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Show NEWS THE DESERET i a n ( t' it I Fork ud Mar of Frank A. Johnson. Salt Lake Prominent . Spanish Couple ( Notices died yesterday at a Twin Falls. IdaI Church ho. hospital of meningitis of tho Plans brain, G. In AR. according to word received . PIONEER STAKE PRIESHOOD tn Salt Lake. V n i bora MEETING The regular monthly Golden Wedding Miss Johnson,at who was'Fork, priesthood meeting t of Pioneer is-Spanish 17, 189. Mayor Resigns ToFOl Mission ea $y 71,000 JANUARY .4 1934 THURSDAY CITY legislation Isvotre the use ot the public credit In three ways. Prevision for a variety of emergency activities has been made both by direct appropriation of treasury funds and by authorisation of ad-cby the RPC, the financing which involves the govern-cred- it PARKS BUDGET SHOWSDECLINE OF SALT LAKE 0- ' r stake will bo held Monday. Jan. 1. 5 at T:29 pea. at ths stake hall in- -. t stead ot Jan. L aa originally ached April. moved to Salt Lake -- wberssh t ,r was graduated from tho I nlvsrslty addition, the Homo Owaara she and the of Utah. After graiiuation. Federal ,1uied. $192,400 against at Richfield. her parents authorised to t. t iIJfiOjoined Melvin T WARD WELLS Elder V' sue obligations in respect of which 20 vas an Conservation program. Idaho, and served as a recorder for t! J. Ballard ot tho Council ot the Amnna! 'An appropriation of IIS National! Utah Resorts the government assumes a continLincoln county at Shoshone. Idaho, ! Twelve, will be guest speaker at Table Presented ;asked for Gran! Teton 121.0 69. J The following table presents an gent liability to the extent of guar- from 122 to 126. rk in Wyoming against Those Catting Re-- " evening services of Well ward. i tbs j. Interest payments; After completing her term as reThe requested appropriation for approximation of cash Jan. T, at 4:4. Tha Walla ward h f 10 cu Tennessee she moved to SaK las year-enPark tures tp data and the valley authority es jthe d Hawaii National corner corder, of Hollyla the at chapel quests limre-where eh served as president of $34459 from $46 270. wood avenue and Fifth EaM street. Nation!. olcar , I or lassen the Alumlnf chapter of Chi Dolt 1014 PIONEER STAKE The monthFirst Half $20,540 agamat Phi. national literary sorority, of Park, Californ-AGeneral Expenses $1500.000,009 500 in 1934 I.1S.1.IM ly anion meeting of tho genealogWASHINGTON, Jan. which she ass a charter member. Pioof workers ical and tempi 600.00,000 A total of $3".T6 was asked 4or RFC A saving of 12,671.131 was indicstShe remained In Halt Lake until the in held oe Verde 00 will Mesa ... neer Public stake Works the of 230,000 1,227.99.9 for shortly before her death. ed in the budget aa submitted by idminlstratain A golden wedding celebration Sun000 ward Twenty-sixt- h -- 1451 Civil compar-chapel, Works Colorado in 499.940.S04 40,000 k Pa. in j of thy ths President today Mr. ilra. Eliaa Price, Surviving ara her parent. Quel . iConservation 7, at 4:4 pm. All In east and 35.000,00 days Jan.era tion of the office of nationst parks ,j with First Sooth street, will be held4 L and Martha Cook Johnson, and t invited. SItKinl. y NaLonaT Total Emergency, termted (,)iI,4UIMI from tomorrow, home buildings and reservatTofis diirlng For iniloum at their three brothers. Mark Cook Johnson .e naa ask- - Receipts . .. J, 500.000.000 1.259.931.00 TEMPLE 'to p.m. Relatives and friend of Alaska 122.2. STAKE LIBERTY .Park ihs fiscal-yeof 1935. and Aaron J. Johnson of Richfield. I- la desired to cali. attendance A ,(1mi DAY full invited .are National! These figures indicated also new i f coapie and Frank A. Johnson of Salt Lake. Ranl-- r e at git sessions of the liberty stssei prico waa bora In Germany services will be conductagamstUederalEorrowintln excess of 6.-- authorized to issue bonds on the rL Washmatoib-7.the ed Funeral to came, He it44. ble servicei ln 93 i IS 9(4.- - I Tempi day. scheduled for -- fori 000.000.000 at Richfield. Ida h o, Friday at to provide the needed credit of tho... United States. j kinltd-8tthis 19 with par 76 was allotted. e ini54 aeaday, Jan. nn l! money. Thetreasuryreport,-whiieconand settled in Indiana. her , 1 ft 124. There was no! An expression of the administ- for tho future .,t, $132 059forin new unvoted construction in (ration's confidence in economic' waa more specifically to .'A new device for night fhhera ecntnhrnlvi in the bbdgrt in. Pvis.on IlinDrovement was contained. In ea-.-il 1S35 flashes a small electric light on top (uveal year of 1933' which and- -' fore-income tunalea taxes. 1 t re vie wedf A ,olal of June.' kd for that 15aJ1 f a stake to which a line is tied actually 14. w ,'h on r 864.000.000 this the U, administraUon of Platt National, cast to return hea a fish is hooked. March banking crisis bat made S a prst ser-.bly halL Program: Mtss Incx he waadttchargcd ceptiona there was no provision W'r-- k tn OKiahoma agamst 121 529 year, will lump ;rncs Johnson and N. lmvu.1 K. Mrs. . . . solo. Income RnntH Iktt Mr. Price came to Salt Jn j berg; organ - team- - of Eiprcto Repaunnu It mentioned aim the inflation organist for the sacred meetings. driving a XaUonal JtOidcvMnun.tam Uik. Thoughs, H mss fnr- Akset Larsen; President solo. Roosevelt powers .a, given pi,ms recent G. The requested appropriation to fark Jt Colonic JI3,37$ against Eider William Hardy, Tear." and hta orders against gold pay. of the Old and the New nteriy commander of "" 3 theofflM of naUonal (rkabuild- ln ,SJ5 In j4 mayor of Oakley, Idaho, who re- der Chris Johaneman Invitationjthe q, adepartment Of the emergency expenditureaimeiuindhoartmm m44rr 0Hk )n Utah, and i one Las th Inca end reservation Included 4ho--to ge o a six months mis- is extended to all interested by tit set aside for construction of19, a'made up to and Including is-- 1 signed i ,w. -fthe showed vH.i charts Civil war Oil Bwrhn . tM surviving is which t( construcnew Central detaa tho to no the Church sion compared bunk but for house, ollowing x35. It Is roughly of 1932 ineoma la Jerans residing tn the state presidency. jmitld th.t arrived at tha mission home Dnir outlhe impurities sod wlU, the allotments for the 1924 t)on wa provtded for 1925 I 2 1 the govera- - states, Mrs. Price Was born In England.acids I hat cause irritation, tn Salt Lake today. fiscal yea- nA totaiof 161.700 was asked orTMnl toaus That will ha repaid to A erect to She ha- s- been ad-- kttfsutr and frequent desire." J uni- J84. tha planning will spend at An appropriation of 119.499 wasisar. f0r administration of Sequoia the -- ovcrnuient during -- tbe iacal Tth days 1939 ln the o.l is pleasant to take in ths in percent atim n large per the highest post- home and then will report to for many yearn nitrogen fixation plant t, requested against an appropriation National Park tn California. hiIejMr an( years, war percentage. lass and University wards of the form of Bl'KbTS, the bladderleaves to supply sulphate of at 1914 the appropriation amount- - hlch repaymentssubsequent Independence. of $11,799 for 1994 ton the aimtn-headquarters will be available Indicated corporation jiiso coitUiiMRr Bucks. collec- Mo. She was married to Mr. tire, moaia to Manchuria's farmers. let ration of Bryce Canyon NationaTed to llil.509 Works on etc. bladder the for reducilon of tbe public debt. aailar tions fuH the In calendar tha old Endowment house, to rsstor oil on tk bonrela. Gat a 25c f Fur Wind Cave National Park. Elder Hardy also was second park In Utah. 'The estimates of expenditures 1922 show a .decline of JT .year H. Bells, on Jan. 4. 184. box from any drair at ore. After four per counselor in the Cassia stake presiThe requested spproprlation for South Dakota. 114.929 waa asked of the RPC are contingent oik the cent as which has lived at days If not relieved by with collections compared mishis conple, an 1915 for Inst before sea ttinc up leaving dency, appropriation enactment of legislation extending in 1912. the OlrUhad Caverns National park addrem for 54 years, nights go back and get your manes. treasury add. of $18,119 for 1924. New Mexico was reduced to ln- ' the to even An If "bothered corporation's are 11 backache authority with you of ehUdrea. decline greater etght la For Yellowstone National Park. from KI.224. (hurch. Ina cauaed from Madder' able incomes waa partially offset Mm J. O. Hudson. disorders you betFor administratloit of Crater Wyoming. $248,499 wsa askedmonbound feel to are extended, by the Increased taxes 'hffectire on authority A and L. B. Price. Mrs. ter after this - the estimated 4464.599 in 1924. The cleansing and you get lake National park ln Oregon, against log, 1444 incomes due chiefly to the expenditures McArthur, all of Los ey will be used in operating the 1924 will be reduced regular sleep For aale by all .442.119 against 141.679. 4904.40.-0- 9 ln by tho tax nod A. L. Pries and Mrs. your rate fctorea. Distributed by Keller 14 to 48.409 from with set aside for Drug For General Grant park in Cali- park, net and the repayments for lie per cent with aa additional tax Evans, of Salt Lake. Co, Mechanics burg. O. Adv. of the road In tha nafornia, administration was 411,759 maintenance of tho children are tn the city tional forest leading ont ot the 1925. ($480,434,009) will be of one cent It tn 8 against 415.444- on net Income reported onper mored and are for With them celebration. tho eonsott-- , City, Brigham I dated returns, and the elimination in' thiTniuo Lake about four years ago. 8he 2? grandchildren, and 21 great fstinualing government Krttoul of apeclfie credit fo corporations has Hred la Los Angcres during tho grandchildren of the pioneer coue from VTd 1 A daughter ed Lorenxo OMM park in Montana for anUtraUvelJ-.hpwith small Incomes. a half. last year and a ple. fourth president of the L D. 8. 740,499 the treasury said: Decline Ove Mnk Went io surrlvod by her i and other animals and sal- I Th4 unjrtaintiea affecting the church; Mrs. Sylvia Snow West, 42. daughtorn Mn Jhxghsy. ftvo 'artea for buffalo keepers. current Tndicated' collections of CT xion Park Hit and nnn jetimate of revenues are parti- - individual taxes over the fuU cal- former resident of Salt Lake and Dont let them yet a stranyle bol4. The requested appropriation for,caArF important under present endar year 1914 show aa increase Brigham City, died Tuesday at the Burial will take place at Brigham economic conditions, of 2 per cent over the preceding Los Angeles home of her daughter City, the body arriving from Los Ficht serm qniekly. Craomnluoa operation on Tosemlte national unusualIuctadea DanMrs. Sew laws Mr. and eombinev 7 major help, la one. Poe-erf- ol rear, the decline in taxable incomes sad with Mr. park in California in 1935 wav! Angeles Saturday iel R. Hughey. aceording to word and Mrs. Hugheyr- evening receipts fop Internal .being more than offeet by the bat harmlem. Pleasant o taka. Graveside sert:54.9 compared with $232,590 "Estimatedd custom for 124 ln- -j creased taxes under the - revenue received here- 1924. The fund would provide No narcotic. Your own dmxxiet ts vices will be conducted la the plot for the ordinary administrative clud following amounts not act-- or 122, Mrs. West, who 'eras active In of PreuideDt Snow Sunday at 1 p m. to refund your money sa anthorued Receipts from miscellaneous In- social enterprises, church work and with LeRot C. 8qow. a half brother functions and provide $2,99 foreovered in estimates presented to Margaret Cook Johnson. 42, for- the spot if yonr coach or cold 1, not ternal December: revenue last taxes (Congrtai were maintenance. musical affairs, was born in Salt of tho deceased, tn charge. mer resident of Salt lake and relieved by Creomuieiou. (Adv $ In the fisral year 122 as for Uxtm For Zion national park in y the March 22, 1022. (chiefly the compared with $501,799,990 $35 040 Tag aked compared with In itax on beef) ; $402,900,908 for pro--j 1 23. n lnrrea.e of $354.59,99 $4Ie44tt and- finor stock taxt8 lev- - lB es ,6ont total JLJl83rAdTra atiked per cent of internal revenue cam national monnmenta. This 'itemi,wl 1 lh eecreUry of agricul-i- n from six sources tobacco taxes, hoot 4151.199,909 for the last budget was $89,960. j,ur manufacturers excise taxes; docuAn item of 77.25 was asked for!Uxe levied by the national mentary .temp taxes, the tax on of national historical trial recovery act, exclusive of change in tha income tax; checks, the tax on fermented and monnmenta which 4174,409,0 for additional liquor, and the estate tax. dnda Abraham Lincoln national "Tustoms receipts declined from from internal rev- George Washington birth-lc- lt rnu taxea and customs dntiea on $227,799,999 in the fiocal year 122 place national monument and t he to $259.809 099 In tho fiscal year Colonial national monument. th!dl,illd spirits and fermanted or $76,909.00. result of the repeal of This transferred from We warl,,lor the smallest total for to represented fiscal!16 amendment the eighteenth department during the j any year sine. 111$. fear. ComparaMeappropriationsicotnott-rh government s activities and Darin, th. fiscal year. $162.-- 6 foe fiscal 124 totaled 474.56. - A of are lmfinances additional '2,699 an lu affected to (Income)' of 425.99 was made wore made available for col'Boulder Dam in action! fow-a- request emergency reconstruction011 degreo by legislation ennet-an- d tax. wh TleT. ! prodding means lection ns compared with $214,521.-- 1 forest firs fighting fund in I Water rushing through In tha fiscal year 122. - Thw fiscal 1225.- - la 1$44 the approprla-tlo- n for desitng with problems of the diversion tunnels amount Includes 4148.159.7(2 of was tS9.99. depression. ansessmentn and $1,478,847 of Credit Moves Three Ways the largest power plant Inserts Fonght abatement dnd - credit "The An Item of 149.400 was Included recovery government's in tBe world picturing Claims. which based is program this la upon for control and preevery detail with an of vention of spread of forest insects in every county ayreeiny to proviits topography and scenic and tree diseases and for fire pre-- J sions for direct loans, or which vention Improvements within the' beauty induding adjabearing county bonds In fiscal parka and monuments or notes or pledges 'of indebtedness cent walls and mountains 114 a total of 4147 99 was would be accepted. for these purpose. and with water backed A special item of $17,759 I'p to 40 per cent of th. credit could be uned tn mortyay. extended up for 150 miles! All ilbudgeted for salaries ot commie, relief and the remainder in direct sinners In Crater Lake. Glacier. luminated as it will be! (Continued From Pays On.) loans to individuals, firms, school Hawaii. Mount Lassen Tolcano, Mesa Verde, Mount Rainer Rocky silver-yot- d raio, but tho matter and other public ayenelea for relief. Mountain. Sequoia and Genera! did not actually com before the!rePr' oonstrucUon and develop-GraYellowstone and Yoseinltel meetiny during discussion ot the ment purposes national parka In fiscal 1924 thisj resolution Representative Mead (D-- . N- - T.). Item totaled $11,159. Rep Wiedenian 'of Michigan, a to repeal the Reed bone dry An estimate of the cost In fiacaljsilver advocate, said the Michigan amendment nf 1917 prohibiting 1925 for maintenance of national and Indiana silver supporters sending ot liquor in the malls military monuments was $21 77 would loin iu endorsing tha resola fisral 1924 a total ot $18,222 lution. waa appropriated for this purpose Rep. Isabella Greenwav, of Art- 1050 East 21st South to the war department, which until iona, arrived d asked to he vYl iYrr.1 fcjJ sTiiifiji August, 1921, bad Jurisdiction over excused from Voting on the t anvon I lmAnrona, .National - Reconstruction Rarthe , ' , Corporation, kn corporation she Public Works Administration, j the Civil Works Administration Land banks are $15.-- ter T 1 a..74.M .... opera-iXatlon- a! . ' , ' 4,AP)'$2 ' v-.-. - :7l.e liO-TO- ar W5UOS ihili-fm'rMou- 4, 7 Wed-KUr- cll l N " tp AS-iu- ta . Lj - For-j"a- -- Fr s nt :aT -- m,,0 jj S? r. M UpG3r Mnt ftc x-- aft H. ; css Elev-Dair- inie-rio- am-en- m ' in' i.,. for.r.1?,?.J01J? oe three-quarte- rs "Tnrt t or-ie- Mrs. Sylvia West, President Snows Daughter Is Dead - Essl grand-childr- en Johnson Margaret Former S. L. Resident Dies at Twin Falls We Have in-i- n. "'nu Bnaghtthe y , Ccs;j Crecddsa- - $$51,-209.9- Great 34. '""''fiojOrnr Store cer-par- ln k. for You to See jjj -- BoalderDam ; : . 12. 14 - 1 4 - -- Ir 60-fo- ot Direct Industry Loans Proposed non-inter- Open Evenings, nt. GWNIiTtE VyiregilS(3-)- l St lale-An- iri reao-the- Hutlon. r- oania, jn riLi.r.p ntovrrn - : Those attendiny included. Rep. Scrugham. of Nevada. Greens ay. of Arizona; Taylor. of 'Cummings. Martin and Colorado. White and Coffin of Idaho. Monaghan and Ayres of Montana. Carter of Wyoming. and itobinson ofi ltah. Bih-g- 'e and Weldeman of Michigan. Z.oncheck Waigren. 'Smith and Hill of Washington. In addition leading advocates. Lrom other section of the were ountry prevent. , Bills to permit direct RFC loans to industry, to remove cuts in veterans' allowance and to permit free silver coinage were among the score of new measure sent today to house committees. bill. Intrariu-rehy would Kelly R. empower the corporation to make loan to ary person, firm, or corporation engaged tn any trade or industry operating under an approved rode of fair competition-- . with land, buildings, machinery, accounts receivable or onfilied order as rccur1tT. : The loans would be limited to 59 per cent of the property-valof . 49. per cent .of lhe amount. of accounu-recetva- L. J Mur-lcu- 1- W ' i - ser as riH la asd k Part Boj-- s Wool Unions see there baraalaa ef the wsadeifal t esJ a lrwssdrrfal $1.50 Boys Part. Wool .. 69c and Mens mm mmr har- - and Girls 69c 15c Work Hose . . 50c Ladies Silk and QC 03C KFool Hose 0 Large (h SmallQQ Suit Cases V . . . . . . 03C wDC $10.00 U. S. Army Coats, $1-0- 0 ' Winter Caps JlO Boys Heavy Rub- ber loots LOO $1.00 Boys School Shoes 0Q, Sweaters . 03C Ladies 7.50c Winter Hats H?5c Mens and Boys nn Ladies Cloth SOc fop Galoshes je Sewing Thread, Black ".',.Bfor15c 5c,Boys School Robbers 65c Ladies Robbers 2 lb. Package of Quilt Blocs .. .... 51-5- Slightly Qn wOU Damared $2.00 Mens Fine 01 AQ I Felt Hats $3.00 Mens Fine Dress ...f n Oxfords, Mack or Tan 73c ....... Childrens Fast Color Dresses. 50c Ladies Fancy Rayon 03C Gowns S2.5Q Ladies Fancy Slip 1 QO pers. Oxfords, .Ties and Straps I 30 EVERYBODY'S 130 So. West Temple jvtn. oiBijiv yiLLBn rRoxmif d ' or bie order. uftfiTled j -- 134 under $3 60 a Kepresectative Cross (D . Tn ). to com stiver at 18 to l. to establish ! a 'controlled stabilized currency ' system. by issuance of stabiiiaa- lion coin certificates redeemable ', in gold or silver at the discretion,., if a currency stabilization board. epresentatira Shaiienberger f both ol1 !?;. d ' Representative Hope (R Kan).' to extend until the end of 4934 the t.me during which the reconstrue-- 1 tion corporation may mske loans- for earthquake qr other disaster re-- ! const ruction. v , County Conns Proposed Representattts Hoeppel (DCaL y. : iWe welcomed these tests. We were glad of the opportunity to kaTe oar own tests confirmed. - with th aid of Mentholatum, can 4ct more real comfort md pleasure out of life. Creating prejodice against poblic utilities by meann of false, anfair and malicioos statements has been responsible for mnch of the misnnderstanding that exists. We believe that tiie outcome of these meter tests will he an ef- fective step toward building poblic confidence end discrediting the motives which prompt sock unwarranted . attacks. .. i ., usDe CF dp your nose, a bit of Mentholatmu 'ineich noitnl helpt to clear the nasal passages and makes it possible lot yon to breath - Or.-i1yon hare chapped can sooths ! 7 away th soreness and promote healing by applying a little of this cooling ointment, w 1 f UTAH o- n $10,00900-United States notes to be subject to th order of the secretary of iniexjor lor organ lain a a county loan acencY HQtzJheaBL-ilia- - inac-curac- That 1 1 meters werenuming fast by parentages from 1 to 3 per cent. ex-e- rv trexsary-t- SALT LAKE TRIBUNE DECEMBER 29.1933. i 4 Other measures included Representative Taylor R Tern.) . outright repeal of veterans cut prov ' vided by the economy bilL ... How many of your day and Representative Dunn (R- - Pi, ), to give to all pension Icejtusbts were made uncomfortable-m- en tnrapadtatej in any rrannef;TIast Winter by colds and others to xahorixgths- - ' - - ue Mould Repeal Cut ' That 108 meters were running slow by percentages varying from 1 to 19 per cent. That 41 meters showed no ip - fast meter rumor. . y--ar. Pajamas and Nile Ofl, QC. Z3C Another deli be rate effort, to deutilities has been officially toward public velop antagonism spiked. Tests of 160 electric meters, recently made at random by the Salt Lake City electrical inspection department, have' ! disclosed these facts: The iji.r Thc-RF- C 93c 'k , rf EFFICIENT PUBLIC. SERVICE |