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Show J I SALT LAKE CITY THE DESERET NEWS ' Long Term Interest Rate Reduction Gold Production SET BACK BY Meets Approval Of Debtors In U. . Shows Increase During November DROP IN LEAD NEW TORE. (APTh JANUARY THURSDAY 4 1934 LOCAL' STOCKS !- Old Levels ia Cost of Money" Have Been Maintained in Spite of Abundance of Credit and rr When Decline in Open Market . x Bayers - Hesitant ' Slump of 11 Points Hits Mart ' - bur.au of metal .iiUMk. production of reported today that Udd from the United Statas ww American 1 SE55SS1KS FQROIYESTOCK month last yoar. t November production In Canada totaled 248.909 ounce sgalnstin 241.-0- -in October and 353.409 vembeii 1933. South Africa.' the world! largest t roducer of the yellow metal, turned out 893.909 ounces in November compared with 909.099 In Octothe aame month ber and 979.000-i- a " last -- year. BV CHARLES F. 8 PE ARE era of low Interest rates but, by and (Special Dispatch to Th D,l.rt large, the average borrower pa s the same rate as he did In 1923 or 1929. News) WALL STREET, NEW YORK. when the demand for money greatly exceeded the supply in thle country portion of the open letter and it was imported on a gigantic JJ1 iohn Meynerd the British economist, has Keynes, Just written, scale. to President Roosevelt will - meet! The cheap money policy of the e 0f Federal Keerve and the program American debtors. It approval commends Increasing t credit supplies by reduction la 4hs long-terof liberal purchases of government rate interest. paper have so far had little effect It is frequently stated "that the Utter on the Investment market only commodity not deflated dur- or on 4h commerce of the country. ing the depression was money Th Oldman?' Loir interest: rates bring trditiwilAU way ot th" oM levels in spito.hlgher prices for bonds and a broad red Lf ! 2LibundmDC theUreding.inarkctJnrsuchiasue f opmr nwcker quotation TorlThis has not been true in the past PR0V0NAMES Activities Point To Bigger Business In 1934 POWER GROUP OGDEN ALL SET Stockyards -- f EXHIBIT FRIDAY OGDEN, Jan. Idea. TvV" Stfr. City Investigate tivitiea at the pestr year, published yards 2or-tOf Municipal Plant, by stockyards officials, shows Mining - stock suffered a sharp Increase in the business and setback during Thursdays session Annual Show Promises steady assurance-that- -a better year on the Salt Lake Stock Exchange, Electricitygiver ahead for the industry in the infollowing4 a decline in the price of To be One of Best- - " istermountain country. lead to cents a pound and disapThe report of Kenneth G. Ikeler. pointment over the absence of any In History PROVa Jaa. t--Jt B. Pope, Provq general manager shows that during silver plan In the president's mess-g- e Given lawyer the year just dosed the Ogden Appointments and former ddlstrlct attorto Congress. a total received Union ney, was appointed chairman of a Stockyards hwd declined IS point to the 4 This of livestock. head of 3,539.95ft committee of five Provo citizens, by -cent mark, and speculators Out, Meetings who BY JOHN P. BOUGHAN vast army of animal arrived iaH- the city commission. Wednesday to would anticipated the (rf;uKv Jan : Market Editor imrailrcaA- fraight-aarr-apres tTm (Aeocvated 4i;o Tit the possibility of Provo -investigate outline a silver president inhis iJCl program THtCAOO, Jan. t. tAPL Wheat IDo head of purebred cattle, trucka The truck-and drive-l- n entering the numicipal power field. iesege,-eo- l4 stocks while buyer late car prices Thw freight other members of .? the receipts were hesitant. 'of .th.rLund.r V7ii? tods caura All mittee are Frank Wentx Provo Silver King Coalition dropped to. to a favorable constructloa placed sloping roofs of the Ogden CoUseum receipts combined if placed in one ! river John C. Swen- coromtesioner; a decline of 25 points, and 4 Richfield-Jon. RICHFIELD. President Roosevelt budget reach new an train f l5.487 cars would son, professor of economic jyvar and a half.. Consequently there on the fifteenth T7 hack to 44.25, 7 over Aook ip administration slipped to Congress. city message miles beyond from ugden to six Yocrg a Joss of 10 points. Park Utah Con- turlr I? VhiZ1!9 tbntt.,1?l"re ,ho who do not agree with noon Tuesday- - with sociology at the -Brigham mUI duties the its at message' ahowtrades 126 miles. over nuai regarded livestock or Ogden Idaho, tho and member of university solidated slipped 50 points to 3.2ft. W. L- Warner, L. . Poulson, aa somewhat-bullisespecially Its, board of education, Mark AnPark City Consolidated eased to ils portato Friday morning Receipts from different divisions Major luar year councilman, H. W. Keate, state reference to no additional taxes Robert-h- o of derson, manager3ft cents, and Walker Mining tho lost tf.oJS W. B. Fnasr nnd Dan Peterson; two tel and candidate for mayor at tho Rallies In stocks and in silver wera-a- r Vckick hearlng thbcrown Of (olfoiteT sUtesndcalv points, slipping to 83 cents. Chief also factors helping upturns of city recorder, head, an increase for tha year of ear councllmen; last city election; Oscar A. bpear.. . Consolidated responded at 72 cents, Cope, wad Leu Marlow, treas- manager as sm haad grains cant; of the Smoot Lumber comllu$ bogs. 399. par and Bristol Silver eased to 33 -- Wbeab elooed - firm, 5 Stales of the" current season, 624, decrease of 5914 head or Kesa urer. , . pany. cents. r for ch..prcorn lHWPara Mr. Peterson Mr. nwnt and the Pace to be 24 ihould cut lambs 3 finish, and yesterday's Tho both include than per c.nt,ner,lL committee cent; per sheep Sacramento on the news of a proin clatmidg the position ft off to I up, and provisions ,h borrower and. oat to be accompanied by an or new members of fthe council, taking school of thought on 4he moot !?r 2,044.304 head a decrease of 3501b l.u, -a for the posed reorganisation purpose change by the federal reserve Uet for the varying from 3 cent decline to Fillmore and power question. Mark Anderson conteas tbani par wot; horses and the places of A. amang the ranking .ghowa of p emitting further r in the riM financing tem of its present holdinir.of.hort-!f,,,,,i,,increase of 3365 Martin Christensen. ducted bis campaign in the last ciif' -- around -- 1 -- gent, . was weak Btatea the offlcials are jM-- 1 mutes, or5535ISOhead, cent. 10,500 dated ot th' country. tpi!ed bnk isauea those for of treasury election on a municipal power invesper jihead. shares changing handa. The direc- longer term. CMtlx FCTCEES Maacy from every. The veport aslo shows that for the CEDAR CITY. The new city of- tigation platform Mr. Spear, proaching lhepiaUer; tors have announced a plan for The Federal Reserve banks now The feet thatieperaheafaet were sworn in who is a director ofwhile the RFC Is offering the Utah Power consecutive month receipts in-at, ficials of Cedar CUy cor- hold $2,432,179 900 wtl verY P- - third " converting the stock into a new to office Tuesday at 12.30. Charge and Light company, la committed to of government se- its debentures as an Investment outhave shown an the atockyaras etenr to kible poration. four shares of the old-f.44 .44 .4J as com.is give K. Hunter beads the group This comperes with 41,850,- -' let for those Institutions that have May opportunity may the private power operat.on idea. crease in every division as one of the new1 and issuing prefer- curities. 4! .42 .43 C00.009 d .3 show Its just dues. year ago. Of the current embarrassing excess reserves, since July with tho same months for or; Melvin Thorley. Ken twoMayor A. G. Smoot who made" tho c ..42 41 red stock to take care of the com- amount, approximately .41 othr -- .44 Mul- - pared 82.900.090.-00sold their pfeferred stock or Stepterabar P. oiler, H. John P. 1932. During December 1933 as comyear announcement of the appointment of show.' The they Dgden Indebtedness. Cera pany Is in W. notes J. 1933 Dr. notes tho to treasury Docember and is certifthe the with committee stated that the comBergstrom, capital this councilman; declared. pared government, year 44 Kennebec was active around S sty cahy, president, best baIancedsho that money is saperabuadantr-ljfour year councilman; &. FTLeiigti, mission would la a large measure maturing in from 91 days to 42 .42 the cents. West Toledo went at 1 cent. icate. perhaps six months or .52;s H. The member of year. evidence the be ' this be of holdover council; may M guided by the recommendation 5000 shares changing hands, Ub in th. United SUtM. Them, .how. and ing $400,006,009 odd is in long ma- had from an examination of the Mftpker .. .44 Vvulon. 139 per oent in thS P. Haight, recorder and Rex Hoi brought in by the committee1 after Outs New Quincy' responded at 34 cents. turities. educational hog arc fundamentally statements printed this week of the May ...a... .24 been submitted to it findings have .1T .114 .27 sheep division and 239 per cent In land, treasurer. Outgoing officials ben they grow out of that Average Dwebtfel nd mule division and are Walter KGranger. mayors R-- the commission- .34 14 the horse .45 of banks on the last bun July ....v,. .34 condition re-g It la doubtful If the federal 24 -- 33 ness day of 1933. be air 'asset the 'Increase In total carload Winterrose. Mrs. Dewey Thortey.,44 Thes R reran, receive an average liquid assets couaanimals of classes Ra 'Ly1a Corry and Parley Dailey, them celpts of all to tho country supporting frequently between 4 My j return on their inestmeut In gov- and 7ft per cent ..... 0e per cent. During The month 1325 cllmen, Mania Gardner, treasurer, WEATHER BLAMED of deposits. With and turn Into direct entertainment carloads ernments that would be the equiva- the bank of stock were received as and Glen Floyd, treasurer. deposit guarantee plan July 1932 lent of the 2 per cent rate proposed. now 729 cars in December Bailey FOR SICKNESS j The lowest coupon on the outstandeffective, the layman wonders May The local show atwaya haj and against The total number of animal reMIDVALE. I be followin g city it is necessary to maintain Juey .,u. ing government bond $ per cent why wee 145,022 officials were sworn in at noon In December aa PANGUITCH. the ceived education wilt Jan. Mfalwaya carry such am conservattre ultra position Lard nnfr the highest 41 per cent This with only 90,392 Tuesday L. & Riialngton, mayor, weather for this eoa of the year-- , With this head a compared U paramount feature. 4 ft 4 90 4 91 brinR January ....4 94 include, the Fourth Liberty 4i,. ot ?nd wb,hr m December 1933. They were divided Robert Wallace, four year council- still preveil here although the lat ?ot, ft rt 24 o m in stock 4.87 mind show 9 bank 9.27 M? thourht your which .mail portion hi. follows: 10.204 cattle; 40,279 hogs. man A-- T. Rasmussen,- - N- - G. Lin- few dVe hv bo etormy rai ' 9.79 July ..mm.i 7t officials this year built, ou a firm ss refunded Into a new eerie, with tl'1" wn"B If 2.776 sheep; 74f mules and horse. dahl and Harry R right, two yoar and alee without r th usual enow Bel lira- lel4ln IttUo ntunr wer. la to foundation essential of what per cent, py.bl. for on. year after waa December second best This at.U coa the and Melvin 3.13 .1 8.9V treasurer. weqther January Lind, ..47 normal borrower, at and then I) per cent for tho ' the country aerred and which In in the history of the stockyards In councilman, Vera Van I.TI recorder, h. C. Uhum. to them In the Interest May In the case OBrien wasHorns, Th remaining period of 11 years. On concession and oo un both and mild turns whlrk hog a sheep Ocdan. for supports four watbr carryover certificates and notes It ranges from rate compared with that prevailing CASH CBACf Now let us atop for a minuta of hogs it waa only 53$ head abort yoar councilman. The following ap- usual thl time ef year' it blmd a small fraction Of 1 per cent to 2 during boom times. established in of .record best for Ka At the deal of CHICAGO. great were 1. made: Of ilckn. Justice pointments lu. UP) tWhwt Ko and asa what acnculturaly, this 1931. The strongest contender for low-e- r per cent for next December's maturfrom nab, a short distant No 1 mliM lift has to offer. In the first Manager Ikeler aaya that only tha peace. Martin Thomas: city mar- pansies money rate are the distressed ity territory were in Corn. b. I Alui blooiwon No. t Christmas Kenneth Dunn; night msrshals ydl.w place the finest lambs in ths The contention of borrowers on real estate mortgagors. They argue : No. a yellow Denver and Omaha, In the shal, - v- Alex Beckatead Snd C. ETMalhewe, 0Jtiadtwv real estate or on commercial peper.Jthat tha difference between the 1 whtt. Ogden in total .u com. No. 1 y4 N0 tire nation are bred and ralsad in w.der named, exceed Dr. J. O. Jonas; eleccity as well ws that of state and c.ty physician. of rate of 9 per rent and a : No. 1i)4: the end at and y.llow ii.iis early receipt this intermoontaln country as ara Fred Stack; superintendent ficial. is that interest rates should rate of 4 per cant would preserve Oou. Jr. 1 white INS Ogden waa only 34.909 trician, jr. - i tha finest feeder . cattl.'v The November come down and move In conformity their equities and assist them la till H lllt. bead behind Omaha for third placa. of water and atraata. Nall Anderson; ... 1(1 (papeetos, Walter Wsnbwgs sheep department of tha coming - Pigu with the laws of supply and de-- 1 meeting their taxes Although Na rye. building ster s mst purchas T maod For oearijr-- wor- years call money is as cheap we iiHiho-lat- e Bailey, Inspector, William Mutch; shomla sell baianoed with classes ed and elangfatered by Ogden pack plumbingTho 90's , ACH.. T4i14 J. Forman; money, time money, acceptances and iMl H dog PANGUITCH. Jaa. aL the ssrly year of Tlffi century, CTimothy for four of tho leading breed oflmg establishment is another im- sexton. Louismss OTM 7 Gooch. commercial paper have been at the tha prevailing indication of the livestock catcher. commission Pate of Interest on ha portent this a and substantial nation award The council Thursday win draft nance to lowest average rate in a generation. rest estate is ft to 1 per cent higher. fees cat- industry. During 1IM Ogden pack- an ordinance provide for lol not. lambs. Ths The present discount rate of the regulating tha sale ef and regulation of I ers purchased out of the reoeipts It is true that many concessions tle of show local tha East Crow Point Federal Reserve bank of New York htv4 department beer. of total at a local tho logaLhoer-a- a been msde by mortgagees, but yards follows.' !." ,1,,r on Cast Standard m In or th of the largest is ths west and csttls and calves, an Increase of of beer In erlgtnalwhtainers for It waa mainly for East Talk Coal discount .rats of the Bank of Eng- batter will find all breeds exhibited. or It per cant over the MORONL The following officers lilt headyear; for them to gat 3 or 4 par off premises li;-sa- ls East Tlatle Coa. land. The rate of the Federal Re- cant than 11,111 hogs an in- were .worn la office et nooa Tuea-da- y consumption 9 knows previous to cant of beer ta dotfnal containers. exact ths and what person par "Evtij Link East fT. Dr. serve at hall: banks K at the Boston, and CutMHQ cent Mayor, over crease I of city Philadelphia, per 626: sale rr- .Onto dalrr Industry mesas ts this part (76; sale Emplra Minas Cleveland. Chicago, and San Fran- lose all. bean ala road dryt.bton beer head of sheep and lambs, a E. Dire; four year councilman. John of beer laefbotNQl It has or otC prem-that tf tha . ot tbs country. If tt had not of , Equity OU . .... cisco is 3f per cent: that at St. decrease of 4tS head, or a lit- L Morlcy; two year couneilmea, Jos- laeu, 666; wh.V-daiEuroka Balboa ot bottled or Cm. 8 per cent and at Richmond. holders of all of the guaranteed been for tha regular monthly milk .light Louis in Kara Blaln decrease more than t par sent Draper. tle eph Preatwteh, Eureka iAly beer. ldfaal of ber to ml. real estate mortgages inGreater FIrrtfPurhmmt rtwrt, ,o lom) Atlanta. Minneapolis, Kansas City New check coming in during ths past lamb consumption. Nielson; recorder. Marvin P. Dra- keg -- Surafca- Minea-,- . Grid, Cm. MUtmd nors or la York would accapt a uniform Is kails dafiSa h cent. 35 prohibited. P. and Dallas. JanMa -P. per k two per; treasurer, Hardy. Eureka Standard , many farmers would lt heroyean rata of $ per cant and not Insist on may be revoked for caww,1 Interest Medntod Sorensen la tha fear year holdover Liceaaoa tarot scry much worse than Qdi Chain and tha city aommiaaloa will a. t Tha R. F. C--. which two years ago tha' a Id rataa si 51 or I par cent, aM4 MAOwMinni wi councilman. . 34 they did. At. Great Weatarn oo ba an. tho fifteenth all sltmation coaid thle demoralised this, 8e far only one1 9 applicants, next loan month began to at par The now appo talons are: City mar- ties non ha Born Silver ...... baa raducad similar loan to Ironed out In a few moatha. Many Ogden livestock show, one HoweU ., -- lt nnal cent, W. Jesses. Jeetio. of the shal, In 4 par cent. la the same period rataa ot them bar and will find ..... neighboring SI milk finest ths mitwl. of Indian Quasa P.ace: Sana C Ktalsaa; waterworks on farm loan mortgage have bean counties have agreed to a cat from Nippy Ttipiota . Iran King Harold Chrlatouosu. Beaver CWA to Add to at tho Intormonntala west on display. supervisor. .. to tha ft to 4 or 4 per cant but tho numreadjusted In soma degraa Street auporyteor wHt ho appointed WeO Pays FtmKry O. O. Plata Fnioru -bo tha la email too genrelieve Utah rata for money,ber E Favored Keatneky ruling , later. Tha pountry Industry ha the 10 Women to Force bank borrowers hero- - been nbfoTo eral guaranteed mortgage status Key tena ComaHttees ant Flaanoa, Joka NEW YORK. Jam. w past two years, aecaptsd much ths Lokl Ttatle .. obtain soma of tho benefit of (Copyright. 1934)., street BEATER Jaa. 4- According te : Merley, Pmetwleh; Joseph mtmtoi MUM color, asms position aa has the dairy In t .ltj members of tho CWA work for P. and alleys. Blaia Draper. J. standard as rsmmsulal saa Hula MayLand lha. 4.4004.09; aowa. good 1.7003.24. dWtls N. 1 49 dustry. It has been one of tho savwaterworks. Ears Nielsen, Leaver oeanty. It I. exported that ; ? Magnalla ... vualsrs medium and 1.14079; features at least or twelve more women m P. goreetea tho r of J. 14 4 small ing Blaia net ends refrigerator farmer. Mammatk Drape j cometary. medium be akeftea (milk fsdk Nielsen; city property, will be put te work la tho county , 14; cheek 32; ethar mixed eolora Tho Ogdoa 11 restock show . .will (Special To Tho Daoarot Hews!Jf- sen, Esrm glchliw Utah I. lu Homo ... .. this faadsr month. Other aad Joba atawawaad Morley: early house tho twenty-thir- d 04.99; staskn annual In .fV H ; nearby and termountain OGDEN A ahakeup waa effect- Joseph Prestwttch, LM 1.41 MU City Copepr under advisement at projects Dr. M. B. Rigby and nr 0 present -- .99 (all weights) 8.4904.99 mtdwestera boanory. axchsags show with hun- ed In tha Ogden police department city phyalclaa. poultry Ml. Sutaa Pot. some specials A ond Jenson Jensen, changes ere expect. J to cemmoa and msdlnm 9. 2403. 94. dreds of tho finest birds from Boise, 23022; 'nearby and midwmtera Monatala View . of attorneys. demotion bo inodo ia tko projects already tha .14 .41 Including today. standards Gold 23022 change rwirkod Mlnars Sheep Rocelpts JJM, Idaho to St. Georgs. Utah on disPLEASANT GROYB. At Boon 0 M ; otimr whites aad ail shows diums 99029 lowers Capt. U W. Pack, tho promotion of Monday "NORTH SALT UU Miller HiU stsady, aativeo play. .1 The lUk. end Word Relief eo. Mayor Lewi Olptn handed SALT LAKE. Jan 4. hilttrlref-T- .. ,1 D NORTH 0. A steady to Strang; top fed lamb 9.90 browns naehanged. a aeageant, tha resignation of a pa- tho r, cietiee have other tho of Butter .0 "This 1 ,v3 09 A .. key 0IA9U 0 toady; Hose Receipt elty to hi down eountry immediately sur- trolman and acceptance without exReceipts in m:.4 -New Quincy 59. threat lambs god and choice W. W. fem, aad th now oity which they think projeeto d medium 94 lha prices anebnaged. 9S0 59, common tactetfe ItV ts LM Angela la rapidly turning will he ot mro haw Bromtor-NorOgden rounding etpmant' of abolishment ..41 and . tha wer down 4.99 Ches 125 wom officiate ,.44 151 941,111, planation. Receipts wethora. into ta 7.99, Sea qtoet than value Mega yaekara. 0 offlc. Lily yearling packers, Into on of tho finest oood growing yet going and they . j 43 t lha. 4.9904.99, changed. Los Angeles market eng 149 U gen medium to choke division. The Tb council ja eompood of C. R. will appoint any n committee from their North Standard Uve pouttry steady broilers, express areas in tha west. Especially is this tho policewoman's FVaacieca Ohio Copper lha, $.49 29... JJ packers Market strong to men good aad chetea was made final by tha new Clark. Lyan Job a son, Harold Walk organisation to aneet with ladies action rue other n of tntermonn-talsloes. 14 and 19 147 ... pot to cents 03.44b freight express '4he th er. Paul Adamson and Carl Leader committee end moke higher as M let '.ei drlealn at 9 IS. Opehengs arrange monte .41 seed show Is bold In cooneo-tlo- city .commission., on recommenda- with S L White roeordor Park Bingham and Ma- (or tkooo projects if possible. 34- -35 , Pwml psMtry Steady fe gtrmr Cattle Reeetpts41f."lt direct Park with and under tha same roof tion ef the new polios chief. Rial ne Smith, treasurer. fresh .41 other M034; 199 ta Leo grades C. Moore. He explained hie changes Through shipments Ineludo Park King aa the Ogden livestock show. Th first . f the .47 meeting .45 4AP OMAHA. USDA Jan. and 94 to Loo Angela Angelas packer park Kauold "No matter what tho agriculture as a move for Increased efficiency new official haa set for 0atar-da- Torrey Relief Society v4 .43 Hcgo Recsipto 19.999; moderately market. Na early mien. as park Nelaon .44 nnCACd .411ft needs In this area lt will and cooperation in the departmant. Sheep Receipts lv4 ail threagh to tiv to ahipporsb Mew Is packars. son Park Premier CHICAGO. 1.44 Jaa. 4 (API Poultry Industry Loo Angelos packers, Nona Ibis market. raHy steady ta 19 lower them Given New Officers I a Wed find ahd furthermore of answer the to the Park Ltah economy that desire at Itva, 49 trucks, at dy, kens 12. Leghorn a dayo does; good PAVOUIIV'H .41 . e .44 choleo Monday Piocbe Bristol morning re- program of the administration. TORREY, Job. 4. Tho Torrvy Rock tpHngs lt.w.orod the fifteenth annual Ogden new eity offleer wr Inducted .14 .25 .... .34 Ik 9.19024, top 3.19, pockera bidding hen InOUDKM Plumbic Mines officer under .44 3.10 down; few light lights 2.7 02.09. 13; LeghornebUrkens trnroostsrs 5. stock show. And in addition tha Captain Pack, who became a to office For tko firat time la year bird Relief society Plotus ... . OGDEN, Jan (U. A D A Hogs Socks show has failed to cut their pre- member of the department Holt, provident, .VI gees 14 .42 In tho majority of tho councltmen are direction, of Ron strong ts 4 higher, moat sales 3 It turkeys Prince Con. stock ertwe Receipts 432, 12 for Oftfe Dressed turkey waa released Sunday von 24 074:-f.13 pnre to fteady. dswa miums ing by Democrat ara and b'g weights 8.44; Those aa or and pigs Provo ... who aa haw Include who 1121, haa 143 to served took March, th paying high Thmngh nhtpmootr .44 .44 Bumonbark. Th wwr-offic- er a largely 2.99013 Rico Arg 122 ta Loo An oath of offleo are Jed Cooper, may- Bishop Lotend Sn Frncere packers, higher awards aa are the suppos- patrolman, detective, finger-priwVl - ge era men to ... Cattle Recelptg 8.300; fed Most and Bettor. T.ltl. stoady; msamery-epec-aa ar 44 Irvna follow: Holt 131 to Loo Anssleo D. or mnrkeV and Ia trln Heywood. holdover, Buacnbark aa (99 ooore) 4.24 R;Frank Bevy uneven yearllnga aad extras (92) edly bigger shows of tho aatioa." expert, sergeant, and captain, waa light King Coal ft. ..... , 4 4 president: Jot Smith and T. packer Alov, very Httle done, quotabiy yearling aatra Dm17U9, t99- .74 R); Norman W, aa first counselor, .12 Entrlrs Inrnroao firsts stoera and med- 17: made a street, , Sergt. 14, weighty 2.49 aa hast drivsins; packing wears or Ton1oa Silver King West patrolman tt again. Myrtl steady (l5-A. R A. old and ium weights Mow, weak; heifers active argent. .47 aoroadt Adolph aa second counselor and Dora Noyea sows 3 44 down. Although entries were supposed George F . Finn, who haa boon on Church Sliver Shield .......... ..4ft 99 centralixod carlots- - 15: 17 (D cows fully stsady, balls 14 high- standard .41 .44 Silver Standard Caltlo Receipt 492. ITT far tha Og- etrong, Eggn, 1.599. extra flints 21; fresh to have closed Jan. 1, the office of the force in various capacities since A meeting waa held with tho re- Cook aa aocretary-trasuro- r. .44 .04 show Through shipments in- er; vealeru scarce!, strong; eteekern aad graded firsts firm; den stork E. gloux Mines boon president for J. waa FJ.ldated, 29. current receipts 19, secretary, .47 41 1120, waa on to captain of tiring officer and a meeting ef new nlnMrs. Holt haa Iron Bloaeom clude 94 ta South Sea rmndace mar- feeder scarce, fbm: fed steers .42 yoar. Her daughter irUI sue- - a .44 swamped this morning with last detectives. promoted officer 4s scheduled for next Mon44 to Loa, Angetea market 19 to yearlings mostly 0.4905 94; few lands Owaaaaa Coa. ket In her oed short fed this medium weights 9 7401.24. .41 minuta entries While It may not povitiou. day night Tar Baby dairymen and II to California Th outgoing offleer ar Bona .41 be the final count at last notice theThe policewomen removed from .3 Cnlffhmln fosdsrn. gtsody. lata Wodassday and ta two loeds choico 1 209 lb. weight 4.99 Tiatle Central . force ara Mrs. Addle J. .44 Adella Holt, .president; Pierce. NEPHI. new Th steers sad hetfers I 9 4 99. ysuHfngs 977few4b. .1; helferu meetly adminisbeet Tiotlo Lead were there efty exhibiday lot Indlviial lots 4.49. bulk beef 9.54 common greasers around l.TS down, 4.2504.29; .. 9.1ft with the department since tration is to b formally inducted Mary A- - Curtis a eoonoelora. 'tad 4 Ttntle Standard tors cows 2.4904.99: few lots 9 24 0 49: cut. in show not the the .42 .41 r. counting ....... aocretarx-trsaaureaa AMaolated 3. Smith 1.99 caws lawtr grads 1,99 tor 249 Ruby 12S. rood Vaioa Into and offleo Mrs. C. at the Thursday Mary night Echhardt. or 44 .41 " grades mostly 1.7402.99; poultry medium seed departments. r Ualan Chief regular meeting of the elty council bulls end heavy fat hulls $.49074; prac.41 .44 Of this group nearly half weru appointed In December, 1I1. Utah Con. Sheep Receipt 7994. 99 for tha Of 1.44 Patrolman M. L Christensen, re- at the eltv hall. - The new officer ,4 den stock show. Through shipments ta tical top voalsro 4 44 entered In VUk Met- - A Tan .. the Junior department follow .St elude 1919 ta Kansas City market aad sheep Recsipto 1.949; lamb Mayor, Petor Cm. OU.... POULTRYLUfl with II In the Future Farmer di- signed and his resignation waa ac.41 counriimen Wiiford S Cote .43 49 ta Nebraska feeders. Lata Wednes- early bids arpuud 24 lower; asking Vie or Coa. cepted the vision by diIn 41 and teur 4 - .45 BRIGHAM commission. and tha trong: vear: feeders CITY Dennl Wood Walter F club Word No .44 sheep Jin. steady; aavnral lots tacked-l- a lambs 4.25 mrly Walker Mining .....j.. day bkts fad wooled lambs 7 . S9 T1 ; ham was racvlvedkerw Wednesday thstt vision. As these boys and girls will .41 of th action waa made, Brough. Robert P. Garratt two year. .40 4.74. Weet Toledo SCLYES PULLET hdd above 7 49T oarlysa1os 0 owes as Ephraim 43 Sl- -- WUbartRalphs, formerly of Brig- at. rag eloee to threw animals chief Moore has not decided whelh Albert Starr; treaturer, Florence P to 3.24; feeding lamb up te 7.99. .04 ham. but now residing in Rockland. each the total entries In the Jun- erbewin LOS ANGKUEB Yankss CM. replace Christensen. - ortr, H Jan. 4. 4AP1 (U. DOS AXGLLE8, Idaho, died hi Jan. offl-'oeolectten home In at The of appointive r ior department will run close to CH1CAOO MORTALITY Hog ' R Department of Agriculturo) Rockland, of Intestinal flu and their approval br the conn-c'- 1 (JXUITED JKDmXIAU Asked 44. grain fed None, locals quoted to -(0. CHlfAOOl waa Born in Bon- - 360 Bid a will b mad at this meetEphraim D. Ralphs In 4.25. to A the i show the Quoted Hereford and big 94 999; Hogs market Prte. Iowa, April 19, 1844. H ing. -Aaaalg. Sug Pd A poultryman Ip th boat ness tv , ta 744; active; (ally generally 4 taReceipts 14 lower thaa Wednso A Mach ... with hi parents arrived in halt Shorthorn beet divisions are tied Ca Wag Johnson - SPANISH average on most clasoeo; moder- Lake City In 1056. His father died for first place. The Shorthorn days erttee pfd PORK Ree W. James year and feeding a 1969 hen flock gohramm 44 steers 4.45 ately 4.7404 grass et decline, shipper demand when the son waa It year old and division took a big load when Utah Flra CUy trvk the oath of offfe 49 down, abort fed heifers 1.250 fairly broad; majority good ta oholco Utah Idaho com of Ppanfah Fork City at noon mayorv write this interesting letten PouI living child of a famfirst began to arriv but tho good cows 4.19: esmmoa to medium 119 to 219 lb. 2.450 9.49. top 2.44 ea the ofoldest Utah Idaho pfd seven. 2 He Mf Leah V Nelson, aa married cutter 490349; ily 2.7404 59; Sophia Hereford brooders ail hold their grades trynwn of today, to survive la thesq -fthfppr account; 224 ts 204 lb. larkMy Nolson In 1670. Utah Homo Ftro las 10 calves 469. bulk Jurt arrived the oth being administered They became the applications until (ho last. heavier weights 9 49 downUt Ur Lt 9 pfd .... tot choke 2 M0I.45. medium times, roust te that hn receive J of He children O Sheep parents Ia e Non, FolTow-tLawrence hr fulfilled, Judge ward. desirable !4 to 179 lb. 15 da 97 Pfd a to New lamb 4.75 0 4.74. from lSSij Tho favorite milk diL1on will 2 44; ptgs 2 350 2 75. strong Induction offtrvrv th boot at do t per oant dob why I 4Jed we.ghts to mte.ion R vV Zealand F' bo nln with Jorsev exhibitor Mre. 90 uVtetn(teL t to nows E. C. M. L packing reeordr. awore fn R NOPCO- XX. 1 furnish eggs to a Jew 4 fAPT(U upward SAN FRAXrlPOO thm Brigham, 2 75, smooth light tho animal of tho Na- Third while 0Cretrr Sundaxnterlnir Jhelr ward 9.44 Opening Mm four weights cotmcltman' Hdh 490; wntbrg. pad active, 8DA Hoge Receipts above schopl. irom Ifftt to 19oO aKo come a ctio second with JtionaT7 froolgrowerc Bristol Stiver. 404 at 14. aasoetetioo Hrrbe-- t E. William C H Dhcon hatchery and have no troabfe get-higher than Cattle Receipt T404. and butchers around Chief Con. lit at 72. general ki'liag perimendent f tho Rorklxnd lb Idaexhibitors showring. The who ia In Waahlngton. D. C eonl -- nd William J Johmmn two Wednesday; 719 head gaud 174 49 very market qaaiity Colorado. 8096 at I plain, fully steady h bead ho butchers 4.44 top; around ouncflmen; David K JonejRepuh-- . ting asiDcK)ih.9trcng .egg. oo steers and yearlings. Instnneeostmng Cemk Met. 404 at 10. 144 eounetl-ma- n b. light lights 4.15; few packing '1071, was the hold-ovea oftei--.Insures gooJt hatchxbility gnd The Rockland ward they pertain to th cattl and sheep Credent Equity OU. 10V9 at light of Vv90 A and Jame Anderaon. He , steers draggy. shippers while th, chert Crown Point. 404 a( t. he hold for 19 yare. H ; Cattle Receipts 100: slow, edge ap- paying we.ghty ni5btten wo- 4 2505 IS, Inter mrnjwilL ba ttwtthfek a T. T. Con 400 at 10. there rg at price prani wraa a - auecoseftri- - heepman-nWhite, aakieg fully steady, cst topon choiee parently off market, The old dtv eouncfl met In trararf xecutt.ve th annual weighty Seat Utah. 3099 at of offering. loads no banquet tho About throe million birds entered two coverclaaotfiration bms weak, supplementary 11.4 lb, steers 4.99; bast Isag Ogdn purebred ranfhf. 17 m at to no ea!an wind (hr Burak Lilly. 400 at 30; 1209 at IT. fed yearlkrgs around U9 lb. caltf. sioers- held 4 17 admlnv'-aytoe very little here of value to sell th NOPCO XXfaach feed. Surviving ar hi wife. Snhla ing them, will have the largest Livestock show, to be hold W.dn.s-d.v.ntn- huln in Kannehao, 1499 at 7. S, 4.40 above 4 54. strictly choice weighty Ko Niiovn Ralphs, five swin representation in tho tho January 10, Moocow, 1909 at 14; 7099 St 14 fniovorvti 900: aa early trading above Receipts hundred of letter from Sheep tel Ben 74 her hstfeiS to Lomond brought Ada at of 409 5.75. up 199 thia at long 94; at 47, Jeppson rftv, KarU Lily. rnnni1 wort Into wneIob and yearling The stackers trade type steers -i E T Ralph ' and !! Rstpha, commence iteued mot of tho ar A t Ji; classes banquet ; DENVER Came From Far A wag sgytcg that low bay ppuitrymen Raloha Balt of killing (neatly Lake and T'FcTock Vsteady .Narth Std- - 9499 at AP be will end DENVER. City Jan. , 4 (USDA- niot ratters. cowa i. 35 down Exh tbltor are oominyTrdm And pnllei 9700 at 39. arurt and71 full of weghty Rorkland of thlck; Ralph feft park CHy Coa.. Intereating happen. Idahog, WW. bulls up to 3.95 end most vea! Twmy-on- e L It... I I ll II.. Sacrncnetrta. 4099-ten hort Tod afeor 4 5: good t ekAc9)mosage graaddHMrerr broth-4 2505 9. with trictljjefco&gjFi&dx 959 at 14. ability and better egg iielis ra.d id Matoft. Texas, from aa faritho banquet committee, reporu ulrula vralU 0 K. 1 other or 929 tb mfx4 yrllng I.Jl. rrewgnndctrtldren anffora mroTmd 59. Ttlrtio StAr 329 at aa Peter north a benefits. NQPCQ upim Rockland Albert Washington, Dayton, of Spraynozsle, genera) Ralph tat lamhs hTvr 'Wa.ker. 309 at 14., ? In j uEnmJIti,a' w d. wetfronr-Wodlanwill act . tu..pR.lpl. brgbrr etlRVd ar(M. Idaho, Sanpete County high toastmaater California. ?ttTOnr. 4909 Red Top Tg to ai.d A hr 99: bH 1.590 te HveratTwit in of he held Funeral will nrlceo There vIr7.9O0T Lawrence-moat will Kansaa vane vniog 4 front behn ing MTT ttfowing oarly. C Jahu Count PLEASANT, ferlr Thl ft. the sack MU tftr Tdaho, ward J,ndat Jan. tag ad ebaleo hdy weight,' Rockland" The Ogden livestock T show te pcakera. .resaurer Charles R. is re-- 1 calm 4.14. vooT kfn (o ,fpper apwsrd Bristol SUvor. to 7.75 5m nnnterment will bo in the universal fa Its appeal, univenuU Rsjlngton Hoc ftecotpfe 9.599; 0 aingla diraot 0 7 45; genuine NOIxo hsv. .old thsr .btrar- - rtfcuftrymou-th- ot w.k-.n- a bold aron4 9.09; toppjr Brigham City cemetery Cost. R4, 1999 at 4. Port th. during 9 3 10 49. tope Its in through ataodv; of the taxes were paid in XX haa been property mixed good. Th Gfteenth annual and Is expected to give those Camb. Mac. 1499 at 14. x aow ttaadv. 1gbt orolght ctupod offering 4 39: lb. 3 2.3574:0 9 are59:oothpacktog batchvra IhrowoaUm pward to 0.99, ahvop Cr. Equity OIL 1904 at 1 , exhibition, which will be held from ambled clear and vivid picture of i81 SET COtmtlfB county th! year, repre- - est resulta-- at 9 99 2.490 light no oxt2a cost to a $ per cent Increase oev Moooow, 49 at 14. S to 11, will b what carrv; be an4rtmo ent;n ia or Jan. fin rvlativolg just done for otrong. th 4 d ng tract, 1.(75 709; Xhevp Rocaipta BEAVER, Jan. 9 Announcement Maw Quiacy. 1999 at 19 per cent was men by the present ad- - test, when praettealljr aharat. 35 7 9f, com. toodlng lamb sjoultrymen rfver ordinary oil. And , T94 at natlva lamba ataadg at ha boon mad bv Stake Ptvsiitept , better than any of it predece- - !ietick Park City Com. 199 at and Whaf they can et- - ivafvedr abor men 9.99; holding hvtcrlo,a f that Farnswortli hjg m Tayjof MrJLDark Utah. 49 at 9.94. 94; 4 't Larsen It also reported as there ia a new on gallon the near pert T 59. hlda weak. rvarHng future wether 9tak conference Beaver of th The addrean tjf welcome will behamg stated that Numerous ewao 9.9903.49. Ptaeba Bristol. 4999 at 3. will l held at the West wirj chabv p, H Mulcahv, president 'quines hav reached hss office ron- - soaled cati for ranch mixing which Sacimasantab 4499 at 1. pel on Jan. 27 and 24. JU raerphera the show Judges of the KAN A! (TTf if ahnw Jrerning the amount of taxes owed the NOPCO trade mark identif es as Alvar King ConL. 99 at 9.99. of to are urged th he introduced and the trophleaJr CITY. Ja. 4. (USDA ) "ill KANSAS 4 LONDON, other year (AP JiUhaush attend. Beaver stake rho cenuine. XOPCO XX la also- neb- South Std 594 at wby the cattle men will f Hoga Roeolpta 9.9H; 1C9 dfcoct; Ue iie4i . aotniwUt vu mtrkttd. i as soon their va. tow delinquent payments WEDDING ANNOUNCED good FLOUB The KDYL xchgw Ranch Hands will fur- s possible. PLEASANT GROVE. Jon togtotrg! athvrv doll: tdp 8.41 oa chafe h. ont.rtainm.nl and Osca today, a number of eetattona auvaao-in- g MT. PI.EAgAXT. Jn. 4 Mr. ond Rlchlno. 22. .on ot Mark Richln. of.jj-'Was. A fAF MDCNKAPOUS. lha.; 3.7i osd chofear OUtedged WcarittM, toduatrlale and hr. Willism Andr.w Flsh.r an- - Pleasant Grows and Wilms - Smith. 'K'rkhsm o( Balt Lsk City, will Flour 14 canto lowtr; oarload lots fam- lb.; god 109.349 lbL 9.10049; WhinC mvtor shares Improved . a -09.39: Cft. timtoMBt lh. bsanrel uors a in of noon., o( the both 394014 th.ir community singing. Drstwr, patents marrtsge injured Invitations ily to attend the "ban Ihk, 3 950991 lck pa baying whil Kifiita after aa early Kiev, M s May Elisabeth Fyle, to Joseph .Sunday eveping when they were sack bbtfamti 94.944. on. pound settoir -- 14.99049. imam aa Simpson, la Detroit. Mich.. Tuesday. trfruck by a car a they were waik-jwhave ben mailed to the gov-te- r, 4 chofeVv T9.139 Jh 1.19 0 2 35. yielded wit good 'NGTtrE OF AVNTAX 3TOTK- - ' ft. breftttaklng la 4be tote trUAtog. the png along tho highway -la Pleasant trnora of Uteh. Idaho, Woming Csttl. 'Kmlst. TIN; clwo market efeavd stvedy. HOLD ERF MEETING and Montana to official and the of FOTATOS0 i llShtw.fxht fed .stMra ysoiUns. PARIS Irregularity I yrtev cwtbv 'ORItE Y Jan. dft The Ameses rt Tbs"rur the ef ot inark.1 D M ef the Ftrvt National Bang IM(AP-(C5II th. .ilur.lw vockhedvrs Jan. Alalwr; Hvlno CHKAOO. ( mdy ond right kn 1 'or ::w;sfMlM''tth,Ai.fra7m' will he bald of fta.t Lake IlMk m. total V. 0. alim4Hw- - yewUrtwv ,S: ! A.) lutoto m- - sr.dent I Acad'mv and of M. STu.Vivr drlv.r Joasen Fvtor wr. iBjuTod. .for lOfflco of tho boob,- la Hit Lake City. shfewnt Wr 1 164.1k. wrtshw d2Tupnao ,, rTT1. m ... .... ton sort the car. parked hs ear on ih( , Hesugl ralverslty. ot Utah and Col d tradtog rather alow., Utah. Taeoday. Jaacary 9. 1934. at 154 , MM. Tb. domand took Pac recehtly Ip MVayoe a.m five btghway while 7. j he assisted In taking ''hit 'ity. Ion Cy Leader, ebairmao Jh'n university. For tne psvt . tor tho purpoao of vlectlng direct. vrhtta i tood and choirs UDH lha (.ngt.la. ra brvgafer 1 0-- Ho. 5 h loconai rod b ha been esoc ated with tho Injured people to th doctor. and( iht commit ' 1.40155. few hlfbw Mlnoaoot count', lha. BERLIN Besinem aa tb feme ares ora Red 0 report. ef lb. 9 0904.49; jbtjtk and for the traamettoa L fHVcral year ago g m ill Commence t at tbu of suck ether djucsi as may ba brought, parC hiLJTh0haIi, employed ttdtro 4.9009 Bfeor Ohio (ino qaaiity and 8.750 4 40: c ire aad prices im proved graenHiiHe1eve-ft-or-Kot,!JRpielb. some to due but a tbw letter's business rar was struck In the rear by 'limo proper and carnival effect! et.fblthed here, and siectrtc. eharvtro betora the Colorado McCIurfo 44. potaeb meeting , $49lRaoaata l.T90t.9 moatlg bowed the best edraece. I be moibot manager. He recently returned with automobile driven by Hobart maker and other aUracLiansiutkEKwk oauae. it kid beea dlacoa H. A. CULTERVELU, athinoie Idaho 7 will bo fcatoradi JUptoy from a trip to tho Orient orm of Frovoe yiamad. ' sUgbqy raamtlKd, gooddchoro plftilWNMUMI grwto 1.4401.49. v3 nf & City Officials Take Over Duties -- he - - For Grain, Provisions i .. -- ud lnd m eonvor.o STMt TVest-Ogd- en, t st - ju-eic- as ment ac-o- .r.v.J - ( ef-th- e; -- -- at WhtOtT' Cl.!pbl MacFar-isne-an- 0. y -- reroaln-lFurth- .j or classi-Reaso- - -- Salt Lake Stock' Exchange Z.?. i4 ed . u. sob-ae- ro 1 hrt Il: a4 4u?u. Jt m M Produce Prices "" nactq0?s-- fdsr rt buin - 14.-4- 6! New Ogden Chief StartsShakcup LIVESTOCK . 2F5 J 3-- 09 I In Police Force "'I , a ;-' QUOTATIONS - -- 14-- predo-coaao- 1 th ' -- n tor-ke- -- ba l9-49- If; y. 11 w -- -.- 1 rt Former Resident of Brigham Gty Dies In Rockland, Ida. -- ...i.... CUk-Wf- Ban-der- a, 4-- H t . STOCK SHOW 9n-t41P- Cattlo-Receip- i on-tr- BANQUETSET FOR JAN. X 3. lews-pric- ed n - 4. ood-Tb- vr 14-- 15 - Tue-da- the Jn 14 !.l n vr -- ahelL.-whic- whto 1lt wlnor-aRhoug- h m s, .t rbUdrn-Mr.-Willia- nom-oth- 2. nt V Wt ' oi aat-Totoda fo-- 94 its: , mra . -- itMT4-iJ9i.- Irtn . bt 149-3- fr oa-tl- v u 1. C quvr-(orf- ft Today in Europe in 4. ty - Zf-- 9 V.rt, 149-1- n!. 9 Legal Notices. -- ut l' .: T aaaU-jnwung-- tam -- at-ip 1 1199-13- L. R 139-1- iL btrt, I V. ofj-wlu- ha-w- aa- aai-l"c- ...al ' 959-9- ) t riii P J |