Show I Deaths I ELIZA ANN SIMONS CLARK CLARI Mrs Eliza Ann Simons Clark 80 90 plo plo- neer of Salt Lake and widow of Thomas William Clark died Monday at the home of her daughter Mrs John W. W V. V Cameron Cmeron of Pocatello of infirmities Incident to a BIle age e. e Mr Mrs Clark was born barD November b 13 13 1852 2 In London d r n England but came to America with 1 her parents a when a a girl She erh erha crowed crossed the plains with other t members e J rf of i her family famil in 1860 making her homo home In n Salt Lake where her ber father engaged In the mercantile business Mrs Clark made her home borne here until one year rear ago aeo when the she moved to Pocatello to live JIve with wilh her daughter Her husband died In 1900 Surviving are ara her daughter 11 Eland crand- children seven cr great grandchildren a brother f lb Joseph P W. W Simons Simon and a sister ter Mrs MM Thorna o King both nol ol of Salt It fa Lake Funeral services will wUl be conducted In Pocatello Po- Po catello tello Wednesday after which the body bad will l be brought to Salt Lake Lako for burtaL buria PI Friends ends may call at th the Kingdoms Lees mortuary Second cond Fast East street Thursday from 11 a. a m. m until 1230 p. p me m. m I I NELLIE L. L I I Mrs frs Nellie U L. t. t 60 60 former lormer resident of or Salt Lake and wife of or John A A. Cartwright died in Los Loa Angeles Monday night after a lingering Illness according to word received In Salt Lake Tuesday Mrs was born In Salt SnIt Lake l June 1 I. 1873 a daughter of Edward and one nna Maria Marla Bears Liddle She had lived here L until seven years nars too aeo 10 when she sIte moved to California Mrs was an active member of the L. L D. D B. B church having served as ax president of the tho Primary association asso uso- tJ in t the EA Eighth L. L D. D S. S ward ie g Surviving are her husband d two sons s. s Clarence G. G and Spencer Cartwright of Los Angeles t three o daughters daughter er Mrs C. C j Roti oi of Los and n r Mrs May g C. C and Mrs Hazel Haul C. C of Salt Lake three 6 brothers brothen Arthur J. J Nathan Nathan Na Na- than R. R Rand and and Parley Parle H. H Liddle one sister aster Mrs Ethel I L. L Parry of Los Angeles The bOd body wIll be brought to toe Salt Bait Lake I for tor burial buna Funeral arrangements are pending the arrival of or the tho body t ELLEN ELLEN ELLEN- KATHERINE EATHERINE I Mrs Ellen EUen KatherIne 58 28 8 wife of rJ A A. R. R of Park City dJ died In local ocal i a hospital Tuesday at 1040 a. a m. m after a four months months' Illness of ot COl lion tion of ailments Born Bom in irs Park City August 13 13 1895 Mrs rI J W Sty I had lived lQ in Midway w and Park prk City all her life lUe Surviving Surviving Vl are her her husband b one S son eon BO Bobby both of Park City her r mother Mrs Emily Carmack Midway one sister Mrs Retta Barton Ogden and two g brothers of fr Harold tarold Carmack Ogden aa and Wil liam Carmack Los Angeles Cal fl Funeral arrangements n had bad d not been been come com Tuesday C. C ELIAS JENSEN I BRIGHAM CITY CITY CITY-C. C. C Ella Ellas Jensen 59 L. L I D. D s. s church worker and business man of Brigham City died Monday at 7 I D. D m. m from C E Jensen cancer concer of th the stomach in r ch chat h. h at the tho family home North North Second East street after alter an Illness of alx six weeks Mr Jensen was born here July 15 1874 a son Ion of oX Mads Made Christian and Mary Mory Olsen Jensen He learned the milling business under his fathers father's Instruction and was one of 01 the thel founders of Jensen Brothers' Brothers mill In this city and managed that Institution Irons from 1909 to 1923 when he went ent Into the tho poultry poul pout tr try business He lIe filled an L. L D. D S. S mission Jn in the northern states In 1901 1899 was a member of or the stake tabernacle choir for 30 years ears a high coun coun- I cilman climan ol or Box lIar Elder stake atako ag 24 years rears and I counselor to Bishop A. A A 51 M L Hansen of the ther I Fourth r ward three e years Mr Jensen e also I was chorister t rth of ett tt the orlou Fourth l ward choir many man years ers and was prominent as u a 0 vocal 01 let 1st He was manager of or the Echo male I chorus several years year Mr Jensen married murld Ruena Hansen ansen o of t this v I c city i January 28 1903 in n the Salt Sail Lake Uke I L. L D. D S. S temple tempe She h dl died 3 A April U also alio 16 Yio l 1905 of th this thu and city he WJ married September e Edith 28 26 n 2906 Hansen In th Salt Bait Lake a temple Surviving are e hu his rp widow dow and seven en Ions I I land and d daughters Theron Mary No No- lan Inn Erma Lucille and Raymond Jensen Brigham City five brothers Loren o S S. S Jensen of San Francisco CaL Cat Denmark M M. P. P John C. C and Hyrum S. S Jensen City five sisters listers Mrs Sarah Wilde WUde Mrs Lana Alvord Mrs Martha Reese and Mrs Erma City and ond Mrs Rebecca Lindsay Bennington Idaho Funeral services will be conducted Thursday Thursday Thurs TImes da day at 2 p. p m. m in the Fourth ward chapel with interment in Brigham City cemetery MARY fIARY I. I N. N STRONG KAYS ILLE Mrs rs Mary I I. I Newton Strong 84 widow of Hyrum Strong StroEt died at the home of 01 her Mrs Mu Myrtle Galley Galler of of Kaysville Tuesday at ot 1220 a. a m. m of or infirmities Incident to age on after alte a 11 long lone Illness Mrs Strong Strone was born in Manchester r. r England April 3 1849 a a daughter 0 of oX Joseph L. L and Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Eliza Eliza- beth Newton Nelon She came to Utah Ith ith her parents when she was 4 years of age ace and ami v. v walked al the greater great great- er cc distance nce across the plains The family made modo their home In Inthe inthe the 1 L. L D. D S S. S Tenth ward in let Salt Lake Lako until May 20 O. O 1894 1594 when hen they moved to Mrs Strona had always alwan taken an active part In the af affairs af af- fairs of 01 the 1 L. L D. D S. S church rJ c Surviving ar are five five- Sirs Mrs Stron sons Ons and daughters Irvin J. J and Ralph 3 J. J strong Kaysville t i Salt Mrs Lake Mae Simmons Mrs mor Myrtle yr Layton to Galley I and d dd Sirs Mrs Daisy Norman or n. n Blackfoot Idaho 15 grandchildren d and three great dren Funeral services cervices will b be conducted Thurs Thura- day at 2 p. p m. m In the Kus Kaysville L. L I. I D. D S. S tabernacle Burial BurSAl will follow ollow In m the tho Hays Kajs- villa City cemetery I 1 ANNIE GREEN LARSON I I OGDEN OGDEN Mrs Annie Green Larson Larion 44 wife of Clarence P P. P Larson died Tuesday morning at nt the family home 7 0 Twenty Twenty- third street following an extended d I Illness of heart trouble troubIe I SIts Mrs Larson Larion rt bi- bi was born In West Weber on l July Jub 11 1889 a II daughter of Ammon Amnion and lAnnie Annie Peterson Green and ond resided there until her marriage February 1 12 1913 when she moved mo to Ogden Prior to mak- mak Inc her residence here she was an active worker In the Y L L. 11 M. M I. I A. A and for many years had b been en secretary of the I L. L D D. D s. s Sixth word ward Relief society Surviving are Aro the husband the father of her stepmother Mrs Irs Nellie Hicks Green and four brothers and ond sisters Mrs W. W H. H Hyman hymen Mrs Urs Ralph Johnson Johnsoni Green m and Almira Green Oden Ogden Ogden Og Og- den three half half brothers brothers and one ona half sis half si ter terr Kent Lyle Lile Max and Yvonne Green Clean letS JAMES FITZGERALD OGDEN OGDEN James James Fitzgerald 70 died at a loc local ocal DhE hospital ta Tuesday evening I after rata an extended Illness of stomach ulcers Ho was born In Ireland December 25 1862 1662 an and and- came to America 11 17 years lean BO ao 0 as n ft convert t to the L. L D. D S. S church cl H lIe g had d resided Jg In sho the g in it V region UI since that time coming to Ogden two vo year CIU car carago s ago from r Smithfield e Mr Fitzgerald was first married m to Hellma Hell Helt ma Johnson who died In 1921 and ond In 1923 ho he married Berta Koenig of Salt Lake who uh survives him with two sons Harold Fitz fJ f Redwood c City t CaL cil 1 end and Jame s Fi Jr Salt RI t take Lake k t two w daughters u r Mrs Mu Geor George R. R Weeks Week Smithfield Irene Iren e Ogden and two wo grandchildren i Funeral n a arrangements arrangement 1 t will be announced announce d In later by Sons o mortuary MARY L. L S. S SANDERS Funeral OGDEN Funeral services c Mrs Mar Mary y I L. L Snow Sanders 65 wit wIfe of 01 Ellis M. M San ders n. who died cUed at nt the family home borne 46 8 Fifteenth t street Sunday following w a linger fr tel dJ l Ine me Illness s will be conducted conducted Thursday u s ef In Inthe Inthe the tho L. L D. D S. S Seventh ward yard chapel the ex cx exact ex- ex act hour bour to be announced later Interment Interment Interment Inter Inter- ment will be In Mount Ogden Memorial par park puk k under the direction of 01 the Mount Ogden mortuary MOSES J. J ROSENBAUM BRIGHAM tI CITY Moses CITY Moses J. J Rosenbaum 47 17 brother of David H. H Rosenbaum of this thi s city dJ died d early Saturday morn morning mornine In It at Provo The body was vas brought to the tho Stahl mortuary mortuary mor mor- here Saturday evening Mr Rosenbaum wa WI WIborn born In Park valley Utah October 22 1835 a L son of ot the lat late e David and Martha Jones Jonts Rosenbaum H He ee e came to Brigham City with his parent parenti s when a A. boy and Qed grew rew to manhood here Surviving are his step mother m e Mrs Alice Alic e bl R Rosenbaum of fe fet t this l city tl two sisters Mrs Ruth Stamos Salt Lake Alicia Rosenbaum New York City CIlY four brothers David H II Rosenbaum Brigham City Dewey an and d Raphael Rosenbaum California and BenJamin Ben Ben- Jamin Rosenbaum Delta Funeral services were conducted Monday at 1 P. P m. m At nt the home of 01 Mr Sir and Mrs David H. H Rosenbaum under direction of the L. L D. D S. S Second ward bishopric Interment t was In irs City cemetery MARIA BECK NIELSON StAPLETON Mrs Maria Marla Beck 76 16 widow of Anthon NIelson died Tuesday at the tho home of a daughter Mrs SIrs Bert Ber t following a long lone Illness She was born In Ephraim January 7 7 1357 a of Ole and ond Maria Marla Hanson Hanlon Beck She was was was' married In the endow- endow meet house Salt Lake City May Ma 10 1875 She Sho and her husband were called In 1680 1550 by L. L D. D S. S church authorities to colonize open Emery g a cg county branch nJ h of They the fie were L. L D. D later S. S r church called g In fg to Sanford Colo Cola They moved from the latter lot lat ter tee place to Mapleton In 1911 Mrs Nielson Hid Niel- son has s always been active In L. L D U. U S S. S church work Her ner husband died In 1924 Seven Sf sons eons and daughters survive o Mrs hen Bert L L. A. A and Marcellus Hid Hid- son Ion MII leton T. T Nielsen Nielson Alamosa Colo Cola Mrs Effie Effle Sanford Colo Cob 1 T. C. C Nielson Ernest Nielson Salt SnIt Lake 28 8 grandchildren five great great- a IJ brother Erastus Erstus Beck Sanford Colo Cola |