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Show Vs- THE DESERET NEWS LAKE CRT SALT INSIDE OF II OLLYWOOD M'li IrOcn aboold be addressed to Mary Moore, Deseret he iwtiowleow. Right Maea address a required. trill heU hi omndnet. Gltt JANUARY 4 1934 , Stars of Filmland Reside , In Luxurious Surroundings MARY MOORE THURSDAY CONTEMPORARY VERSE VICTORY THEATER with her murder, goes com-- 1 ' hay-wir- e. THE WOMAN IN HIS LIFE" pletely Strang Support Ra ringer . . ,7.T.Oto Kruger Ben Lyon aa hla assistant, on Mmmons Vna Merkel Hen Lyon whose shoulders fella the burden Roger does a' Catherine libel jnteii of hla chiefstbshortcoming, lover of the con- Lawler Roseoe Karos ROO1 " ........ M Jb HORNE Contributions should be sent to Pfetry Editor, Deseret News. Y-PERCY u I Ipfne limey demned mans beautiful daughter, Placd by Harvey, while Cna c. Henry Gordon IMcaMoa Car cnliaa Vo Merkel aa Krugers efficient and BIG TOWN" dierthtag mot pabtRbrd. sympathetic secretary and Roacoe Kama. Qusll" fa a word picture tore fined expression of the French private investigaI eater Vail James Wyley tor and Krugers henchman, contribute maThere lp something d writers. France Dade Holman PHria QUAIL tothe mngth. In the Imagery choeen by Join. Millern...I'rcderk-utes each day should ho devoted to HolmanThrourh m misunderstanding of. Ughtfnl Blue Again in Love unseen Swift feet ' . imBob one a to clear Geoffrey Bryant Hellly circumstances the assistant has hia.tb Pot giving this treatment. A tiny plume of quiet pride Oder . to " 'h .Uni. Reilly masnaThe on of the bird and the most salisfaicory homo the eve of chef disbarred Dear Mita Moore: An opal in green gold- Diane Hori Ktheline' condemned man's appeal, and theipression 1 fell hi lore with a very charm sage treatment is as follows: From the'turaj background. Mr. Smith is s But transient ' . ChaimersJ Alan Brooks the the into to moves dramatic climax a firmly Ups finger pja7 la M, bat unfortunately withUtah artist of some distinction Momentary the neck. Then, without Kruger, broken and ill with out apparent reason ehe etopprd hack of the Otto Far hatred. hatchet-face- d moving fingers from that one pneumonia, wrings a confession of. which partly accounts tor the verrjA blrd ghdlDg tllrough arrdag ate. Tl act bu Ini me to spot, mitti tbemuscieo on associations with wwi girl, and rotate them not the tissues, tips, al in Gordon. tale finger this artit.c played by Henry works performance and other which this urns to take of jdictlon graceful, timid quaiL mote- - Rotate the fingers fire I of a btiHfrt trial lawyer gone; even as an.inaocent man is P...1 SmitK Thg ornate and delfcatetyl Since 1 can't forget then fire in the electric chair waiting for woald yoa idilie me to solicit her 'ttmes Move the fin to times breath-take- r! the right end. a Blrthe Its affections ger tlpe about half an inch above theater throughout and throws a deal. of I wish yon oacccaa naewding. ifee- - It rat epotr Iasi night The noted stage actor, light on criminal lawyers strata-glsm- a BLCE AGAIN, VlatL the right Move the linger tips and Inside courtroom scenes. although comparatively new to the still tartber up the neck, rotate, . Tea, Blue Again, in your case I Reporters Again - La thl manner-unt- il continuehome in and at films, appears perfectly would try again, but go easy. Yon ox THK KUO base of the head ts reached. Town. Tbs second tbe feature, "Big this medium and a created L. PAR AltOU nT might talk to her on the telephone. Move tbe tips of the fingers half OGDEN, . Jan. 4 Darcey those -.- underworld JL of another, rrudf stick long in the bromides with a drunken Just hare a nlce friendly chat,. hut an inch Tbt Homi m Mth Street. with the skull reporter Nye was elected for the third Ricardo Cortos, (Wr do hot ask to see her let her do toward the ears, rotate, move the p Rfm d minds of those who see the work, doing the police department's of as the time Ogden president Jobs Hid&y. y Co the asking. Then If she seemed fingers back of the ears. press Movie folk have abandoned their MaUba beach homes for the - The but work and Cleaning np the town. In Male Singer play is an ?. Cfirtooi; Kfiffiltr; Mt. ' interested and sociable in about a night Wednesday and rotate, working in this whiter. TUa shown how the Mallba homes are crowded together. still Is CAPITOly-pftd- rie good concerning, as we said this esse s social uplift league week or two you might call her firmly in tha Elks clnhhonte. Mathias manner Hurl, Otiy the, o temples criminal lucrative nroqn4.,to operating Cooper and MHm Bopkiao ta elected vtoe president again, and try making a date, that across the front of the head. who,racket aB(j the hesd of the league. Tanner erasDr. ,L I. ??.. Jf This appbes to both - their city and before, s brilliant trial lawyer oic for Tinas. AS color r- i is, if you feel that ihe would like who Lamont Pack succeeding owok country places. Loaf cartoon. Niva, 'keeps going principally on liquor, to. "A faint heart, nerer won fair the hands meet.in.-the- Glen L. ' -S center, to the pruaadine bad served for two years. Uttlo Wean. fM,andrsaVeacountlem nnhitahL'vr Hansen V elected concert msn- - ORPRETM lady you know, and ou nerer the forehead. Katbortno t Just Hepbam. Paol fig arer .upoedlng Lelsnd Newey win by giving up too easy- Mao After reaching the center of the. J Bdoa OllrorJTiftacii from ure out the situations h4d aerved for one year. N YKTTORT that,ho roreheadc-pres- s Welcome. the tips of the finas H foundation. "Womn Bio fa Ufa Geoffrey Bryant electe4 Taylor WM .erretary, gers firmly into the scalp itself, iUi Otto Kniier, Bnt Lfea, lw " TomUnson who ,uee them as before until the S.ln Mcncrl, Roacoo Karat, ood - noV Tf toeu?ty rotating actor. salaried engagtd'"in Id Jhe, Raisin and Apple Stuffing entire scalp has been treated. This a tr.ri he pl.y. Town" witb ShaaBoaOap ajbd andUmjit on andr The minute and on ,h' M1U. IsoatorYatL taaies-wr- th will sing at the c'ub will have given i b'" turned .their backs a deft and glee experienced: .. , you accomplished, , Dear Mary Moore: th,t between home hand.. Through It all. howaver. performance worth noting The rt Totock Wo are going to have a goose for Malibu lachmodom e mimmtr U esra but ath. haunted by the memory of direction is only fair, end dialogue a birthday dinner and I woald like Remember. Baldy. to get . ' tome and returned to their lavish a"d ,dio urdinary N. Stannard Ifmou-h- j. in forth iD,lgbt by houses. a recipe for frail staffing. Coo Id result you must be persistent.. Dm and only real love who and gags pretty stale. apartments and with liveried drivers. But its disappeared from hla Ufa many The usual news reel and film yon please print one for me soon? Dies Denver Home spring the exodus takes 5'? show charged to years ago. and when it comes hla shorts complete the program. This woald me very inch. many film luminaries away,f from dvert tiring tb oomes from time to defend a man charged and It Note Lonesome to CANNON. TED finds winter Postoffice and - Vary trulypieaae years, city surroundings, Clare S. Stannard. 14. brother of Logan l0 to them home .gam BALLY, Utah. F. C. Btannard of Salt Lake and There is no such special school A movlo star is forevar On ' Shows Gain 1933 In vleo president and general manager 1 hope .the following recipe Dlepetto Tomorrow) CARRIER-PIGEO- N is located, to Provo, aa far aa 1 tade and crowded Malibu rives him!' (Anther of the Publlo Service company of ' learaj bnt I believe there are pri Jast what yoa want. Sally. , 4. The her opportunity to rub elbows LOGAN, Jaa. Logon died of pneumonia In a Colorado, I Instructors vate there. suggest with producers Raisin and Apple Stuffing Two BRINGS BID TO hold th. Great-Grandso- n with Denver hospital yesterday morning- -. , port office finished sups seeded raisins two cups flne - !!bt you write to the B. Y. L'.. at strings to fatter contractal . - and, Requestgain ef over $20 over 1422. ac- according to word received in Balt LWESTOCK SHOW ly chopped sour apples, three cu ps . 1'rovo, for further Information, many worth-whilvisitors from stale bread crumbs, one teaspoon Address correspondence to the De- the east and foreign lands. cording to the annual report of Lake. Mr. Stannard, who was a vice of Physical. Education. mit. Invitations to attend the Comfort and Luxury Postmaster Eugene. Teateo, teaspoon einnaiuonJpartmnt Toun president of the Denver chamber university Provo Salt and pepper, not economy that brings, the It's livestock show. Jsn. I Wednesday. cuptohm Ogden to r will commerce and Identified With of be to An Invitation " glad stars home. Far from that. Rather, participate cold water. Combine in,rrti.n.VLh' by Receipts for 3431 -t- otal 444, to it, were received yesterday X Issuance of a spe- 592.37 as compared with 445, many fraternal bodies In that city, tor a the in osder named, tossing' them to- lo Inform you. its the love of comfort and luxury request .wea well known la Salt Laks. Ho afternoon by Gus P. Neil Pratt, 44, stage and screen that elaborate estates bring. gether lightly. Season well and cial postage stamp in ltlS to com- 523.42 In 1432. a difference of 31. wax born to N. movChamber of Commerce memorate the 75th stuff the goose with the mixture. At Malibu Korea of these people, sefor formerly of Salt Lake, a son of 04.45. Only two months during ing to DenverFriendship, anniversary to ISIS. J What more can I do for you? Indian Head Pennies high to the public's fancy, take of Mr. and Mrs Ernest L. Pratt, 14 secretary, and Frank P. Rey- the pony express, was received to- tbs year failed to show an Inplaces at rentals varying from iiail G street. committee day by the Utah Pioneer Trails and crease. nolds. Uvestock Salt Lake, and a great to 13. 00 Dear Mary Moore: ' few own Receipts daring December show. chairman Landmarks association. The- - proby carrier pigeon Baldy s Fallingz -- Roald yon please tell see if then their Mahbu houses which stand grandson of Orson Pratt, ons of Col ed a smalt gain over the preceding P. H. Mulcahy, president, sent was the from posal by Stamp I aj-- f is s premium on Indum Head pen- on leased land. Ithe original twelve apostles of the 44(341 lectors' tii nti at SC Joeephris Dear Miss Moore: of' the show ami Where I tlwvldwilu Urn, In town end eastern terminus of the historic compared with 35.ei2.4T- In 1432, The Ogden show is expectI hove brow shk tor ntinut- - a nies M? col-information 4171.23. difference of Los a concerning (joining the Hollywood movie Angeles yesterday, accord ed to attract prize livestock old mall route. south nod when the fever left, my ony. the players reside in a gorge-lin- g to dispatches received hero to- -, hope 1 can soon see i from 17 states and Canada The government will be naked to hair started to fall out. My folks in Iyonr column. furnished helpful CONFERENCE FIXED and apartments ously day. and be the most outstanding M have memorial stamps pieced on advised me to get shaved, Thank yon Individual homes, some of which Following Tils profession as an St- - Joseph, April g, 1931 to event kind M woald not hare time to of its sale Ogden'a at Jsn. 4. Quarterly OGDEN, grow JIMMY, Utah. to , rival actor, Mr. Pratt lived to many difpalaces splendor. the anniversary date of the depar- conference of Weber stake will be history. to, before I started to school, and -- X soma While mainalso at work, ferent of He the country. parts ture of the first pony express rid- held 1 wandered if yon could tell Yes. Jimmy, I Aril! publish this Sunday, Jsn. T, la the taber-apartments where they can was born in San Diego. Cal- - Dec. er In 1344- - On each date following whether K woald be best to get It Information once more, and I eer- - tain undisturbed. a hoy moved with King Asks U. S. Aid- - x corresponding to .the arrival of and tt.clggs, hom nmro'nowl'" maintained The are in hla so rider at the next eta- parents to Salt Lake City, where rnlnf,'. . . . M I don't shave k oted in Indian Head .,. . Ua Davis Flood Control aa a property man for the old Salt would be placed. meetings will... b held at . stamps off. h win not grow again after it and those readers who think they Jj?') show and during the Lake theater, he made hla on .ale along the route. When the d ?! fall,--eat end I win he perwmamt- - may be Interested in tha - future, filming of places, general Church authorities as a picture they Slip m contacts with the stage. - tint Sen. William H. King of Utah, rider reached Ban Francisco on the the will dip this answer aad- put it , y u the out of leas and other speaker. principal from a His pretentious career petition started to Dea after receiving find it for referetshtb day, atampe would bo- placacting BALDY. Utah. where they can homes unnoticed. ' ver. from whence he went to New mbout 1.004 Davis founty residents ed on aalo throughout the country. . ence. Accord tag. to good Authority:, it Ths only Indian Bsad pennies ovi A star with less than three au- York after n stay of some length has asked for Flood control -- funds isn't really necessary to shave the which a premtnm is placed are tomobiles is considered economical. in Toledo, Ohio. Ho played stock from the secretary of agriculture to various other bead to keep the hair from tailing. those which were minted In 1STT, The majority employ three of the coun- and public work administrator to Herriman Holidays batlsr. try. Including 8altparts The moat Important thing to do and even these have no special rants. chao rfenr. cook, Lake City. Dur- be used to prevent further erosion women. aad maid a for the usually In a rasa like yours it to keep the value unless they are Intperfect Close; School Begins ing the Inst year he has been con' in the Davis county flood areas One star is said to employ blood stream to the head circular condition. The addresses tof which aected with the films in California In cze funds cannot bs obtained tnat any Mr-- Pratt's mother has left for from this source. Senator King rectag. through brushing and- mss you might write for further infor- - many people on her estate HERRIMAN. Jan. 4.The holimay gain -- admittance Los Angeles. Funeral plans ommends that all public lands in day festivities cams to a Close hem asging. Even if you did shave your nation are: B. Max Mehi. Fort stranger he there. works Worth. American The merely by staling Texas, and bead this treatment would bo need' awaiting her arrival- - The father the region be added to th forest Tuesday when children of the Many Parties od. 1 advise you if pomiblo to have Numismatic Society. Broadway and! left here today by airplane. reserve and reforested through the ward were entertained In the aftFifty. sixth! The stars homes are the scenes Besides his parents, Mr. Pratt is forest service. a few treatments from a reliable One Hundred and New ernoon with a dance at the amuseYork. of more entertainments than those survived by a widow, Mrs. Lillian New York City. ment halt A donee in the evening acalp special 1st, then you rould go street of any other group in the world. S. Pratt: n daughter. Jane wan enjoyed, by the edults.T- - The right on doing It yourself. Or if Come again Jlmmv Pratt; Birth in you prefer to treat your scalp at and a ron. Noll l'ratt. Jr. affairs were sponsored by the M. Expected borne follow the directions below. I. A. and Primary organizations, r Best results from general brushBelgran Royal Family School was resumed to all grades Cache V alley. Sends, ' Ion Wednesday after a twelve-day- ! ing are gained la the following BRCSj-ELS- . Duke The manner: Brush the top of the hair j vacation. Although the wkiia. Cattle to Ogden Show and Duchess of (AP) Brabant, heirs t skate and sleds are still lying un- the dp ra"i it's in the New Mood That the thrones of Belgium, expect, the juge(J the children enjoyed their pQlllDf u down to the the heir. ru LOGAN. Ja. 4. A herd of Hoi birth of a third child this spring, the brush voder-oest- h Is Approved for Spring holiday sessou out of doors with the hslr. nar the scslp. The duke. Prlnre Leopol. endHiis' football, baseball, bicycles etc la dairy eottlf repreentlngthe and and poll the bristle firmly operard By HELEH WILLIAMS -- to the end. Still r-T- .' placing the brush left here today forOgdea where Their children at present ere the six near the seal p. brush from the front of the head toward the back, Illustrated Dressmaking they wilt be entered in the Ogden ear old Princess Josephine and Uvestock show opening Fr day. and then from the hack of the Decision fo enter the show, at the three year old Prince Baodonln. head toward the front. Five min- Lesson Furnished with first decided against, was reached following an appropriation of 375 Sidewalks Planned Every Pattern by the Cache eountv fnimuim 1 to the Cache Countv Holstein so bo Along Ogden Highway A charming little dress with jacket Willi wriU59 Breeders association which Is to hcr-The has been chosen (or todays pattern of the charge county 0(5DEN. Jan. 4. Building ceThe dress of simple lines has the appropriation was made Wednes- ment sidewalks on both sides of at the requtst of the state morning attracwhich day as is shirtwaist collar, highway into North Og. County Agent R. L. Wriglev. tive as it is becoming to the average den la Included among projects ap be ft A will which Animals entered, A YM proved fty the Weber eounty-OgThe sppolntment or a state farm young suss. The jacket is so trim according ts- - kit:- Wnglew.-- are den city - CW A eommltteo thtw debt adjustment committee is and smart the way it hugs the figure. Noble. P Ellon owned by George X The list of projects. It is T rert rv A lovely crepe silk print in porpty-bln- c urged In a resolution tentatively Noble and Sidney Prilav of Amel-g- week. will furnish employment to W 1 nUTSuay LallCC W with plain toning crepe mspoed H adopted at a meeting yesterday of P. said, Roy Thaln of Benson. some 250 men the expiration! the resolutions commutes of the the original modeL HUT PIIVTUtf I Anderson of Hyrum. and Plowman of the present until W CWA program on,T 1 -- Utah Stats Farm Bureau FederaBlade crepe silk with the bodice of Brothers of Smlthfteld. ladles 14c 6t.lk.fz Ms Feb IS. tion. dress of crisp white embr ordered fie sidewalks! The decision to build The practice of kiting tha prices is new and smart. In North Ogden has resulted from DiCGItmtS MEET of agricultural products after they organdie It's easy to make it aad so inexThe several accidents to persons walk- mmm M have left tha farms was condemnCASTLE DALE. Jan. 4 been; y Ing on the highway. Jt has ed by the resolutions committee as pensive. PtVfMcr ef the Pioneer met nldswalks be conthat suggested . retarding Style No. 3284 is designed for sizes national recovery, it Dan Mrs, of home al the structed on several other county im-- , II, U, IS. 17 and 19 years. resolved to recommend the Lowry. A special meeting as con highways adjacent to Ogden city mediate establishment of princiSize 1$ requires V lah 1 acted In honor of yards of p4ooeers where pedestrians ore walking on and local pioneer. Those honored ples 'and policies which would yards of maten, the paved roads. in the ward were: Hannah agrlcultnrml Interests guarantee Other projects approved are John T. Jenaen and Eiua Anes. all such protection in prices as Is now he graveling of thq road near the of whom earn to Utah bTre being afforded to business and infirst the came railroad with and infirmary, extending south to Price of Pattern IS Cents dustrial groups. to Emery courts Special Roy pioneer and then east and The meeting regarded silver mere rendd the county line school and song reading BEAUTY ... FASHIONS ... PATwest; grading grounds in a necessary addition toour monand the romance of om.e of their the city and grading of city streets lives related. etary base, and felt that Its rec- TERNS m the new book of Fall and ognition would have beneficial ef Winter Fashions. Read how to REfeet on commodity prices CAPTURE YOUR PERSONAL More ways to be the beauty ITY it is yew right to be. Sec what the U S Bans Circulars' Yi cinema stars are wearing From All Mail Boxes vos? want to miss the It has soignee, if ym Residential mall boxes and letter slots are to be used exclusively for Send today for your copy, enclosOPENS II) . U. 8. mails and not stuffed with ing M erritv iu itatnps or cotn.Thts NEW-SH-OW -DAILY laNOON ms-- . advertierng and circulars bins, unestment wtU save yoa by actual dollars on teriaL accordlng to a ruling your whiter ward' Postmaster General James A-- Far-U- r robe. Address Fasboo Drpartmrnt aa quoted by an Associated r Be fill sure m the sue of the to Press dispatch from Washington. Carriers ore instructed to remove patterur mailable matter from letter boxes Send stomps or oom (com and other receptacles and bold It fcrned). Price of book 10 cents. In the postoffice for postage. The com Price gf patteraylS-cent- a. ruling followed numerous of malij against the stuffing .plaints with circular, dodgers and bole MAN hand bills. Sise Wanted. Fkue Pol a Circle TMIIa! A WALT DIES JOHN GREEN No. 3284lsiex II, U. nd 19 years WeU known In Balt Lake. John the F. Oreenswait. assistant to president of the Monntain States N comand Telegraph OTTO KRlGE- n- BET LYOT Telephone Colo, on I AA MERKEL ROM OK KAKTf pany. died to Denver, reword to Kit 2-Tuooday, according ceived here. Street Address YET ELECTION RET MATINEES 2 NH-HT-S United States Veterans', 41 -- ofT State jieill will hold It ?rt!ons -j Bore Jnnret Matt Tosr Drdrr PJllrtk la evening. PrMnmrsi, Wednredav ofticem. 11 wan cl see sttver M. H was decided at a meeting yeo-- I tho Newhooso hotel. noet. Tony -- - free-vers- e. nd Jn Ug-sh- - Ogden Male Singers Name New Officers o lAftGoririto' Jy tlong-thrinar- of TeU-KfiU- v- r.- ew keep-r.',j!.- f.i . andactreWK hh 'VV irficUL1 peUr cold-sob- 'ThUolti blom ten dare at r?fn S. L. Asked to Join For 1935 Pony Express Stomp (h e" one-bs- Of Orson Pratt lf till qg Expires in L. A. three-fourt- 1 Back-man- I, HairJs -- at -- Jet u In uo.the' , y -- 'SiTAHIIini i :,xh' (fuptmtmv Resolution Asks State Farm Debt Adjustment Body Cf1 Kigir Rysrs nine j -j DAIvUAlll a. g g yr Wed-KU- ii ch -- 39-in- siimEuor.iEn -- M-Lj nt FRIDAY 111 GREAT - EXCITEMENT Awl WEEK HES A BETTER THAN HIS FATHER AND , " 1 dt.j ja - f WITH vL ARD DIX AND A GREAT CAST Women L Life '4 |