Show I Culbertson on Bridge TACTICS AGAINST TilE THE TAKEOUT DOUBLE Many players at the Bridge table after partner has made an opening bid and an opponent has doubled foia for foi fora a takeout arc strongly inclined to remain remain re re- re main quiet for tor one round of bidding hoping often orten against hope that th the opponents opponent will get Into difficulty Sometimes a course such as this i is s justified d and sometimes it is necessary sary as the responding hand after alter a sound opening bid followed by i n a sound takeout double often oHen is too toe weak to safely follow any other course In other cases however passing passing pass pass- ing after a double can do nothing but bul harm larm For instance good bidding tactics require that if partner has hOlS opened the bidding with a suit that thai can be supported a n jump raise should be DO made in m order that the road for foi forthe forthe the he opponents may be made difficult It Is equally true truc that if the hand contains a n takeout that would be made it if f there were no takeout double then the he takeout should be made after the double unless the balance of the hand suggests the strong probability that thai any response made to the takeout doublers doubler's partner will result in severe penalties for the doubling side On the following hand failure to act aggressively after a takeout double brought disaster to one pair in a recent team four match in which the contestants contestants con con- were among the worlds world's best players North Dealer Neither side vulnerable A V 7 A 10 9 6 5 0 o I 8 10 7 4 i 4 I N 8 7 6 2 J 8 3 II W o 0 jo 0 A J 9 6 3 2 AJ A Q J 10 6 3 0 o Q QA A 4 et K Q 8 S 6 In one room the bidding proceeded as follows Figures after bids refer reCer to numbered numbered num explanatory paragraphs North East South West l 1 y Pass 1 1 Pass 3 34 Pass Passi 4 i 44 Pass Pass Db Pass Pass Pass 1 East's I-East's East's hand appears too strong for fori S such a pass In view of ot the fact that neither neither- side is vulnerable 2 2 This This is not a sound double for penalties Partner has been silent throughout and imd there is no assurance that East can take more than three tricks In the play West made the extremely extreme extreme- ly iy bad lead of the heart Knave Ea East t when he got the lead was unwilling to lead diamonds as he felt th this s would establish the king in the thc Dummy As Asa a result South made not only hi hil contract but an overtrick as well cU In the other room the bidding v vowed 0 lowed owed a no less remarkable co co Irs S It was as follows Figures after bids re refer er to nur explanatory paragraphs paragraphs- 1 South I-South South should bid one spade at at th point His hand contains 1 11 2 11 ii 2 hono tricks an and a fair five five- five card five oard ard c course his treason eason foe fot foes s g is tin h he hopes that West Wes vr w J spond ond wit spades but ut this is in not a Justification for hi action West 2 i 1 makes th obvious obvious Although 3 3 NorF NorV u 1 as a fairy fairly hand In vew ew of ty'S tyS takeout doub and South s P pr pa ssi e e course there theren n nothing thIng furt p r th tb at he can well sa Hrs H heart heart su lt At t is not an ana ana a bId of ly tW J in view of th bIddIng S f y y foolhardy 4 East 4 t tast ast r e to take a chance c o finding md r f om ind of ot a spade m in h his P He thinks h hmay hmay may 0 aD able c to ma make e two and h pes that at his partner is stron h h to bid for game 5 W T est of ot course signs off ort E El and West made four diamond diamon V actual play the heart in the decla declai er r s and being established for a di ca car 9 before the club Ace was drive ou out uy of the Dummy J 7 he swing on this hand was ove ic u Q 00 points and contributed the victory of the players forth orth and South in room 1 and thos seated East and West In TOMORROWS TOMORROW'S HAND If It Sast as dealer passes the han below what should South do an why East Dealer East and West vulnerable A V T A J JV V A 6 2 4 K A 6 10 7 4 J Ej W o 0 J 1 2 I Io 0 A Q 10 9 I 4 Q 9 8 6 c 7 K Q 10 a 0 o K KG 6 A 7 Q 10 7 3 The hand will vill be discussed in tc morrows morrow's article S Copyright 1 1333 1933 Ely Culbertson FREE CULBERTSON BOOKLET By special arrangement re readers ders othis o 0 othis this newspaper may have a free cop of The Rules and Ethics of ot Bridge by Ely Culbertson Address Mi Mr Culbertson in care of ot The Telegram Inclosing a stamped self envelope |