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Show THE DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE CtTT FAVORITESx NAMED V. - X- X 0 0 0 0 4 193f WltJliSDAY .fAMJAKT HOOP IN-PR- EPV 0 A 0 00 0 J'a 0 0 0 0 0 F . Montana State Hopes To Continue Athletic Relations in Rocky-- Mountain Circuit ' Geertsen. Sets Golf Pace Lehi Favored To Win r Bobcats Corurn in Salt Lake Enroute With Lions Alpine Basket Race Display Alpine, Millard X . - - - - k n - 7- - - n Home Quints Picked Pens Broadway Notes Utes and Aggies 7 To Annex Jordan From 'Famous Old Start For Coast Games Loop . Mormon Gty , y Provo to Put in Bid QoJorado College For Runner-U- p . if Record Added To Utahs Membership in Loop Football Docket Vitally Important To Northerners TAH UNIVERSITY signed iifpk Basketball Meet t (EA Koto: This I steles article Beating with BT BILL CORUM (International News Service Sporte nnWELVX Utah t University Cagera - Writer.) . hSgb school leagues.) -, .courtwith football gams for a famous old Mormon city BT MACK CORBETT BT AL WARDEN .. Colorado College on October ( seem n strange place from torn left Ogden this morning tot basketball. district will where San Francisco column play next (News Staff Correspondent)' they year, thus completing tho which to writs a Broadway ALPINE aeries with - California to March S. promises schedule, according to Coach Mont, Jan. 4. about Los Angeles. Hollywood. Bev- Aandtwelny Stanford in the Kesar auditorIke Armstrong who returned Bozeman,- State College, home ., the extremely erly Hills and environs, but as regu-of ium Friday and Saturday nights, home from California and tha lar readers of tho famous "Golden Bobcata, L tail's Squad partisan - hoop Ross Bowl game yesterday. this space know -- The Utahns ona of the greatest basketball selected fans Utah the of can for trip Santa Clara has sent several anything teams of all time. Is looking forhere. era; Captain BUI Kinnsr and Orto requests for games with tha sounty an happen ward to another Utes and gave the Uta mentor And usually Childs, centers; Ed Brekson, frisky lonq period of d Larson, Paul Callla, Rex several open dates In hopes of race this year, does. So If Louis athletic partlcL. Harold Miller and Max Sen-- arranging tho toaale. but with what w 1th Sobol, the New patlon In th forwards and 8id Kramer, Onan ior, a Lehl rated on the Tork Evening gomes already sight Mouo. -'repolan- - Boar Rocky Meeham. Aldo Riehlna and Virgil little helo-te- st docket, the game with the Journal's popu- James River handily. tain -- conference, Bronco ta ofL at least for guards. par lar Broadway Besides year's Preston Th Bobcats, Coaches Vadal Peterson and -- with, the comm entator, I probably not be Jtomr And Hoar i liable recently rel cratgeneral caliber were riding east and Pets Couch, Student Manager to repel schedule gives Tha present little to th ed Fred Hartensteln of last years and Graduate " Utah tour home games and and today with Col , four, . at .tbe doormats connmbia Univer- Manager theT heron Parmalee ar from Salt Lake. Col- Ogden strong four away conference pow siderably trip. ' Tigers - should orado CoIIexe. B. T. U, Oregon sity's victorious making Aggies wow at Denver, Squad bold swap football team, and Utah Aggiee will furnish feel honored in An the tax The Utah Aggies making the arch-rivthe he might pause Jaunt the home competition whllo associated Kent being are.' Alpine quints k Bees at tuuCoKtnt. at this point to Blanton, centers; IRyan and Paul Denver, Colorado University, in tho R. H. C. gird for first-rouham City Itisou Captain Conley Drake and Colorado Aggies toll you: athletic Cleo proWatts. battles; coinciVsrtis Petty, some of Wood. quirk quser By ara will to met be from pricing have Jack The away Dempsey For IT Harold gram. Hanson end Jos Lambert, night, Friday dence, the strongest teams of Jor- perambulators. ... Mrs Dempesy, forwards and home. This gives the Utes a BobRom meteor the the years popular Alms at dan district in Region play stiff bnt attractive schedule. former Hannah Williams, and McNeil. Tate WardellAdam Frank cat hav been estimate is Lehl a 1 shot to rehome this week, hence your cor- the and Dean well known husband will Join Coach her stated that . runProvo with as member Armstrong of the peat champion respondent end prcdUsrtor . found the Columbia team in Chicago and Henderson, guards. ha mw plenty of water on his ath- as a favorite mountain ning a close second The Utah squads ara expected to it sgiyio forecast every homo team on the H-- s to coast runner-u- p Jaunt as tho to as T. well usurp letlc circuit. S, : ss n winner In the customarily 417- -' ride to New Tork aswith It Schubert a tasks Dycbe fine In showing const the of " train tbs crown. Lions of smart gneate foothalL special plenty President Alfred Atklneon tournament. They will return home ftenlt Jordan loop. The Granite The rest of the field Is clumped tha Columbiana for poach Schubert Dycbe are two of Partners are given tan points over coach and Mrs. Lou Little. Cos- Monday. H-- , of their B. Lineditor behind former with T. Long, and smart Ray closely tight play. the firm supporters of tho Rocky the Bingham rustlers. Jordans is working with Win Tha Uta mentor attended the Mountain conference. They believe coln. American Fork and Pleasant , margin over Murray Is figured clos- mopolitan. on so Fox Bheeham lot, Grove coaches the field danand meeting there where er. Davis may haste some trouble that the membership of 12 teams Iv rule changes were discussed, gerous as to warrant a positive q with Grantsvtlle, but the- -. Darts where he Is as full of enthusiasm, Is beneficial to all concerned. V but nothing definite was prediction that no team will go should prevail, while Cyprus will ldess and good humor ss always "The small schools need the help undefeated la tbs loop this season. hear the last of It If Tooele . . . .professional football moguls of the larger institutions In tha none At Ban s of tho to any coaches rate, id onset the upset that la be- and who flocked Alpine ki.y. VVfrt Rocklm. Just as the weak tsams iq S teams escaped defeat in running v Francisco to see the west best the , the American and National baseing utftlspered about this gams. tha t A Lehl !. vX- took ?r east the In gauntlet. Shrine at annuel ' gams ball leagues need the support of Provu Picked . evr wAc. nl d i 4 , it on tho chin from Granite. Kezar stadium are In a Westminster l I y ' will Journey to Jordan.-S4-Syte Lehl aM Lincoln are the homo- mery battle for- - tho engaging and I 'while chalking services of Coach Dyche In on Interview with or the first Isagas floor favortteVln Alpine. Tbs Pelf Georgs Saner, of Nebraska. sweet- - on rgrrVdsy"f up two impremivo Victories over ks Junior college season the writer. , Lypru;- - Provo cans have Pleaakct Gror. a with ID split est the Fayei back'd! kicks The season. football Ids be is. qalat wtaken-lisBU- y Unm. on their Leo Tcacy. who failed to conquer touted to be anus sally strong and losing In winning this "The tradition behind 17 year and has already been named addition to twice decisioning the The first Salt Lake ,, .. hands, whtia the UJncoln invader. Mexico not long back, had better John Geerlsen, the lanky professional at the El Monte Golf City volleyball of competition in --the conference. la tbs loop. Coach Bry,. in American Forkrih even mors- luck with Boston. He relieved Bam an favorite East Salt of strong Lake. Leopards will league under club get in set the at way at the Los the big Ogden, pace Patterson hopes ts give the Angeles Open Golf The rsdsubtable. There unsy be an np- Boston, Now Tork little B. T. H. qnlnt Deseret gym on January 14. accord has enabled ue to make a fine recTournament yesterday with a brilliant card of 142. Geerlsen started speedy betting commis- Nora men plenty of troable. net In the tatter Instance. Prove sioner, of 4 G'a when with a Sl-win over Was- mg to Prank McLatehey, A. A. U. ord in nil branched of eport. Our Westminster Is Columbia this in 68 a year stronger 180 Mora turned the first feature for round.. of atch Academy but was humbled la chairman who te directing the sport great Golden Bobcat team of Just than B. Y. H. I the game flashy Stanford. Tracy, a groat than U has been for several seasons which may go n long way conquered the are a few yearn ago in basketball gainworlds four greatest golfers competing. h succeeding games, bowing writ in Hollywood, will noon bo Wyeherly, Lea k formed with ed national fame. Onr football honors. favorite toward deciding runher-u- p twice to Nephi. S, and .I.i.,1'. Kuehs, Whsattok. Thurman. back pt!. la The mothe member good sounds the of graces Provo Is the favorite, bat Back tion wica to Granite, lt-1-1, CtroW B4jl 1,1 sad i. Cltet Lars, and teamsanover a period of 1 if4 picture esara. Including wtfl TTTtbstiU are smarting Dtxoas Kltisno average of about .HI per R. hava eqnad; w The Psrmas will stop off at to Lincoln mightily from four successive pres-jth- Hay the No. L cssr. Knlchte to lost Fillmores crack ef Cut ambus; cent, which In a fine rocord. American Falls te asset the Damstte A defeats and are about doc am an amateur and toe of Graysow Wears W 'Athletics L 41fire team. Taptl to and dapartment, Bingham, toe Deaeret gym eve- educational factor need the stlmn. Ra Spaees of g Y ; Bobble Grayson, Stanfords soph- ladepeadeata sa latarday. far nuns bnt holds a T verdict ever ning X R. im-WMam; ef The Nebo ere omore shoaling star, wears the Squires to, latioa the fast Bingbam outflt by way provided by conference com- gym day team; LtedtsnaxtT. M. 3- easy wtnasrg although - Spanish number on his cardinal Jsrsey petition. Therefore everyone ben- redemption. Crawford ef Fort Douglas ; T. . has Ibrt psychology coupled with kecauaB Herbert FMshsekher. Pleasant Grove lost to Bingham Hulah of tha R T-dab fr4 Joo eflta a fairly strong team in its favor not Christeason of the Flonoor Hilt, hot showed worlds of Im- oisn. 'Football. It ia true. 1 the major Etnko requested -- Z st Springvilla, the defending that "Bustin guaranteed) Bob be given the In Inter provement holding Cyprus port, hut every school should carTho stated ate follow: I champ. Tlntlc In Nsphl guest erne number that Herb, Jr, were to a Il-- lt over-tim- e tv verdict ry on a complete program, Madison faeally vs believe xy while Pnyeon Idles. when American Fork started starred for tho Indians. . . that our athletic program K. of Ci Fire Da part meat va Fort PlBrnatw Dr. but losing to Jordan. Easy Harry Martin, chairman sf the & - Flllmsrs Doaglan: Pioneer a taka va Deseret serve a high a percentage of too -, on fast to hold Heber lS-!-g, California Boxing commission, who With the leasee aad y- - evening: Deseret is the only home-teagym. day va student body a any other school leading Fifteenth T. tJa Ciubw A upset of th nation. nearly Bingham favorite In Millard loop ss Boaver recently reached a working agree and Seventeento ward reauag quinta 17 In Rose B Coach JtXCB beseems T. hose Nielsen U. to hare January R 5 game played gardens r GftASTL4?ro dab va Mad-'- n "The old saying, united we stand, goes to Minsmvllle. and Hinckley ment with the Now Tork commis- last night. Twenty-eight- h end decided warm Chilton auns. neath Woffindei wad Fire ob faculty; Tweaty-eeeeava d Department divided we tall, surely applies to to Delta ia what should ba took advantage ef sion, wan tho unofficial flanta bf Tk IMret Nwa The weather la a big pert ef the forwards, Peterson cantor. Hast K. of C: Fart Douglas va Flos ear th Claus of Hollywood this year, as the chance te tighten their gripe ee Copyrlfht4 athletic situation of the Rocky games. Mltrord is game, especially along the northern and Goa tea guards, at tha con bt na- Atoka; Deaeret gym. day va Deseret Mountain 09 ANGELES, Jam. 4. Eaat- - son the runaer-u- p posts la the two diMontana conference. guest. Both Delta and usual, and ovary applicant was visions from Nebraska to Harvard. tion to defend Lehla UUa. It la gym. evening. of Salt Lake stabs. Sixteenth football needed a tonic Sleet, snow. rain, lea and ..winds, -- Jtouary 4 Deveret gym. Miaersvllle have excellent chances, bountifully cared Tor.. ..boxing Is end Twenty-nint- h atronc qni&C- aLthoa)a not va State Is solidlr tn facof of th Tl won day the ethsr mm Madison ran abetted by homo, floored vantages, knlng well In California, that of last yearTPeterwon ay faculty; Deaeret gym. eve- school circuit' badly end it remained for Colum from the Barren Lands are part especially va K. of C.; Pioneer stake va to tras up the dope. In Hollywood, wbers bleg game, atari and ably coached of Its heritage. They alt belong. I feet 2. la doing a fair Job of fill-i- n ning PraHadh View tho movie Don Ewans nighty shoes as a Fire Department: R T. U. dub va How did Columbia do Hr First Dixie Is beaded for trouble at people are vociferous all team same to deliver full in the Alfred fans Mao Atkinson, and Fort president of of O center. blonde tha alL T Douglaa her keen, Chilton, agsmart, through scoring Harricaas In the Dixie sector, bat West laads all tha rest. measure. -January 31 Pioneer stake v Mad- Montana Stato College, gave-t- h t 4 E Cattee.f gressive line play, flanked by two bait rustler, and Woffinden make ison the Fliers era picked. Just on gen When ft 1 4 "made 1 K. flmlth Is e an conof B writer statement C the T. U knew va I who while faculty; alusiva ends able t their stuff. following scoring pair, Nnual .ml principals. Kai.b 'ahouTd e atatement the club; Fire HiaM. llt'Frautse. Department va Deseret cerning tbo proposed split of th It was almost Impossible to keep Goatea seems to be working Into gym. day: Fort coma away victorious at Cedar, bai!, referees himself, few days . back a certain amount of overconfidence iktaaj. f I d t Daalep.g. the regular guard harness nicely Douglas va Deseret R. M C loop: sad Im Htor gym. evening. INC City. Saturday. Uvasag.. the and This Columbia's out that reteran of the Stanford Hunt while "Montana State College hope the nigged jat a dinner to nil the kid vbo OUlaapla. squad, 1 I I Celtea. 7 . I Deseret gym- - evening athletic on Hers are the. predictions, score fight, wee d tho ColumMa shoal home five to lest the after the bouts. floor, gat keyed up team e Jaffa. ... relationship which has ex- - ' Won Dougiae Pleaspriced seetla'the ilttie euk R. Makar. I e e el to In resooff teMlty; nerve and all. with the home teams In- - " start a throb her winning isted was against quivering among the colleges and unistrength K. of T. R C.; cltth ! ant Grows t. hold v. Fire the n and make te determination 1 dicated by large type: pace through versities of the Rocky Mountain "d old Jim bee a fight tho first half at Just as good as lute tel Tetats. 4 14 11 te Bt ef customers because Totals is II 9 least, as the Pali-ca- Department, Dseeret gym. va Pio- atates for th past 17 years may be happened. Stanford a, the of it, whatever kEfilet I c V.h. Gate the Jamp tend Weed foes, Provo and B. T. neer guke. 14 WOBTH CACHE ft. iSouth Cache IMh Ward continued. lo mall toughest aceomuM. e e Madlaoa eorresponden February date all those who want to come. . , In this way Columbia rot the High cores to Lehl during tho open- Fort faculty va 0.7 FiTlDtseaf..-- -O.TFP It la Important that all of th Dongles; K, of C. vai Deseret standard that - rolled tn jump esal d t i held It through most of ing half. . Logan sod PRESTON Boxing In the east and other Institutions of Higher eduFt re e gvm. Den-Z4 i day; va had LtaS,f. Department IV something Hi the area be continued in done Ton BOX win could notice the afternoon. tL that Ogden ELDER more cation stead ef this sort , , 41 Ueeeiter e e IPlonevr Buka regular membership. vitriolic the fast, herd running Cardinal atof e Without a 3433 regular. Coach va R T. h EBER 14. Bear River it. th Primery Interest of TeetmV. Th C O Rocky elnb Llek.g.. those In charge is In REGION S tack made little headway through Glen Simmons has molded n fairly states have much tn comglow. g ossss n Fire Dapartment va Mountain jJohaaaa.g e 444 - young boxers - GRANITE St. Bingham Ml mon and (he relatively small poputhe first two periods. big and faat contender at Provo rbn,nf and not In dsveloping .1 Medley. e It of for Bleeh... profit Pioneer Stake va lations JORDAN the promoters a tiring Lion around Claoa Men love, pivot sensa- JL at C.i feenityt Murray SO. It was not until held smoked through f, Hsnhe. . , 4 4 4 4 BbrpaarC f ft require that opportunities va Fort for contests gym. DAVIS ' Grantavllle 31 off four tion. and Dob Overly, crack guard, Douglaa; Deaeret waeey Bseevasu fanga and among th Institution Deseret gym day enclosing bared the va CYPRUS II. Tooele It. raaarve M of last evening aria Tad the dominance be squad. ye western that Ed Ewesey locks end acts like a Kvaaa... 4 B T. C. elub. provided. chargee e n v e lopes. It of the field 1 Tatala. REGION S from the esst Jenkins tits la smoothly with Over"The i of tho sttustloa passed geography a after A again was Cither LEH1 40. Pleasant Grove 14. complete recovery TaUla if H ft U J7 Bin makes It difficult for any of tho in the general direction of the wesL ly at th other guard while tha from a recent operetta 44. 7 F. P sad picks Provo 13. B T H. 10 case of , atx ara affltasatly filled Lourdes Courtiers forward was never gap to prodominance te Bat this have colleges a winners membership day at Arua LINCOLN 14. American Fork I.ri 111 Cody with plete stupidity nounced enough to break down the by Bud Barber and "Blir other conference, and full confercome days. . , . Katharine Caliente Kemp.7 .. t 4 II Peee.t NBRO DISTRICT r. aa Jobs Lewis Mealovs. d ence or an a team had land Grant of Rice ea that la to attempt Beat will spend the rest of the Cerver spirit 4 membership 4 Important 4 4 NEPHI 0. T.BtlC it. Merseaf.. Neon, I I llWeee.g... winter a college er aa la regular made up Ita collective mind to show Barber, Cody sad Lawla nr IIall exlog clothes tn an effort to spend rtmpeea.4 4 4 4 UPtcMat.. 4 4 4 1 to ballyhoo Roar Bowl gate SPRING VILLE Spealah Fork all the scorers on tho forward aa as Onr Lady ef Levrdas haahetaars da- - membership pnlveraity In a standard educathat Colombia and the cast etlll pert IL cetpta. money she won on Columbia. Jexg ... who seldom Is less block tackli how tiM to end tional averages accredited Overly . . knew . Lou Smith, who put over RockRntel tshea.f ftod can organisation. u Football REGION O corespondents 1m i!i I Ceaa petition Needed still knew bow to charge etlll thaa two boaketa from tho coord, la a Suta aZiw ingham Psrk in Belem, N. IL. and MILLARD DISTRICT line. Jcnkma la a rallabU oaftty niaht. diMtar, MeDoaaid. Totals . I I I li get that way. They not only can knew bow to play footbalL Beaver H. MIKERSVILLE it. athletic Epsom Downs In Houston, In a big "If CRmy among li&t competition but limit do 14 McGaaa 4 the d war Tupeaty-lnurman 114 Totals crowding man and hot and tha Naoa aaaad colics teams ere to be continued Lou Little Is one of the way In 11. arrived tn Los Angeles .t Fillmore io Milford h In thetr fanatical zeal. Ward Fred "Buck Dixon B. T. H. Kit- was nevtr In thft oletara. footballs fundamental of Rlncklev 14 DELTA IL masters Is last night enthusiastic over the idea value of that all the Important I Reed p u.t Itafftfl As It happened. Columbias first side. No player off color In thin re- tens are humbled but by no means DIXIE DISTRICT of trying to launch a major race be involved of considered. 41 T. F. P Issues f. , 14 14 o rpf Group aeak as tbs season opens. This Is learn strength outplayed Stanford's spect can make his team Dfxle M. HURRICANE tl. track In Lot college young people require whol- eWith Harises f S 4 4 4! Pelerssu.f 4 I I i 1 also master th lhsl frama of mind, aw don't hlS?S,rf lion From that point he some physical contests with other tracki In Canada,Angeles s'nA welce.e I I I Marling lineup, with the hew England and Daols,f. , e i : . Kanab 11. B. A C 4 (8a turd ay). California. J Ji if J Kittena tha smartness surprlaed ' Slumw atep right 4' Wellee.g Injecting Institution to make possible the ex- Smith would bu clawing and ripping away In Stan- - of tho art ofInto ',1 Oranbrg.e I I Tl Rinaldi, a squad, Tb!s Is oat and do aoma tall upaatting and VWTa t and alertness and 1 preaelon of their rnthueleem spread out to say the least r, I ! the first two when n team Is fun that goes for Provo in the opener 'sthrewjg ft I 1 1 MGeaa.1, I. Institutional only lei possible loyalties. If these andJackie Oetermann. one time gay quarters. ljl too. Captain CHdrojd, a guard, and Bau .... Si Xavllla.i, 1 other values are sacrificed to stuff. Its do to damontnlly equipped purehoy of Broadway, bee taken up tenIt required no magical touch of No coach can give smartness to a Snow, star center, .comprise the Tocato. I T Jin ToUU.. ft I 41ft Melehy.lg ly oconomle endo. It la perfectly nis and Is leading the quiet life in soothsaying to make this predic- team which has no firm foundation . strength of the team. Holt Totals. . 4 clear, that parofeaatonal athletic In Beverly Hills. . . . Gone Hollywood, . Tstala LitA team Lou 3114 are tion. tt coached forward Breart Ttril tha sod by on which to stand. starting other departments of aport will IPKlftO CJTT huht. . . . Watch for the big blue tle alwajs carries the fundamenColumbia had that all of that pair, while Pardoe fills in the other aa athlatlea. displace college eyes of Virginia Pine, a newcomor MT PLgASANT. Jan. Spring tals Into us tile it always has n tha foundation, tho smartness and guard poet. The Kittena ara danger- Clark Five Beats baseball baa displayed profeaalonal to the movies. Motion picture fans City Vanguarda man a ia took fast, hard charging, ous scorer, Tuaadar because to needed every night tho col a finest pooslblo lea spirit bseball agrgeesive line in particular. OlThe Get Acquainted doubles hsud-ba- ll everywhere soon will be on the trail the local South ward Vaa to a meet emergency under heavy fire. Snow and Oidrod reserve stout defense ell the way. Soldiers, 62 to 33 Bill trimming In c aollep ball tournament which has been of the lonesome pine son Jo a scoring at wither match, GIBBS Y1CTOB and go the route. Lou And has also a Little attack la PraWley, a favorite Broadway the out proro of center or forward. at the Deseret gym dragging winning by The year 133 overthrew almost Tbe Tlirft Tnearaaee quint defeated The Laureu Gtbbe eager defeated A third game, played for practice, Us full share of deception. will be completed this week, accord- hit in the flickers but not-w- tth a e Dixon of has Coach 1433 was repl-tpair Sanky h TMrty-itt- h Infaatry aqued ea the h'ema PI Si to 3ft, lat night at the This Colthnbla team, up to Its every champion; ing ts Chairmen H. C Mortenson those directors whose bankrolls he respited in he locale defeating Spring But 1434 opened Its crack forwards In Lowerldge and Fort fleer laet Birbt. S te S3. was Taft A rotmlaster gym. Cbrtateuooa by refusing te ever stop City 154. January 8 at tha high playing limit of 13 or 14 men, was with thrillswith a thriller, The title match is scheduled a Dawks, Ronnow. and stellar which for reduced en guard, Shenn Wttta Clark. Fete Couch. Tut high with lft polita. campaign betting - the little liens ef Morn school the local North gnd South A foOtbalL team in every -- respecL will Dawit is primarily Saturday. before Oeaiia aad Mauaiaq wru ailbrtL loan W. fslbhe tta I overshadow hard to be Ft ftlgwft T TfJohn Longden end W Emery are ingsideiwards will clash. huLcan also shoot capablyJiianL U. had. "jtzrtlrT. weele!rt 4fcoA who an Jelt itloorman finalists In the lower iirgeqet ft 1 I Bradr.rf. ft ft ft ftj R Knht-r- i Loverldga la a contender for htgh Clark ft urauca - ftOth Ufeutry and more physical stuff than the passing of another year: They will meet the winner of the Shtrtn ft man ft ft ft ft ft in honor almost OTFP! every game. Chnim.g Iftiftweoaeyelf most people knew about ft ft UiTuttlCerf. ft Rldeout-- J 1ft 1 ft ft 1 IL Orton vs. Bar ft J 1 Wtta.f.. ft tiBerae .. Donnow hasn't dropped below three rl i Badger e. They Held Out Lee match which will be run I ft R Knht.rg ft ft ? 4 baskets from the guard Una In any Paul. If . ftT S7 ftft ' R.5ar!e,lf ft 1ft ft1 ft Throat Tft It was a question Of holding out ft lftB Barl.e. I ft J off today. ftJenon.lc Una year. Jourdine Is th sta- riarke.. ftiOowaldlg gams ft ft Couch. ft ra. 1 Ti I ltiTkwuarf Ift ft ftiTurkorce t ft ftHRa Wtoe against better reserves through the Longdea and Emery reached the tionary guard and a good ona. while Foribvc.if ft ft ftlSurbock-i- r ft Hereof If 1 I i finals last night by defeating Dr two lest Johnson and. Gillespie alternat at Oruhay,rf ft ft ft ftfUaaainclf ft 11 11Parkr periods, end Columbia anft ft R Blackhara and J. Flindro. swered the challenge with center four I Martha U.0 1 1 1 ft rrwfrd-r- f ft Rideout and Orton Went InCoach Rags Ingersoll has been ft A line The goat stands west Bssdy SpeeisJ Jan. the coast SAMDT, ft jPtidlta to the semlf'nula Wednesday hv M - Totalo Totals II lft--A Jlp- - Totals. U UJ bssketbsll iMfM wUl get experimenting with-- a lsrgs squad M U IdU Totals uill oemem her (or a TBqesdwt next "besting-- !, and Charles Moods jr eveotng at T at Amerimn Fork, and to data Ntet- Wehlqulst foot- asdsr way There was no question of quite like IL I only hops some t. ' , Hunt. With Columbia season tbs for seem to nt at be Wing guards TEAM EN.ROUT- Eday that btanford and ColumblA spred and courage. 'This his only fixtures. H has tried Par find their way clear aguin will TO SALT LAKE CITT. Jen. 4. -JOIT ker and "Hunter at center Bilh to on meet the Our Beadles Third in grldlfon B team wardthot to Columblo,"the fnqugh about the sms result whip sou; hern Califor- Bf rirot nd has regulnr-sched- ule for 444hme d du cfaancee, but earn nia. California, Santa Clara and Booaurv vft. Taaefcara; Tfeir "been completed, Kfrkpatriek, Bowen, R. Dsvla and and Ski T oumament td a riiava over nothing aeneatlonal a Second victory other Text coast lineups, but It few definite shout another game Tatrd also Hunter at forwards. Tha com war B Stanford In the Ron Bowl Bow S Bever a super poser team var Atit.Fintgtcoa with Stanford can be done unFlrat war B: pletlon la plenty hot for tho Casewar A Tear's dav gams, was eu route Eugene Beadles was declared third the football . A can til the Third ward ment posts and that la tha sign of wear that Taacben. war type you down Sooaa committee the back to New Tork today wltn place winner In the amateur akl i alert team. athletic director end the and then put on the dlaSghter. B to. ftutura tournament at Ecker hill y Utah the plaudits of tho west coast There is still a Oeorby At PI ess-sw. twtaa B M fmm ed have-actOurx.rtrat committee OS ANGELES. Jam 4 Ski club- officials this morning nfter tinging la tho players oars. up correspondents AP Ona John Geertsen. Salt Lake City. Al wrought Grove. This one is Lee and he A w Dwnf sr B. fleoa ward from the far wst, tha Upon and checking over tho points la the rePortland. Ora They carried with them the handrad twenty-eigdown tho pivot post. Jensen, holds Third B ward war golfera Zimmerman, Third Twbv la and Sal the south could see nothing but A va Labe fSOftft Jack F cent jouat. Riasman Rose A. Stanley Kertea. Lo Angeles. -- werO war la flash to the be lad forward, flrai The Uons will reach Salt in the a first off tee will Saturday Harold Christiansen was credited! 'Botrl trophy and the respect of ft of for the Jib. n. dreoad ward A va ftecntl watched by opponents and fans tound of tbe Los holes quail IMOt tha leaders In the Lake at 4 IS pm. today and flaming Cardinals ofmargin Angeles with the poet but a recheck revealed, the Pacific coast grldmen end Palo Alto, par A raThJrd ward alike. He did 1ft points shooting - 142, even B; Ftrot word will arrive at Denver Friday damage to open tournament at tha Los Angelas fylng play,Big - This prediction wae always out word that hie two fells disqualified hlm fang In v Stare ward B va BoooUr. Taird Cyprus. Ba Fir team-matIs Steiner his noon for club tha third a for of line. In the first place, there are ward A Country parade four hour etopover. Per-While for the position, thareby moving the Toaebora alt the outstanding Coach Lou Little of Coltimbi while Keetch, Hansen and Cobbley Of the nation's money players In the formers Cnilck-ahan- k. to Plana over men. ho war In In rat Third atop FI B super ra other aklmen tip one notch. the ward second Fab. qualified. Bobby beamed just before the Celym- - , place, were cancellednight ward B va. Teacher. Third sr the guards. Cobbley also plays annual trek through the champion and the anyone who saw Columbia of Richmond. Va MR Inf hie t asm departed at T o'clock play B; dacoad teem will arrive in New Tork .through November would have realCalltorniaa. A va gecead word A; Ftrot ward the center position. ahpa of tha INDUSTRIAL GARBS difficulties which almost cut him last these of otght. a Ninety ont of qualified from ized that the Blue and White had A va Pooetero. City about III pm Sunday InThe Industrial basketball schedule list. Ho finished with an J4CKSOT Wltft field of 141 starters A n. Third ward over 8 the Fine Spirt stead of Monday morning. 154. two strokes te tho good, , for tonight follows about everything a good football Febh li. Third ward Jackson junior high courtiers three courses whtia yesterday tha remaining "W'e rarrr bark with us. he The Riasman trophy le a per- - H team needs ft, Sacoad ward B v Boovtera A Kertea I p m. Utah OH veN. O Nel- tho finest eighteen J4-reserve barring only a ward triumph v over the Art eight were placed on an exempted hols card, had rd n va Tecber, tha ftj, said, the Incomparable sports- petusl one, shooting a 4 o Field rBosoh hoopMsrs permanently strength. A evening ft oecaaae of their performances ernoon eighteen to the team going at HuneeK I e Professional Men VS. Walker manship and fine feeline that that wins it three ' It would have been rougher go- - Kfft wrd H. in led Iftftft the in Tracv V "v. ftncmt e Jrtkron J TVnf ward the tournament Bate rim th national be t he Lion holes we have revolted while hero. will - Ulti- - mg bank Ktghteaiv fifties. Columbia flayed attarlrwtlh 17 points, open and net onal P 0- - A ehsm urday, 1ft Smd y and ward B Ftrrward f va Smow warrf-thMonday H ModemBsussgeiTe-.-Utx"In. All mi.foolbalL l N onlvjww3jjriDejsjjntf3rlULBtoTrehtji. - nave ton winning when eut to misty the will field be Poultry. aach has ona claim on It. hot. supposed experienced a veto A v Tchra. anything EiU heblhoto, LomaviUo, Ky- jUow scorers and tleg, V L I BT and nibs II the of league basketball 1SLU game whieb per att the beep Ud la Utah - Friday stoning, hoara quints are pidredto eta. la Regies 1. Coach Whiting's North Cache Bnlldoga are considered a (arorite to turn back Hjmm an the Richmond floor, and Mark Weber VBallUn 5 Warriors should hit scho-tota- ls U rdlS Hebe - -- Del-m- ar Beck-stea- - will 14. Lo-Iga- n, the -- - - al Brig-Buc- nd t-- Westminster To Play Ricks Five evenly-match- i 1 YolleybaU Race Opens Next Week pre-seas- Mrr SS-1- S. i O. not-to-- X -- S7-1- 2. ;' -- St 4- -1 ,t' es hi fc ' Columbias Triumph ' i hard-foag- a S4-2- 4l Favcrita Capture SoIPL&e SukT Grid Game on Atlantic Seaboard Is Back Basketball Tilts On Top Lions ldols jl m ni 11-2- 1, 44-S- IsTonicForEast worm-turnin- r i f. J- - 11-1- 7, 31-3- 4. ht Fill-mar- -- - raETYma.'Mb om .444 lilt Ill) .1(4 Let ht i first ?.r i: - mrltaeM IS-2- 4. I. - f t. sit see tie tee ItIt t see Part t in ...1441 I. 4817 pinch-hitte- Iron-sho- III III il th Tweuty-Niat- .... .Handball- - Finals Scheduled at Gym back-boar- all-ti- r t 1 1.42 - Ft H : ar Wll Next Saturday V ... .... rfi -- Columbia Starts Homeward Trip With Coveted Rose Bowl Trophy Moss-Ka- 21-- 3, 4. ' a -ft ong-ttnie.' 6tan-ford- 21-- 's ftol-s- Geertsen Tied With Three Others ForMedal Honors In L A. Meet -- f t ft w-- -- ty at -- If mld-we- at n -- f ht -- e, u h: Chi--cs- ft- SI-7- rrt raord 2t Tue-da- 1 h- i -- 'It 4 ftftts-- -i- v v tv a ill fti- it! 1 Il-t- 1 - . - 4- - |