Show Golf nn Tips lips By Art Krenz Copyright NEA tEA Correct Leg Action in Club Swing Proves Important to Ones One's Game Ganie Leg action is important in the golf goll stroke It is the keynote to correct handlin handling of ot the weight eight throughout the he swing At address the legs should be com corn parati straight but there must not ot be any any stiffness stillness or tenseness at atthe atthe atthe the knees Leg action begins with the start of oftie the tie and downswing When A L G O N THE GOLF OL SWING ft TH THE Th mE LEFT LEr 1 i f LEG BENtS M tE Tt N R cm L ReM NS FI FIRM the he push comes from Crom the left side atthe at athe atthe the he start of the the left leg eg bends at the knee inwardly toward toward to- to ward yard the ball The right leg remains firm irm At the start of oC the downswing it straightens out ready to support the weight weicht This straightening of the weight at the start of oC the downswing not lot only turns turn the body back to the ball but turns the left sId side out of or orthe the he way so that hitting can be done freely redy |