile, cither- man. made tbat that don't forget " If promoters war really ser- statement today wears on Totn . rookie."" McColt He'a a smart ious about lng Boar and ah prepared i Hannah WlUiams. Broad ay 8 Schmeling. Camera's attitude cer- - CHICAGO. Jan. A fIXSk The pitcher." to depart tomor-- J cheerful little earfuL" manager looks for, row niht for They wlrt leave New York Jen H his tougbeet competition from York In an for Oklahoma City whore Dempsey wUl nri XZ? ot ,h athw,,t d PacI,,c Boston, Detroit, Cnicago and New ' 1 effort- - to start a four months tour aa boxing and wretting referee and rang for l!kei bout between remln on Heth lkout wilier in Texas twa 5?ndrimoimonths combining ring work with and dt?Telopmert of Ch The way I Mnpcten properties in which he to Interested see it. that' the, . cw revealed that he ha e Dempsey wou d max any new find He to Harry Thomas 24 money, eng neer who recentlj No oame here from 4ow- - with: asp. : Jack Dempeey Bey said. to be a heaweignt prise- fight . game can make any money with fighter. Is Dempsey asserted that Thomas out using Baejwl want n diamond In But the rough BT"J0HNB." FOSTER W ahead. He got his start ln the an chamnot and clever, overnight EV YORK. Jan. A CPA) fight game and hell finish there." pion My plans are, of course, a lit- - "Hes and ready, strong, In moving Red Lucas to tie Indefinite until X eee Baer on punches rough hard, has enly been Cincinnati may have con- this trip either- hi New York once in ins career nd Ars j4sionod trived to make th National league Washington." declared. or hurt." Dempser. "eTer be2 knocli all over again as far a. th club But Tm going to get S together concerned. ere re going to develop .tendings Thoms ' him and Camera. , I.... . Next fell the fens in smoketown n, ,f ,he where he may tumble over one another to 1 h ran got like flsht owners end round, fight present the Pittsburgh now and Im rwdyne round now. hc11 be a vh't Our the management with congratnla- - n orgauiaatiou Incidentallv. Schmel- - Job right cow l"trnng to tmrto ahfdlions, er they m Y roost high on n PUnrhea return battle thdh itiAurtinn' benrh till aaaAr rn Wants "I For 1934 Campaign Pickrof Salt Lake 7 Matmen On Parade LAKH CITY'S reputation! Far Dealing Between SALT wrestling center and espe-Promoters Fighters dally as a developer of outstanding with1 By RALPH B. JORDAN AN FRANCISCO, Jan. ' CINS) Manager Joe Cronin Mr. In hawntayed those faor boll satcif with HMtoo-eee- AT Washington Senators Lineup 4. Travis to jSeejLots a A SEW MILS XKtOKO Of Action Around ACK LOVELOCK mtf not fgn again. as aj operation on a 7 Hot Comer cartitag in bis leg vm not com- ot S n SLATED SPORTSthi r 1934 ' MEMBERSHIP (Over years) pool, showers, steam room, expert instruction, $15 per year. Regular class instruction in swimrriTng every day at l2:30 and 5:30, WOMENS - MEMBERSHIP includes health examination, locker, dressing room, full privileges of floor and pool $15 to $20 per year. JUNIOR. MEMBERSHIP.(jprls)410 to 15. years) $6.50 to $8.50 per year 16 Take out a membership today. Young or old, we have the ac tivity that will fit into your pro gram. Pay for it a little at a time, monthly, quarterly or yearly in advance! . , May we have the pleasure of workihg and playing with you. The Deseret Gy.vmasium r . |