Show Amateur Roundup Editors Editor's note This is the fourth of ot series of articles articles' dealing with the candidates for th the national na na- ional lional amateur amateur- golf championship S By NEA Service More than a decade ago they were rating Eddie Held up among the he top top- of the amateur amateur- ranks rhe St. St Louis boy who is now now playing I Jut ut of New York of won his first big bigo go o in 1922 the national pub public 1 i c clinks links inks thing and nd hes he's been inthe inthe in the he thick of the fight Ight ever since Eddie was the first U U. U.-s. S. S golfer to bring the Canadian amateur title back backo 1 to o t the h e United f st States tes turned the he trick in 1929 Despite the fact that hat hes he's been ranked among the theop Held top op ten golfers of 01 the country several times limes hes he's never reached any dizzy heights in national amateur play but ut he figures this is his year when the he unpaid gents commence swinging swinging swing swing- ing ng at Cincinnati September 11 16 S He has won the sippi and other midwestern amateur meets The year old golfer stan stands stand out in n a crowd a black thatch black thatch of curly hair tops his dome and his square chin juts o edt like it was put there to tobe tobe toe be e plenty tough Eddies Eddie's qualify qualify- in lag ng score of was fourth among the golfers who passed d the trials in the New lew York sector |