Show I fl Renting ing Prices Are Going Up Upland Tenants Are Going Down These s I I Iv- Iv tt MOBILES FOR SALE ALE 3 Chase lie PL PLYMOUTH j DE LUX door 4 Sedan A 33 Tota radio cost 30 DeW mI O o. o E. E E 11 I 4 ROADSTER 7 1 1 1928 DURA EURl COACH SM Nc Nice motor moOr p good NIce sc TRUCK PANEL 1 1930 yoRD PANE 2 2 FRD for or 1 fl del del SE SEbAN AN 11 HI 1 DURA 4 4 9 1973 DO S Basis Cm COUPE ts c wIre ass Sedan n 47 15 I a luxurious PACKARD rious IDE DE 1 J AUBURN 12 Sedan c 6 heel mo 6 I tires beaUtiful beaU beaU- maroon Jl tres 49 15 tul CS Town Tow dan Cost JUO ne over o 10 and overhauled for Zor forE 4 t FRD DE E LUX mIlca Sedan Very I dun m es t 1900 I miles mit OAKL 6 Only 2900 20 CaST 6 25 I wire v lo ln og er paint JUI eRE COUPE CUPE New l 1329 3 flew ne' ne upholstery CAD CAB t Hew ew palm II o UC pr-UC motor i lUl EE- EE COACH h Fine ln 1 5 fn cL Period HUDSON R. R S. S CouPe 12 shape Perec 25 5 FOT CHAS STEN STEVENS LOOK LK GOLD FR STAR STA LAn LED Chase Case fa 2 SO STATE W. W 1445 Just Arrived i 1933 n 1933 rI f. f lIIS 1933 CHRYSLERS S 1933 1 USED CARS I Im 1932 BUICK 8 SPORT COUPE BUCK 39 1922 BUICK MASTER SEM SEDAN COUPE 29 FORD DE DP un 1511 1531 FRD Lue IS 15 SEDAN 37 1923 1929 1923 CHRYSLER CHEVROLET CHEROLE COACH CH C. SEAN I li 1331 K FIERCE ARROW A driven o only DE DC F I SEDAN miles J r 15 1450 DURANT SEDAN 2 y 1929 m 1927 gH CHEV t TOWN SEDAN i 1926 STUDE SEDAN driven very ery SUDE SEAN tires original I l little finish tt h new flew nev tres 13 JP CHEVROLET COUPE 95 95 TERMS AND R TRADES DE WE BUY USED USE CARS CAS e Motor r 1 Co oSO m so MAIN WAS VIAS 31 17 i A J A J IlS QUALITY QUA IT Y CARS CAR S mo 1930 CHEVROLET SPORT ROAD ROAD- STER SI RUMBLE SEAT Nerl Newly Newy STR In most attractive color scheme new top o perfect he Will nf taSte take o's as s down motor payment r I 85 ln V EIGHT COUPE New r c FORD FRD pistons COUPE UDOR SEDAN SE SE- FORD pT Y V EIGHT TUDOR r 13 DAN FR 15 1331 NASH STANDARD RD EIGHT DE DELUXE DELUXE SEDAN 5 5 mo NASH ADVANCED ci six SIX SIXt l TWIN IG IC- IC VALVE IN t D DE Ff TJ SEDAN 95 MM un PLYMOUTH CYLINDER 4 4 DOOR SEDAN 13 BUICK MASTER SIX DE DELUXE WJ SEDAN U 1 Jm 1323 7 k BUICK MASTER ER R SIX i COUPE p KASU NASU SPECIAL SIX TOUR TOUR- INO GLASS ENCLOSURE 75 5 BUICK SIX CYLINDER r 5 5 DOOR 4 SEDAN 15 AND A GOOD GD AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILE MANY OTHER OTHE QUALITY B BALLARDS BALLARD'S A L J A R DS D'S THE TE HOME OP THE TUE TE WRITTEN A TEST RECORD E J SOUTH MAIN 1 STREET im 1323 HUDSON HUDON s Sedan 45 15 down doWn 9 payments t 24 18 Edith eve ave lve Hy H. W. 2868 TRUCKS TRUCKS FOR SALE 33 I MACK t-MACK ACK model ArB A. A B. B with dump bodies K 1 INTERNATIONAL At Al model with I l dump and ad dual tires Urt In I perfect con con- i dillon I 1 DODGE 1 I-DODE I 1 TON with panel body bad 1 REPUBLIC 1 I 1 TON with Wll express I body 1 DODGE 1 E 1 TON In-TON TON chassis l. l INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO O WEST SO 80 WAS 1817 1617 I 1 I MACK modes models A. A B. B with rth dump bodies es 1 INTERNATIONAL 1 I C model moel with dump and anc dual cual tires Ure In I perfect con con- 1 1 J diton 1 ton with panel body b 1 1 1 ton with express body l LC bOll 1 1 l DODGE I 1 ton U ton chassis INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COL CO L' L 4 WEST W SO 80 S. S lVE WAS WM 1617 C. C rAP FARM beet bet and semi Vi Vs to 10 ton Stude and anc Fageol school buses Felt Fell i Auto Pa Party ParL r 6 J Jg So s State Was nm ton 24 good od cond truck 3 ton good lood cond USO 2 So 80 S. S State St. St Was Wu 1922 l FORD ton H-ton ton truck all cheap Pacific nv ave j AUTO UTO PARTS 36 iz KEUS tU nest for used parts parOs sit all makes cars can ruc tt will wl ili pay cash for tor your old car cu Felt Wreckage State W. W Low Prices on parts t cash for o cars Tourist r L Auto Wreckage r Co o 1016 l State f U. U STARTER TEETH TARTER teeth teth repaired without removing An e Williamson Method l' l el I eV So lm State W A AUTOMOBILES wanted 4 41 i t. t L WI W PAY PRICES PRICE FOR 0 CARS CA J 8 AT IAIN WAS WM SELL US YOUR CAR 19 v WILL wL PAY CASH NO CASE NO DEY DELAY DELAYE E 8 so so- MAIN AI pi cash for Irh used car Service r 50 S. S State ca COAL WOOD 42 i. i FOR lOR l'OR SALE r n Ti nET 75 5 COAL nut Ti CITY domestic r U o lump lup 70 pea coal and Coal H Hy W. 1501 Df P J SACKS 5 1 51 I. I DEL Df COAL B Bil Bs B's SA il T BECKS DEKS DEK'S Hy Y J I U 1 3 sacks ea coat cOBI II 1 t 3 lump U. U S H Hy Hy- CAE domestic lump toa per Mon on lots at Wn W W. Ku W. W Acme Acm r P run 53 W W. W So ea Tern Tem N R a A A. tiE b byth the cout lo d' d fw Coat ali We haul direct dIrt to YOU rou b l JOt u. u Domestic lump City Cly pIPE Machinery Iron 43 3 etc c aU SIzes li MONO IRON METAL CO i ME B S South th 3rd t V I 10 BUTCHERS BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES 44 4 6 C t l. l 1 choppers rubber rubbe t aW n nd and J d 2nd new new SO P eat liar Bar Ha MISCELLANEOUS 45 FOR SALE f g like GU l r Green ss at ICY By re al Universal coal range In COi t West r 50 h I dIOn W In MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS 4 S FOR SALE GAS RANGE RAGE SPECIAL SPECIALS S 11 lighting NEW f c speed sani-speed all 11 full e porcelain closed n noli top oli eliding d automat broil brol W er full er-full tul er-tul full Insulated oven with wih tempera temper temper lure ture control and drawer The Thul ran es have been br selling ne at 1350 no fbi terms Installed Liberal allow alloi alo ance for er old stove sto This Tb sped specie rr lr price phone for a limited time ani only Come 1 Or 1 I UTAH GAS COKE CO 45 South Main Was Wu 1300 I CIRCULATORS FINEST FT ASSORTMENT of ot used heat hat ers era er end and Inc circulators In the thc city Prices i tar far tr below actual values Act quick ALSO ALSO 25 ALO 25 25 Rood good Bues used coal ranges 1 t tc cho choose p from some somi priced r ei low as a 1 20 FURNITURE GO COc 1050 E. E E SO HY OW 67 66 BAGANS BARGAINS IN ir CAFE CAE EQUIPMENT CASH lASH REGISTER h r- r bars counters dishes silverware ranges stools coffee urns urs steam deem Itam tables table You cnn Can save money by bi visiting the WESTERN FURNITURE CO CAFE DEPARTMENT WAS fA SOUTH J STATE ST. ST S. S ONE Copeland refrigerator laue larse size 4 I Iby 51 f by 2 ft It 4 in b by S 5 ft I. I 75 one ose ru rue rul 13 1 by 12 by G 6 ft f. f Axminster Persian Peslan de design de sign U 12 one cabinet on one mattress mattres 5 5 two matre mattresses ses 3 8 s on one biding steel seel cot 3 35 All Al In claa condition 3 dozen quart quat fruit jars Jus b ball bal 1 price H Hy NY LUMBER AND AN SCREEN SPECIALS Extra hen heavy v 14 11 galvanized screen scree doors door 32 93 lumber shin dine and and 14 roofing 1 I foot tot or carload Anchor stokers stokeu are best Anchor Lum Lurn- bet br Co 2250 So Main n Hy 0 20 O-I. O service sr bur bar ba and back bar bu S 5 cigar clea ciga case cases 10 I. 10 wall case cal complete Com Corn mercia Store Fixture No 2nd W iv W. W Wn Was J. J. J 20 0 n RANGES some late models 16 36 end d up Guaranteed 1117 East tO l' l South BEE BEER EER coolers bars ba s novelty boxes o beer bee dispensing s Y r equipment f m rn m meat a at counters n walk walk-In coolers cooler store and L market marke fix fix- fx- fx tures turea Commercial Store Fixture Co Co 61 N. N 2nd W. W Was Wa J. J. and addIng add GROSHELL'S ROSHELL'S CASH REGISTERS REISTER Ind Inc Ing machines bought sold exchanged rented repaired State St. St Groshell rente Lowe Love t Lo bid Was Wu 2164 Est Et t. E 45 years er BEER EER fe Ar bar Soda ol Soda fountains stean steam BE tables glee elec Easy Euy terms Mo Moser tr k elc Co 55 P. P O. O Place PIce DISCO UCO Lacquer paint spray spra equipment al air ai compressors sold rented repaired A. A C Whittaker 6 So Sla State a iVas 43 hEAT EAT counters counter storage boxes boxe Martin Martn MET Kraals Kraal Co C. C 2 N W. W W W. Mil USED SED sinks brick 4 soil sol pipe fittings wallboard cedar posts pot I. I L. L L O. O Blanc Blan Lumber Co So Main Hy ily BEER EER fixtures units coil cal novelty novel novel- BEE ty boxes Ice or mechanical Brunswick Brunswick- Collender Balke-Collender Co 55 W. W So Temple Clender GOOD used ec washer 1950 Call Cal Mon Mon- day H Hy hi JENSEN INSEN House Hous Moving and Wrecking Co CoCash CoCash Cash Cah for old houses houss wilt will wi move mo one anywhere anywhere any any- Iny- Iny bonded 2790 South where work worl guar gUI Sut Main st at t H Hy Oty M. 1 fly Hy 2529 J. J. BEER EER and soft drink outfits Low Lw prices 30 yrs yes expo sol O. O Stenzel Mf 19 E. E 1 So SoWO WO SHARES OF RUDY DUCK CLUB cabin SHAR boat and Ind decoys decor cheap Cal iVan I. ON ONE NE small upright piano 40 else elec washIng wash wash- inc Ing machine c f 10 closed cI car bed 7 S 4 cat cal baby bed 03 1 1335 Gimer dr cr Hy Ny W W BEEP BEE SER and bar ba e equip novelty boxes meat meal counters walk walk-In In coolers cooters cooler store and restaurant rca res- re counter fixtures 32 Richards W. W One share hae Rudy Gun club cub stock stok Call Cal n fly 2926 R. FORD model T. T runs Rood good good cod tires Uns Un's 15 also baby bab buzy buzzy like new nev 7 n. W W. th South CASH register typewriter violin loUn truc truck sedan guns gum gun rifles Trade Tude and cash cab Main EASY washer and dryer due regular SY E 65 Sale continues on Universal SO wringer and dryer type washers wash wash- ers era at 30 p r cent discount Free Iee IronIng Iron Iron- cr Inc Ing machine and end drain dram tubes with Ith model 1160 Harden Hanen So 50 Main Was Was ROT water heating system almost new HO plenty radiation for 5 S or 6 room rom house American Radiator boiler end ond radiation 85 83 complete Terms If I desired desIred Was Wn 1240 Tuesday WRINGER ROLLS repairing and service ROLL and for all washers vacuum and Ind ton bra ni Apex Sales and S Service Co 11 E. E 3rd So S. S Was Wa USED vacuums and washers bargain prices USE 17 E. E E 3rd So 8 Was 4 60 LATE model Eureka and Attachments 20 0 2715 Highland drive H. H I. I J. BARGAINS I a other makes s washers s DARI Sos Gables Oar Gar rear reir So 80 3rd K East t t. t SECTIONAL BOOKCASES made by Globe Globe- I e attractive t early B ci English ls tIn fin laSt ish top 50 base bU and 1300 10 per Ih eton S. S 1050 E East t So H Hy Hi MISCELLANEOUS 46 IN III WANTED WE t wreck freck or anything ir is 1 bul building bUr dInE materials KETCHUM BUILDERS BUILDERS' SUPPLY CO 80 West South Phone Was Wa I WILL buy br large e hardwood trec trees for winter moving Call Can Perky Perley A. A Hill Hi H fly Hy R. n 15 35 CASH for tor 3 1 or 2 1 H. H P. P volt olt motor mo mo- mo I tor toy In good od condition 1161 Browning ave ass Hy By I W. 76 W. STOVES and ranges regardless of at a ace e and condition Highest prices Hy By 87 vit buy late model T or A Ford ton truck Small sawmill wood saw 3 3 i f Concrete concrete con Con- I crete mixer I If I priced 0 right P. P O. O box Provo OLD Q LD GOLD COLD WANTED 47 CASH iP r old old cold Jewelry dental crowns bridges etc et cown W W. M. M McCONAHAY JEWELER LICENSED GOLD COLD BUYER I 1 tell sell to U. U 1 S a essay assay office f eY direct 64 6 4 SO 80 MAIN ST. ST S. S WASATCH 1821 1821 PAID OLD COLD PER PEK CENT CASH PAI L GOLD LD PRODUCTS CO CO- 1 12 W 2ND SO 80 CLOTHING WANTED 48 I pUa for f E clothes shots shoes suitcases Was Wa 10 i WE E buy all I kinds of men's mens clothes Sled Med ed 1 I 58 E. E 2nd n 6 South Wa Was o I JUNK UNK W WANTED 49 QUEST prices prien ranges beaters run rugs fur hot bot took books od odds ends d. d etc ec W. W RICHEST prices paid for tor bottles bottler and bat bat- bat Bobby Burt Surge Burre Hy By W. 1269 W. LETS LET'S ET ETS ET'S S SWAP 50 WILL WI ILL trade or sell lel sand land gravel savel soil soll haulIn haul haul- In ing 2386 tIn Bo Main Hy Hi W. 28 SE SELL o or trade eq In S. S E. E home e. e car or ca What b nave you fly Hy R. 05 WILL trade e my equity of of In ray my 1931 1933 QUn fl Uc l i Auburn sedan for car or anything any any- thing of equal value Box Y 25 TrIb- TrIb une VIKING Twin iii TIn Garden Tractor TretO 5 h. h p. p good soc condition for chickens or some lome cash cosh South East FURNITURE FOR SALE 51 B E LOKI Sold My Home MUST Home MUST SACRIFICE FICE my 10 ross of distinctive furn furn Oriental rugs run bedroom set sH Large Lare mirrors lL eY I made to order k Antiques ru B R e. e Ar G 0 tables gl d choirs lr 1200 Hf b black fc and lv gold sc c couch h nIJ tI In Indicative In- In d e of other h values s you can get at i 69 Hillside awe ave H h block block 10 so 10 or nr capitol Was Wa MRS SIRS OEO CEO H. H I. I WOOD capio FURNITURE BARGAINS Good line litie of day beds I single Ia Ie cots stoves stoics ItO C and ranges Buy now at present low prices WESTERN FURNITURE CO I SOUTH STATE AUCTION AUCIN SALE HALE Thurs Thul Sept t 1030 a a. a in I. I at Hadley Hadle Storage Co Co 4 49 East Broadway Tear rear Community M Market Market- E Full Fl list Auction Column Thales M. M D Derrick lck Auctioneer OAK OA AK dining table 6 chairs porch awing very reasonable Must be be sold cold Bolc at sit once V Wa J S. J. 48 W W. No Ko Temple I Apt API 11 t II I. I tADE old turn furn fur for new at a wholesale prices Reliable Furn 1 1 E it W iv FURNITURE WANTED 52 CALL ALL US S FIRST Y net the thc rest ret n HIGHEST HIGH EST SPOT CASH CASI PRICE Sa Sate Sa time and YoT trouble Call Was Wi RIGHT NOW CASH ASH FOR OR RANGES RANGE FURNITURE RUGS WASH WASFI AND AN SEW MACHINES MACHnE W PARTY MUST MU T HAV OF OP FURNITURE HY NY 32 NW L L h W. W KELLY KELY pays PUS cash for lor furniture rugs rUil f ranges ea etc etc W Wo Was 1503 cash cul prices price paid for furniture lunk Junk or what have you Wa a iVas J 4 CALL ALL Was iVas for tor Dr spot cash cath prices price for turn furn turn all al kinds rugs stoves sic t to Appraisals given shen without obligation i FURNITURE WANTED 5 52 WE o our paId for or furniture City Furniture Exchange Was WI 2023 21 So S. S West Temple I WE f pa tI the best for or u used f furniture u r v Was V u v.- v. Holland J Furniture n e Co tt State ta 81 St t PRIVATE VATE party will buy household or od odd r Pieces PIece turn fur run rugs wi r ranges WI Was iVas 3 DONI T give lve your furniture away Call CAl H By I get highest cash price I WE PAY spot pot cash prices for ran ranges ranee Ies rug run rugs heaters and mIs furniture Was Wa MUSICAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 5 55 FOR SALE I WILL WLL pay cash lor good od used pianos Bees icy ley Music 61 S. S MaIn Was Wee I FRADE your our piano plana for radio Utah Music Mui u l I Co Co 16 E. E Broadway Was Wn RE RENT pianos a 2 mo 1 sri irs rent C o on purchase pur cha chase e I S Utah lush J iI Music Co Co 5 3 8 80 I CASH paid for used pianos planol UTAH MUSIC IC COV COMPANY 16 E B. Broadway l I ICO Was WILL WIL pay sh cj sh c. for tor pianos planol or take In Jn trat trade on wa washers or radios Music Co 31 So S. S M MAIn ln MUSICAL INSTRUCTION 56 t lu sons eons at atour your home on ott wind string in in- piano SOc c. c H. H 2 i 2841 J J STORE TORE OFFICE s 57 EQUIPMENT FOR SALE USED USE desks files ls and office equipment equipment- S. S L L. Desk Ex Es E. E 65 West Wed Was EE ELECT EEC C American S 60 Dayton cow com a outing I scale W. W 50 At t tS 27 R RIchard V c at t. t TYPEWRITERS S FOR SALE 58 SERVICE REPAIRS L. L C. C S SMITH ITU and Corona Coon Typewriter Inc Ic New and used typewriters Rentals use Rental 40 West iVest 2nd South Wasatch M. M I. I D. D HOGAN rebuilt typewriters ribbon service serice Guaranteed repairs Was Wn TYPEWRITE stationery office Utah Typewriter Ex ny 20 E. E 1 I So S. S W. W fiSH F FOR R SALE 59 UT MT ln mao TROUT p. p food we V 84 catch 1 In them C lOll 1011 for you E. E uit U. U S So S TRUCKING TRUCKING 63 I I SAND GRA x VEL VELSA SA SAND AND gravel I. I kiddies kiddies' I play j sand ad general cenera ener 1 trucking uc W iVas 3 J. 7 pOULTRY Baby Chicks 65 VANT LIVE poultry I tal for foi their and pay the top price Murray Murry 30 POULTRY WANTED UT tr ttY 00 HEALTHY Leghorn pullets 12 weeks old 1823 South West Wet Temple Tempi SPECIAL Fries all 11 sizes lb stewing hens lb colored roasting chickens free del del n Hy 4 J. |