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Show THE DEat-Khl- SALT NEWS 1 LAKL SNAPOGRA. PIIS CITY lilUKSDAV JANUARY 4 1931 Timely Camera Shots Covering The Globe I'D TRY COME-BAC- K Regain- ing health and strength for a try at recapture of the tennis crown he lost last year to Helen Jacobs, Mrs. Helen Wills Moody ts pictured at Berkeley, Calif., l)Hne with two prize Scalyliamg which she is .es tcrlng in shows, -- the agriculture adjustment admin- WHERE SNOW KING REIGNS Here are some scenes of the severe snow jTlic gfapliic iliiy, reiUer, ?Jwn the bllmrd at It bright J'urk tfievtatclinuuiyf the vlllnre with hk luo dt4. Far from his sunny istracon. tracks which dear. has Left. dr the one. fhendreet tlorm Belgian homeland, a motorist from Cristobal. Canal gripped the nation, sending the temperature down to ' newj with a keep rilhi encountered his first' 'Placed Coder Control lows for the season and covering ...wide, area with blankets of snow and Ice.i Village at the Chicago World's Fair at M appeared after the heavy snovr fall,! snow The president announced the Field, L I., and the drifts stopped him. of. executive orders extendi., the $3,500,000,000 fund la prohibit the abrupt tenpination of of the business and tanking struc-io- f ing the authority of director of the compared with 1 464.600; for eduthe recovery program. ' is charged withjpectcd To be spent next year., of the Lewis Douglas over all nation, budget cation 'of Indian pupiU. at "No person can on this date def- almost $4.0oo. 060.000 of the $,- Civilian conservation work. the extraordinary expenditures hereafschool, boarding. OOu.OOO.flOu the total this amount for .federal initely insurance corpora-Thi- s ter. and deficit predict also the audit authority year. deposit Phoenix. Arizona, 3177 150 comthat will oe needed, nor the itemmoney is in loans. A credit tioij and the Agriculture adjustment of the comptroller general , over pared with 3 JS4,4S0; for Shmian $48;-'.an such OO.i00 inrepaymenis amount. lsiadmimstrtuion accounted for most these itemi izing of of Riverside. Cafifornia. Institute, "It is my beet. judgment at this (counted upon for neat year. The :of the ..re nuimder or the emergency In his message he noted that the 218.4iu compared with SDTO.lwM; that a time total of to hinted newspapermen (outlay ror tm vear. ?riviint budget for the new year the first appropriation for llatikell Insutirc. Lawrence. xu3t ta exceei iso b unforoseea-ioa- ns - to ex on doUareipos vil t s meii,eney budget he has aubmitted do Congreea -(Continued From. Page One) Kansas. $;:o6.6S5 compared with .r. 6 8 4.3 1 3, 1 6T with will, the an to lime business next additional still expMdiTures l31.QU0.Dtiufor sho year. 15 the Minne3312.50O: d of cf ior '..Pipestone. restoration be made next year out of existing The pyrdic w oxkiuadmin btratlonTt he Tennessee valley authority. in the regular ordinary expendisota. SS.30 compared with $12$, per cent cut in pay for federal b- of4$65. 190,000 for emergen conser-th- e tures over the budget submlted a sfftcreiir"T. l charged with $1. 6.7.100. 8v0 for fcaD: carson flCtf.825. ejnpItyes,eiccUvo July I, end appropriations,The huge construction corporavatlon work; $12,650,000 for 'emtrgehcy'V expenditures year ago by the outgoing adminisA!bu- - favored continuation of the three tion, called compared- with $162,300: ' ' leral to finance much land , Another $1,0S9,SS3.100 upon year. banks, and $5,000,000 for tration. New Mexico. mail rate. 1225.455 cent quer'iue.comiiared with $::7$.iu0: Santa Fe, , As ia his personal address in the INew Mvxino- - $162.1i compared'Hoase chamber yesterday. Mr. Roo- VIChiu Chiu $3,800, bth in for repairs there IseieH spoke optimistically of the Ari.,.;t(, tl;j non rompared Navajo and Hopi miseellan-- ; AlUS $?5 OdO oust ness ou'look. ,ih cwr recovery fiiKilin for-- III mh projeedsin-Artromra- nd "Pa)Vv.ii(I fort re. ..for recovery Mexico. $l,a00: Coachella h sj:J. "It is by laying a alley., i;uri, s, hool Fort Wingate- Xe ai!.' California. 11.900: Morongo. CahrMxi'p con'T-i-c- i nith ;l"UIU:iT:on of ronfeienr. m f he isj an,l faiih.in the future that fornla, 83.500; pals and Rlncon.i $197,200; for Bismarck Xoh he upturn which we have so far California.' $2,000;' Southern L te. River. seen becomh cumulative-- , Colorado. $9,200; Walker The cornerstone of this foundaNevada. 8,300; Western Shoshone, New the Mexico, tion is Nevada. 35,000; Zuni, ' WASHINGTON. Jan. 4. (API good credit of the government. $6,800; Colville,' Washington, Appropriation, totaling $14,285,190 $4,000. "If we maintain the course 1 for the bureau of Indian affairs in have outlined, we can confidently Project Suffers tha fiscal year 1815 were recomlook forward to eumaiaUve bene- For operation and maintenance cheol nearmended today In the president's Tahlequah. Uaia., ificial forces represented by in ot and Florencebndget message to Congress. J 3115.70, .ilk compare $117,170, icreaeed volume of business, more Arlxona. allocated $18,968,545 Casa.300Grande projects !n 1224.600 for Carter Seminary. Oku., 5 general profit. greater employcompared wtlh - forCongress the fiscal year 1 $34, but tb, 28 compared with f a9.l5F:;fbr ment,- a diminution of relief exestimated expenditure for structures and Improvements to! Euchee, massage Ok la.. $41.8uO . compared penditures. larger governmental lands on reservation Irrigation would be only $15,940,144 and . repayment. .ud with with $43.60: for Eufauia. Okla., receipts $991,200 .compared Certain funds from the national $18,24 compared with $19,970; human $863,000 happiness.' funds). greater recovery (national recovery fund through - public Bekw Coogrrsa Limit Avdemy, Okia., $61,325 works era being expended- during for structures and Improvement lands on Pimas' Gila river, Arisons, compared with $70,720; for Wheel-oc- k It had been pointed out by him the present fiscal year com- earlier In Okla $48,480 Academy. .with a supplemental talk $750,006 measure project, compared affaire, accounting In s $900,000 (recovery fund); for im- pared wtth $55,390; for Chemawa. wtth newspapermen that the more for' the drop between the Salem, dollars-i$111,740 be spent Oregon, reserten than billion of compared Colorado river and expenditures Provision provement with $224,400; for not up fp Jhe Flandreau, this fiscal year Is made, also, for the expenditure vation . "Arisons, Irrigation system authoraed by Congre. Ikota, $159,815 and al-of recoveryfuqds during the 1925- $10,200 compared with $12,010; orou!,, 'with $ 1 57, 150; for rrlfasrsoomparfdjlimit "The results of expenditures at. r fiscal year. terarions at same schiol. . f 0.O'JO ready made. his message . Comparisons Made with 1 2 n J 9 ; for Pterre.r"ehow themselves in concrete ra'd, compared form , Recommendations, with coni ct. $74,999 f'Uih ImViIj, compTFed jin beiler prices for farm commodi-$10,00- 0 parfeons for th, fiscal year 1924 for Improvements fo on-for t Tomah, is, ties, j in business' renewed m compared with $20,000follow: acuviy, $3,910 compared with SH4.-:- n ..." General .increased employment, la re- d overy funds 1: for operation pump-j11- ; expenses. 118.500 with .l 20.000 for 194; Ing plants, Pan Carlos reservation. j ipening of and restored.conftdence n banks, and in I rt- purchase and transporlatioeLof In. Arlxona, $4,370: for improvements 1 r a i to lbs .ommoa schools dUn supplles.-$S4S.9compared I" 8an Cr, lrr5a,l,n s' em l ie trrTe,pec:ivo seven billion with $850,000; field represents $10,000 compared with $15,000 (re in the Creek. Choctaw I:ll,rde.-K-for this year irctade $r tivev, $12,080 compared with 1 1 9t. funds): for rertsmstion and inickssikw' and no e nat ons . , mstntenanee 14.00.00 additional to be asked court Indian onTum rre.jand the ya-i000; pay of judge. in b. agrasy 19Jcore . $12,500 compared-wit- h ifrow congress-fsir.u.ng $15,000: rvatlon. California, and 11 Iuiua.hmr $394 oeO sumc un;,i in 1 entries In Arisons. $ Unjoin. jinx $ 500 fnr nubiratlen 0;,llnimw ,hs va,lt c!',: rk pay of Indian police, $105,450 com. homstead no compared with $19 e n1 f.nannng the er devoted to lol an elu,,iit jml' 'lr1,lon pared with $150,000; suppressing fpj $4.-20- 0 BanK Indians. lx,an traffic among Hall Fort liquor Hit $!0.'0. to pay truancy officers atdi,,om compared with $95,300; for to iav wuhm ot- For Improvement mid ma;nln. jutsjc T acrf r improvement of Indian agency ant e Fort Hail Imatlon ayatcuf. rmplovd by ante with 011,100 $149,110 buildings, compared 22.SuO recovery nr public div? llin a V Idaho. t!h r counrv nabiNG compared "a $219,280; Tor determining heirs of 827. wO; lor atruciural hoo a in fuJ blood Indian nxl jear n ork lor urr- - L Lonru&s. prefers . a deceased Indian allottees. $80,000. ' ,jm me pyf'tem. ad-d ire there not cornier w. he doea same as 1934; for payment of pros with Ho.utM) ant au dav tciioo.s f.r their (yr oai.e(und: Prire 4 50 bate attorneys for the five rivilu-e- d maintenance (recovery to Anor.t ' one Replacement eaiLh from fjnda oC tribes - in Oklahoma. $J.00, Montana, irrigation Fort Belknap 1,cni to another. :. t i 13.-i d - rxprr!fhtnrc-ayetems. same as In 19S(; surveying and a!-- ! 303 ALL WOOL, 3 ply tiger n (e Mlj rtto J compared aith $Jl i io tor im tl O'Ca lotting Indian reservations, $20,. sfor bee o th f ime- of aame ayatein. 'iimnirs the expenditure hilhon twists rich saxonys wor- -' 000 same as 1934; for quieting title doL.irs next are. year children of to Pueblo lands in New Mexico. steds. to tuppie rouphly,. 3S03.O90.OO0 ; Indian blood. .. 810.000. tame as 1934: advertising Reconstruction or d of moux nation.11 i?r ayetema. 84.300 compar-- 1 sale of Indian land. $5on. same Irrigation $SOO.Oa.o0 Corporation. to with $5,650: for lmprovcmeri Off301.t3 compared with $.373,850: -- am 1934: counsel for Pueblo In-- d same NEW PATTERNS, wales, snother year the Civilian of Natwr, 0f Alaska. I., . 15.000 compared wlth-$- i 0, same la ns f New Mexico,-13.42 nd22000 with 26 4 O'lh v dVcovery funds) (or tnafnten o.paref as 194 stripes, plaids and tip 2x1 Ply Broadcloth ,or ' nempioy: ance of Flathead. lrriga-relif'0 llospllab Education Fund OnL ; checks. I meht OUU tlon $11, Attached or Neckband Collar trin Bjlcni8 CODIpared. fit fr$r oiinmirynt Tor administration of Indian with $152 000 for th7 necessq tor improvement on among In1jn 2 98 , 4 NEW COLORS, browns, forests. Including education of Double Shrunk Throughout WO compared pare $219 sanie h systemN with 2. Kh ng r c very W,!1 etili in proper car of - forests, , Are blues grays. with $300.6 e lnndsr:,$ JJ $183,510 compared with $197,000; for maintenanco (recovery Green, Blue, White, Tan dd tionai of Crow reserve- ul and samto-i- a relief funds will be necery for expenses incident to sale of Color-fas- t, Monuna. irrigation system.; Anion Indian O&ais Course! of 2 Further ALL 35 eda to 50, regutimber, $92.000 . esmpored with tion lxpiut of th SIZES, country 118.43 compared with! sanatorium Kavutu torj21.8lO: 102.521: Insect control work on stouts stubs f lars. rame t 3h' longs, F improvement Byatems.'M? Ien donator allied preference-boau- se Ascot ince iin The bas Rt3y&r Klamath reservation, 510,000; sup37,840; 4 of lte nmaaing quality fen southern Navajo 'general hos 545. compared with 33O.UO0 pressing forest fires, $25,000 are features that turcs way ahead of 308.870: covery for funds) Froenlx Sanitarium, maintenahceipital. with 540.000; supervising Aorth Dakota: Turtle Mountain Its price class. Tailored like custom-mad- e EXPERTLY TAILORED, Indian of Flogback y irrigation - project.! i 0.070: l'in;a hospitab. fio otO; mining operations on leased finished with 7 ocean $35,380: carefully Fort Berthold Navajo reservation. New MeaUco. Truxtnn Canvon liAspital. 811.045; hospital. st 14 to 17 the lands, 562.000. by one of the nation's pearl button front.-Suewith 811,355; for!"etern Navaio hospital 33.3:0: hospital. $17,230; Fort Totten hosso many we For developing agriculture and 38.400 compared know of shirt havthgp Tnlv manufacturers of fine Lee hopiral. 811.320; lortj pital, $21.6,0,- Standing Kbsk hosstock raising among Indians. $142,. improvements r to same eysiem.-jChquality features, .priced to low! with 375. 0u3. lApache hespjtal.j. 2'a.ll0:- Uava- - pital. $26,340. compared 55 compared with $355,000;- for 154.150, clothing. Oklahoma: Cheyenns and A - Flab Reserve Benefited e .OMipai hospital. M.T10; Hopi hoe-- ; encouraging Industry and hospital. Choctaw $33,940; aid For salaries of engineer and as- - Pil. f f.7.0 Zupp hospital. a nd C amonglndlansandio 7 hicasaw sanitori um, $5 for middle Kio Grandc'; San Carlos hospital. 17.J00: them In culture of crops, $325,000 Shawnee ssnitonum. v $85,. 0 hospital. 12.640:, compared with $449,200 (advances con&ervancxprojectNew Mexico.tTohathi. 260; Claremors hospitai. 23i,856-- i hanRiver I21.ST: ra,lo hospital. for may be shade tirwoithy' Indigo Pawnee 335,449; Phoenix hospital. Clinton hospital. $18.97 sjuicin-!51re- - Improvement of irrigation andL what Valuet They1. Are at youths for educational courses, and Ponca A0 hospital, JL77,?99;. orium,. 838 82i 0 00 S.X8 Imboreements to be made in- - eight l7intab'Hreservaiionr-Uta- h $77.25. no comparison with 1934; for yeareO I tah Hospital U-ltenance of reservoirs, Yakima res- - California. Hoopa alley For Irrigation South Dakota: Crow Creek hos823.2dO; Soboba hospital, 318 Washington. 39 003 sets. $120,000 compared with 2161 7.0.260 Pine Ridge hoepl-ta- i. pital, 1885 hospital. $18 wuh $Udi00; for improve. 5 00 divided as folinwsMiscsHsw-lPare$40,860; Rosebud- hospital. 313.160. ( on eons $10,000; Aknhln, $3,000, and ment of irrigation systems. Wind 870Colorado: $26.450.. Yoa caa be bure that 'the patterns are .Lie Mountain river diminished reservatloi and! Clntah hospital, $13,955 irannhh In tbeir jittracilTq design - Edward. E Taylor ytok: ceded Wyoming. $23.sa0al-,u23- 9. Full lined to give a neat fcahitbrl-uTakima Washington: 222.736. , with $45.U0u. jhosp.tkl, compared pearance and tie In a smooth, knot....: : Idaho: Fort Papwal Santtorlum. $37.90; Tacoma sanikorium., Fojr Indian school support. 33.' ra-X- e h t w I c $188,510: .19.410. Tulallp hospital la,- 831,450 compared with 3 3.0 00.500. 378,850; TortlHall hospitals, UnCLAIED SUIT iaconsin ; Hayward hospital. including 34.dO0 for educattonof 3i,? 528.265: Tomah hosptta!; '22t.;8.i Sac and Fox Sanilorium, Alabama and .Couahaual&4iana-4- n , jWyoming;-BIXhOTie,- 25 380.' Texaa (no other specific amounts Utmrm4 bj Mnneaota Pipestone "Tiospiial, )or repairs of undesignatcd hoser isllsrlac $ mentioned) for support of Indian1 20.910. l. pitals, and structural We wnta. easchoola mother, than among five ci- ' Montana: Black feet ment 1120.000. compared to offer tie - i vilised tribes, from tribal funds. 5164.900 For val-eo funds). ttre $23,520; Fort Peck hospital (recovery 3502U$O Including the following: clinical survey of disease . condiFormerly 2.49 . w t Reg. For7 Belknap hpl'.s'., rtfteea Del tions among Indians. $K.60 OOoS 0 ton. Ckskt retor to medical 525.000: ,;Jn XonRue Rl, hojp.tai, ftvs Delians. lief In Alaska. $263,555 compared to $281,600. A snappy tweed coat known to the close followers of fashion as the Balma-ca- n eleded. Treaties Fulfilled Bel Tailors model its classic raglan sleeve an :l bellless, loose drape suits every ..type Every-pai- r perfect! Gauntlet or ntp For general support and adminYmuw Heard wrist style all sires all exceedingly Two slash pockets, a Prussian collar, and adjustable of istration Indian and all age of property fly. figure values priced at 2.49 regularly-- . iU Veer great ( 7 Cs"Wfe $1,590,001); 62.4,040 compared lo tod.tv reduced to I1.5S. Dont wait . regularly selling at $7.50 wrist straps are the smart features of this coat tor fulftliing trearles with Cheyan Sew Mala St. they'll 'go in a hurry at this special at Sears for only $4.98. ennes and Arapboes; under Mon-- ! sate price! featured Opee WMswfsy . tana treaty. $87,400; for fulfilling Seterday ment boarding schools of all classes! and sanitarium.'.855-750- : Mescnle- - treaties with Northern Pawnees, Nae- - Okla., $49,175; forfulfilling treat- during " summer months. $j$.000.!rs hospital $18,720: East-r- n SALT LAKE MAIN -- AT x of Nebrsks, compared with $90,000; for traus-aj- q $15.070; NortherniI hospital CITY BROADWAY TaosiNorlh Dakota and iiouth Dakota. porting pupils to Inilian schools.-Navajhospital. $27,285: $60.000, compared with $95,000. other tribea 2401.200, .hospital. $13.990: Zuni stoaitori-an- d um. For- lease, purchase, epalr-Of 51.330: Albuquerque hospbj For construction of irrigation at unspecified points, i buildings at Indian schools ootital. $47,260: Charles H. Burke otherwise provided for. (273.060 pital, $7,440; Santa Fe hospital, $311,500. : XUiTt-hlMm-in; ex-tu- Budget Makers See Emergencies Budget Requests $16,285,390 For Indian Affairs y . f y-- onc-ihir- fed-ih- ls non-Joc- al I Public Works' i j Red Men During Owning Year : i -- V - YOU ARE THE MAN nt Who Knows Style You Are The Man Who Should Know The Outstanding In All 3 -- $58.-22- . Quality Value! -- for-Indi- an . estl-mat- s T 1 7t same-proje- ' coin-pare- I ; Theyre Setting the Pace in Values Now! 1 00 Che-ok'- -- S-- rhrs Replacement Price 19.50 t - . . Royal Ascot Extra Trousers . . coni-l:u- ? 1 s I- - SHIRTS . . 3.50 - 45 lo FI-e- - r.ln.-Rtio- rroiid corn-!th- 1 f0 .... ktk it 1 hospi-rmgh- yea--I9- 34 -- bsithre'f.d 9 - x (re-!an- com-por- fore-.-mo- - rap-ho- rt ' SMART HEW TIES Coio-723- compared--witli.84r4S- cd hospl-ervatio- n. - com-!ia- '4M l- - Yuma-hospital- hospi-Und- 55c s, and-colo- Featuring ' Improve-bosplta- l inhrh9 at Sears Amazing Savings! Balmaccan Model 1 98 Special! Sale of PIGSKIN GLOVES IZ I icom-par- ed I98 ... Free kmte-2iKea- I Vl -r- - r. " |