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Show THE (WEATHER tonight, Pi voider tonight. IDAHO fair tonight: Friday. TEMPI RtTIRKs Max Wed;. 60 Thurs 3 Min. Wed.. It I(am am Thurs. 3? Min. Thurs. 35 II noon Thru. 3 Sunset Th'irw Rum, fh 1 53 UTAH- s 4- - Nr .'I PRICE FIVE CENTS SALT- - LAKE-CI- DTAH TY TIIURSDAY-JAXUA- 4 RY 1934 EIGFTY-FOURT- YEAR H Silver Plan Laid Before : President, By Senators King, Wheeler 1u. S. LOANS ' URGED FOR ExpectEmergency ToLast To 1935 INDUSTRY House Group' Adopts Proposal - to Aid W hite Metal President Seeks to Treasury Sets Hold Total Debt Year s Expense . At 32 Billions 7 Over 10 Billion -- W.VhHINGTO.V. Jan. 4 ( P) Calling France a naand "detion of chesters faulting misers," HepresonU-tiv- e Britten (R. IU.), in the that an -eBouse mbargo he placed on French wines and - that . President-Roosev- elt tail upon that nation to pay its debt Install-- . men I. in Message WASHINGTON. Jan Government spending, (AP) Brief at more than a biUon dollars a month for recommendationa home the first Jatfor 1934 and a made by President Roosevelt was in tUa national debt in his budget message: , forecast today in the-- treasure Restoration after July I of of the lb per cent annua! report to Congress. cut gixea goiemment of name was salary in the The report - Congressional authorization guns and six of 102 ships, or approximately program for IMi. prosiding program designed to establish WASHINGTON. Jan 1 (AP) WillUm H Uoodin ax aecre.ar,, employes by means of Irgisim-Uo- n rying for lao heaiy destroyers or submarines, together with Inextending the .economy will be sought b; the navy dethe service on treaty parity 20 each fiscal year, including The proposal for free coinage of having been prepared before Pres11 act another year but BmHinrfs creases and in naval the destroydestroyer leaden. baste by IMf. The entire pro partment for an ambitions ship s (rer was laid before President ident Roosevelt on New destroyers, cruisers and sub A comps ri- Tears tlie pay slash maximum to Id ers, one cruiser carrying eighl- rural powers is shown; Roosevett 4 --today by Senators day named Hnrv Morgenthau ' Continuation of postWheeler of Montana and King of J to the cabinet post.- age for non --local tl--mall. irtah. who - deeded thentsehes recovemergency Wf ' ilrlmxtke xery satisfied willTlliO Wlef,ew.1ery cmfn alone, would be 24,357, motion freeze for tub anay. navy and neartno eorpa bat ki Previously 1 - western T0dimrg-4he-fiscyear that mntiuuatioa far other ex a ends June 30, and general members unanimously adopted resolution favoring bimelaIiam penses 23.533,(91,7(7. for a total Authority far tha president federal outlay of 29.891,178.4(7 WASHINGTON. Jan AP),of where the mono going inland free co.nage of both god and spend more moaey than ap,ar ending June 30 silver and agreed to the appotnt- - and an operating deficit of 2.- - to If be considers It President Roosevelts extlmateaj'j propriation 11, ment of a special commit ee to advisable to restore still more predicted a public debt attempt to reach an agreement- t Woodm of that baa been cut, the pay of $2.(i9.-tat'-ythe fiscal year-en- d Expenditures with other groups on silver icglsdan to Increased living costa. 222.- 9(4.728 aa compared with 1414 1935 The president advised Con638.(72.5(0 last June. The previ The tei x.orx declined to , Would Raise General gress he urns directing tha 12 399 111 40 Budget Departmental (3,202,074 494 pres denual approval of their yiDn oue debt high, a result of war coniperoUeT 1914. 040 in general 17.711 504 Tegislatlv e "77 13.734.504 but d d tMtrzte Key expected fur- costs, vas 325. 484, 600. Re-rNavy Item to leu-u-se 414 957,9(7 flLDLs and the hndget bureau to eoe Independent Office .. , moves on silver by the presi- Ther 52.((.(0 ther ini 1939. In 309,909 dent358,819,334 Total See Change In 192 1.7(3 17(,004 1.533.(01.7(7 ,w vs- -. "He if thinking about ' For-the - torn Debt. Hiliixmet fihcsJ yewf of 1935 the 1B.H1,IF mla Senator Wheeler, foresaw a return to treasury "and we are very satisfied with the - WASHINGTON, Jan. 4. . WASHINGTON. Jan. 4. (AP)- baste for both gen- BT FRANCIS Vf BTEFHE.VBOJJ ptervlew. WABHINGTGX Jan. 4. (AF) , (AP) Tha way wan clear e4 . A JACOB ABOARD emergency expenditure,- President and eral fins a has The In Senate lor preeldetil grasp Roosevelt frankly fh speedy today 723.EXPLORING OFF ANTf the silver orobte .:. ' asserted with the latter dropping to 2 to Congress today a prosconfirmation of Henry Mor- 600. In 22( Roosevelt 4. ident Jan. today ARCTICA, asking, (INS) Flying genthan, Jr as secretary when The operating deficit for 1925 pective nine billion dollar recovery c Wheeler Expert tote through snow equal is and under A - the finance committee report-e-d funds foe tha service to lua annual, I raumatedat Tin "Do we .rave think heard yon budget. nomination he 1d be favorably the thick layer of stratus clouds. Rear figure smaller than the sinktngf e lest of silver from h anThe president ewked Congress to White Senator d0nl 10that( ) Long put thegovern- and end Indicating Tennessee allev 19 440 000 fund Admiral Richard E. Byrd today new 37 444 04 819 334 152 requirement for Housel senators the were asked it. would appropriate nounced he by support 52 3x4 ooa TTVTr" -- laid a course serosa the Antarctic 12 (50,040 by leiortrrs. consequently a 215 477.708 redne imnt 1939 vessels and continued work upon ""land Banks Chairman Shortly- - after ISO 444. R04 Insurance . don t think so, wld Wheeiir tion in the public debt. In hil '1 g Harrison- - submitted the fi- - those alreadv authorized, an in- t Deposit the message transmitting pack Ice and drove anoiher A NR 4 234 non President Rooeeve.l ali'cilv h- -s crease Of 91.(22 927 over such su nance committee a unanimous corridor of exploration toTotal Emergency 721 238 500 provided for 4,387 4( 744 t honied obligations, during the coinage pf all ncwly- - times report. Long who had indimuch in thei)cmonthgTTrTT ward the unknown continental gested srn 1934 fiscal year. he might oppose ths Less ail from now unt.l June 30 jui In the folal Expenditures would wuh American proljceia In general this TronlonheTadneiuailrantof permit. nomination, announced he was fiscal er. of the debt retirement 29 493 004 9(7 3 460 798 700 Whee.cr said he xpe-- 4d a vole first half satisfied by the examination. continuance of work on 15 vessels- Antarctica. v ft is two button ot h's emeraency purpow. elone w. He k,d This RFC TgureTs diductCtion of Morgenthau by the commit- - now" being comstvuctedwith regu ia; Hia course lay approximately authority fr e aid ur!i !cj roll.ac spertd.ng will be about five timeaJrr cheBl f contlnue frr the and e.i all tee since laying it excess lar The approprtations above .today. o' tabirs represents not include do w along the 117th meridian. Mis big 1 UT of the the 1 ratio imto last i llh of 1( down. of the Harrison did not ask for planned repavment on ioana abnve nea jpresldent Roosexe-t- a following year.. Biggest eatimated .panders were , Ali of this he said. Involves gov. lO.OOOAeft'Tincb gun cruisers nextloans. The eapiane had attained approxmediate consideration of the t.gure is conlln-- j requeat for 21 1(( 000 644 in 1934 -a ernment of ten billion hen 7 nomination by the Senate end borrowing 22 940.000 900 In 1925 3 January. InTaddition tha conatruc. renl on extension o' the corpora-lan- d imately lulitude7Z 30 south(Continued on Pagi I ColumB dollais during the next a x month gun left it for action next seek. lion of 33 000 tons of ,, lormtdable snowstorm-- ) another but he no fbrwaid doubt to the could expressed arose of to go cruisers explain Long meet ng thw problem d whirling blackly along the south, Senate that he had asked for FRAUD CHARGE wh-cThe ern horizon, forced him to turn billion nine h deficit, examination of Morgenthau would swell the .northward and head for his debt to the public because of several newspaper rOLLOWSUON. ' which was hove to In a hay -- reports bf statements made by f 3 e4.4 940. dees not take tnto account prospec la the park 150 miles back FAILl-K'.T7., :77,o;, RANK the treasury head about settleIF1I1GF live to be prescribed bv 'aw 11 taxs lor Byrd aa for the nuiucroua ments pending in the internal the 22 vessels to be constructed ratio from Honor mtoas (vAJlJ Income Ul explorers who have attempted to revenue bureau which he said . UIius, a approved t thy insiit-- : Tan 4 (AP) France With the 2238.000 OuO of public! A Kir Pegging ir i this my sterroua coax . was no recommends- were unwise and irregular. over rUShan that filmed " some, funds !'f:r,"n,a"' works !Us,iier shaken today by charges ''I'i JJ the report wasNoe)c who had ca.lbd He toid the Senate Morgent hr frauds -- "No land. The ice condid recommend meeting although ltiprescntat h,ten been "revealed by bad admitted to the comthau order lul.apse. tiva tinued to the limit ofyiaion." L thelt-tedlxnot.he- - lead Kiceinger mittee hi executive session Muaici'pal tank Part of. Cut Restored on So the pack, the tCoi;tinned page 3 CoL 4) c a Ing silver legislation a Ivocate ask-- 1 Bayonne, which was the that he had made the stateThe budget 193 estimate. in and the fog still held concealed the 1 d that decision be wras some disd ol- - War ments l there until a restoration of and Citation 'he and disappearance Vetk (pawnshop ciud.ng Contempt to Organize secret of the Pacific entlment could be sounded f ir - iQf ps mysterious founl-- r, e Sterge STORM-RAZEamong commit,, of the 15 per cent pay cut taken , quandranL- - However, oa lhe basia " agreement S lowg Upholdin members as to w hether they Protei t CoasC of today a flight, together with hie i fSlavisky In- -t tution lonimltfee Aulliitriicd the of violation a constituted of 4he Th manager obeervation on his flight, two To war-Price forestall Status law. and a opposition ty la.led weeks ago along the 159th meriaji( favor other legslatijn. thejrant was issul for b aviskv in dian, 900 miles to the westward. - connection with the recent then empowe-e- d mect.ng Scrugalkgejj Admiral Bvrd was convinced that Item to appoint bonds, aomimtte.f Bsuan-- e of unauthorized 100 000 square miles of -upwards of to discuss the afuatioi wilhl I remter INs henmonj LOS ANGELES Jan .4 ( ami) e ChauteTp.l w unknow n - area lying within the Xlrthfc' VandaU reported lootiihone.fI1'iHauve members, ig w ith names high in breiP h soy aerial tracks can now bo wiped off of .h.0nvnil.nf !toal company Ulr Injured ""as Tor- k In about a week lernmen'al quarters involved in the m ,h the Antarctic maps and be deeignat-- j ,rick''n ,gJJUrb f' v.who-pm- . Scrushan a"1 hc vraa ctmvinccdaf ei,tavi Pacific ocean. ed Schiller this afternoon on a cita- Montrose were sought today by u, .remonetizing silver would Tsise fice salt had tnanv aliases wnl be on lion for contempt of court case Sheriff Eugene Mlscailuz the and to ithe of Justice commod-lbrougphK agricultural ellsmoth BATTLES expedition I'lorida Coast . He Last fk American Issued a bndav. up-call for hitler up Judge sifted thorough, v. ICE FLOE Mails in Fire Box Utahn Gains Mercy held the state recovery--a lo supplement ere ht, l nmr ot th, members of fhi HnsuraRrr conipame thejicsionnaires code and the spread divtrict Mo BT DR LINCOLN ELLSWORTH coal in parroting force the to hevcj m price wanted by Insert comes who dnfintte Monroe, portal Xlahonri Jan. 4 tAP) SACRAMENTO, 200 Leader. Ellsworth Transantarc-U- c hilt' retail dealers in Lake, arainM looters and the principal victttni of th!! PLNSAiTtLA 4 from southern itiali wa ed to allowed Jan on Tnmimid on Page t. Cola rrn 3 )(saie of 'fraudulent pawnshop bonds. Flight Expedition. Copyright.' responded and were placed home to the folks and and granted the state of t tab an cnard. Two separate tornadoes ( 31' ! ' American Jack D. Green of Ogden. Utah, for mail a letter box 1934. under by the North temporary mhich btavhkv injunction agxmst operating used a fire today With a be ...struck Pensaco'a this aternoon. o -- NewapaperjAlliance, Inc., and the1 Sheriff BuK.aUus warned that r-XT and Marthakia. i hm face-- he a the slaying of a Los Angeles police) wildered iook-- on ntllilOn OIf W OUTKiCQ New York Times. pend- - looters would be projfcvttdTg)r temporary injunction come fire the imequipment fighting THE MOTORSHIP officer waa commuted to life ABOARD elreet led by FireH' trial of code vioiaoiLcom-Chie- - ouiy. Bandit Still-Criti- cal ;rm,T6r'15T'..ro'oQ EARP. Jan. (. IB prisonment by Gov. Rolph today ianging up the WXATT Men of the auburb had breiv. .Pmints. forbids the two coal dcalS Knight. Walter nine persons, one. child prohahy slow two of at waa a been hav to After Green days hanged .Wireless) U 'J y yuv , AiuttiK -- xelief worker eehabiHtaie j J M on roe expressed regret that be era from advertuung or aeUmr - and demolishing about 35 the crumbling San. Quentin prison tomorrow NEE .Jkla i..,..Jan- ..anti.. VH . pcogrese.through police of.(a'!set hr tius P the many flooded ruion. i conv emtnee. Jraolan hexrice Id chief the., -any.. caused, jecedccee- the-- W nhygKanr-ald-tiTday yatt Earp today park tfrgPTJgttfg r a admlzusv, majieotle Marion .Kenneth iht ednd non of Wilbur Underhill circular in w hlch Albert Dalimier Aftir the liiHinctlon. thf Meet LOS ANGCl.EeS. Jan 4 (AT) wounded bank robber desperado as- - public worxs m.m-t"iticnlly injured mnj floes through which none but spe- Italy Blochs-Arthe ul ants it ia asserted in an aff davit to die. , could pass Better Pcted If'oodin more victims efe adied to an! escaped convict,' mas still ex-- a rahinet of former Premier Edouard"11 cially built .fild by David Howe Moffat. spe Six growing members of a fairity nam- ROME, Jan. 4 (AP) Premier com-- 1 dead in. the t&emlv crrtieal However, the Ice is visibly melting of insurance advised Harriot, AraZ-- , .Ian, 4 code t TirCxSOX. counsel. (INS) entiird 1,1 and within n few days we expect to Mussolini waa said today to be The Pe- southern California flood of New L nderbtll a captured bv fames -- 4ie' were legally Cr,ni wer tske3 to 4 hoP but condition of 831111am Woooln advertise and sell coal unoer the be able to make steady and nntn-- definitely opposed tor resuming the shot tiv times In mtTt.l to invest tn municipal ing degrees. " in, code price. ho-- yrsiKned lhie -- w cek .. ro .. I t crtmly-tliba tier of ng h terrupted pnpgresa," shops. the treasury contlnu-- f J udge SchiTTer issued the clta day, secretary-Three necrose. Better Baldwin. The Wyatt Earp's position at bringing the death toll to be entice! today, his phsi(tion order ng Bennlon and Mer- 43. ed was latitude (9 38 south, Ellxabetb Morris and J3me Dtx-t- er. y thakis to cause show cians aTso were bun. why they east. 10 reported. longtttude 17) Ofidal reports ere .pain this should not be punished for con- - persons scan with eager I Secretary Sir John Simon, the pre- mu as of nat- mlera attitude as dewxtbed asTorning andhis temperature ear tempt court, of the immediately ealabi-s- h .ayes oodln la the ajHutsttty J u Jf Schillc r handed ua being round ed a!ao wee carped, to heap without German oral phenomena onj t be das PossibilitjF He before U Ucipatlon. further sessions of the tor physicians have allowed 4o see wr.lten opinion Jste Friday. 100 Prebahlv wo realize that Antarctica houses were the cost of human l"e exact .then signed an order, restta'nlng reasons. It is conference at Geneva would not him. the past week. b (h( mid rmp agad.)asjdf from tho ds:oyfd. 0f unique for beverat and men the came here He from under sdijig One of the twisters either J cW recently suffering only polar only be useless, but dangeroua the most remote known increased atier from a throat aliment and had code prices. They said that they engineers bad made a. cioee study It is still in The Ice itself Out or faed into the ru f, continent on- were a that records of air 4 the the order would with desert etch-v-i- ( P Jan. at AHIVGTO, zoological hoped (lie with dry f glauve 1 of govern s bjt the other Tast waa the flood awept sections-age. for Iu then mrntV financial outlook aa hu maaury-flgur- va three- - roiley north of and that improve T P Fedderaon. amltant conhead- - genial climate in the past, son in Wood William s of the not miles it. have Woodln.jtbey disregarded of ing in the general direction within three hundred struction engineer of the coantv Fiscal year 1934 i9S& 7 lSJ WASHINGTON. Jan. a was found also been Mr in Jr Alabama have on his Bennlon stand Pole the today, lt euitering South road department, said It would eSIA- President Roosevelt's budget ra)from an acute heart attack. 3.259.93S TS 479 The-BruReceipts n defense. toIdJ.ude- Schmerjtake three a...to..e039.g dock hundred miles of coal seem forty commendation-for torn were dry monthaWreftTtrvfdehr the bureau of currence of atroab1e first noted that he had isned orders Tester r and -fcom their mooringas by one cf tha feet thick In another area fossil tsiprnditnrea wreckage In ths Montrose n trpl,B fllght summer 'day to h employe, to quote only re. where tornadoes. stems twelve to eighteen inches t.8&.tlS.45-1,277.03General 8 -- 3 533 661x767 fS!,ion damage 3.763.276 OOO greatest the ,h- - code prices of coal. ' The f reakrwTnGr eamenp ud" thick have been fouod. with frag1 . to dear 187 6 357.486 700 and two 723.286 500 mergency . . . no ror ' conutn the one of the principal month, uccrctarvof each taking a decideJy Brown., . Miners Perish -j 8.142 mentary impreariona of even larger gre Total Rose expectedly, 853 126 628 6 861.178.467 streets. 4.486.562 500 v 'Retail Fuel federal aid to stale In highway different pah. , mont Reconstruction of th street Dealers, had 3 083 2.r8 884- - 6.61 238 744-leflcii 5.11 887.021- Czechoalova-Nlv testified that a girl in the of-- p alone will coat 2500.000 he said Antarctica is the loftiest Conti- work other than to raqueat appro-- . DUCHOW (DUX 22.e38.672.560 Pablio debt 678 868 728 28 664.462 020 riatlons sufficient to meet allora- - kto. Jan- - 4 (INS) Fire today , fice of Mr Bennlon quoted nent in the 'world about Seven Officials Inc. 3 051.670,116 Public debt prices 6.141,287,168 pointed out many o' 13,477.708 BI. AST W HCKS HOA1E activities ot below the code over the phone times the average height of Eu-oo lions previously authorized. 'It ap- was holding up relief the missing may be buried unde-th- e x(DecreaMr peared that whatever money for noon Nelsoqj III coal-m- ine bere.ldarat denled IS rSfYrS. 12 rope. And. lastly. Antarctica, or or Onto feet nrui JDii. decretsain 4bapubJk4eb(4a the lineal acal 4835 tor oa we know, baa never been new construction would be avail !? Jni"e5? ,Tt ,1'e,,e,, lOjHtet such. w oonvera.1.00 w..,ar, boulder, ard pl nt era orw'r',r k 4 d Polite tdaVwlneeigata1 a the 1925 fiscal year, have perished. the treasury gatd bernw the tanking fund of 8525. peefed worker, Inhabited by man and Is today arbe out. and the court adjourned) homes that cover eom. sections, Four, tenons eapioston thLt lolled ,Edw 63.800 which la htrtudvd tn gen of alt terresttal would for lo allow him dime Discovery of any bodies In three expenditures is counted- - upon, fr!" aPP'OPnatlona csped. practically devoid ridge C. Anderson. asneg8 5antor to exceed the eatimated dcllcit bj 815,477708, Chabfted by man nod to today made to the public works aqmta-- l The body of a woman employs to bring two girls from h office, areas would be A matter of many his home Wtadowo and levelled , I ' tstration. waa among those recoverea. to tho codM roonl to testify. Idaya. flora nod fauna- were lhatterCi in nearby houses, d 4 new-pe- une-thi- rd six-in- marine-strengt- FUND IN EASE PROPOSED FOR Where Money Goes Sported REP-PER- F C an-pto- ye To Find Antarctica ship building Water Exists Where Land Was ; - (31,-39- .1 n, TREASURY HEAD GAINS BOARD OKEH -- .. poet-wa- v. .. ..e4W.m,Hy 1 7 -- T. , (D-U- V bis ' south-seekin- .rwr!TndIiftei-b- rsss; i; . s-- M upj -i extra-budg- RI-8- I ... COAI-lIENiVANDALSiLG- flag--shi- CODE - i RFSfnFNTFS tp,F0RF BASE FLOODED AKEA sea-bor- E -- 51h';( twenty-intl.ion-d- o e enow-squ- all 1 dlarj one-thir- long-soug- Projert) T 35 BUILDINGS 7I-- e I -- nadoesStrik- ht fa, Bcn-nlo- j f ty ) t -- ? I ms (Three-.vr-ol- So lt ,Iur pasn-i141114- 11 mid-da- ot 4hat-4t-mg- ht ATAGLANCE ed nr 4.-(- 3t745 - jt pron .... ( r- r.Tm 28 to-t- ' as-jri-ed rl - t i i . I' d cr I J: 30 - |