Show MORE WARSHIPS SENT TO CUBA MARINES READY TO SAIL Naval Secretary Will V 1 I IV ft K Pay Visit to Havana t f I Aboard U. U S S. cruiser Sails South J L' L iy i p Se Secretary Sw Swanson Intervention Last ast Thing in Hi His Min Mind Roosevelt Says Junta Begins 1 Forming of Government l t i By JOSEPH H. H nAmED HAIRED United Press Staff Correspondent ent WASHINGTON Sept 6 President 6 Roosevelt today ordered ordered or or- de dered red a warship concentration in Cuban waters concentration tion of United States states' marines at the Quantico Va base and instructed Secretary of Navy Swanson Jison to proceed at once to Havana Swanson announced at the White House that he would sail for Havana at at 4 p. p m. m aboard the ton inch eight gun c cruiser Indianapolis now at Annapolis S Admiral William H. H Standley chief of ot naval operations operations- said six to eight warships including the four ordered to Cuba yesterday would be in Cuban waters by tomorrow S M noon said the battleship Mississippi sailed tod today y from Norfolk for ey West Fla to be b within a a few hours' hours steaming distance of troubled Cuba a. The Mississippi c carries men and 60 officers Th The The- Indianapolis complement is enlisted men Marines were concentrating a at Quantico all day to form the Seventh regiment which would become an expeditionary force of 1108 nos men if intervention in Cuba were ordered East coast navy naVy yards yard contributed contributed the marine quota tb build up un expeditionary contingent President Roosevelt issued abrupt orders for all aU these preparations But Buthe Buttion Bute he e that tion hon was not contemplated that it was the last thing in his mind Revelation of ot the he scope of ot Unit United States preparation for possible event even eventualities even even- t all ies came abr abruptly pUy inthe foyer f yer of th the executive offices fic s. s Swanson and Standley y r revealed ve l si tJ pla as s they emerged from Mr 1 Roosevelt's where the rapidly shifting problems developing around Cuba were discussed dis dis- cussed I Later the White House announced ed Secretary Swanson was wa not ordered to t Cuba and his projected visit t to Havana aboard a oard the cruiser Indianapolis Indianapolis Indiana Indiana- polis paiLs is entirely upon his own in- in Ini ini- S SIt It was said at the White House that the visit the Indianapolis will make mak to Havana this week is pure coincidence dence derice so far as its arrival in Sn Cuban waters at the time of other warships was concerned Furthermore It was added Secretary Secre tary Swanson arranged the cruise a month ago and in a communication to Ambassador Welles expressed the hope of visiting Cuba HAVANA Sept Sept's Cubas Cuba's cubas cuba's Cuba's Cubas day- day old revolutionary government confronted confronted confronted con con- fronted with the possibility that the rank and file of to which it owes its life might get out of hand band attacked at tacked the problem of ot setting up the new state today by y y promising full representation for tor ev every ry revolutionary revolution revolution- ary faction Although the army anny privates and noncommissioned officers who effect ed the ousting of the De Cespedes gov gov- Continued on Face Pue Two NAVAL NA V At CHIEF J GOES TO CUBA Continued from front Page Pact One On f i eminent mingled during the with civilians celebrating th the govi upset they did not get out of oC control It was feared however that J trouble might develop I The work of establishing the ne nevi state got under way within r of the guns BUns of an American destroyer ante lying ying in the harbor Although Havana was I comparative ly y peaceful other parts of the Wand island did not not enjoy similar conditions I In Cienfuegos revolutionary dem dern I I sacked hardware r stor stealing firearms Trade was at standstill Army and navy detach i ments protected foreigners foreigner MAYOR iX-MAYOR ARRESTED p. p I Former Mayor Aragones Aragon of den Cie d fuegos was vas arrested as he boarded 1 the he gunboat Baire with his family famil Before leaders of ot the new i EOV gov V went into conference to discuss dis du cuss matters of policy Sergio Carbo Car Car- bo one of the commission of Hv five h now the heading the administration e gave vl assurances that every faction would receive representation Carbo asserted the he most Important thin thing to accomplish right now flow Was wai to o insure public order He said ald h he h- h was satisfied with existing condition conditIo American residents of ot the Isle oi of at f. f Pines sent n a delegation to United States Amb Ambassador ador Sumner Well The purpose of this action was not officially revealed but it was report ed that the delegation asked th that a destroyer be sent to the island a. a M as they feared an uprising among amone the inmates of ot the model prison n there The coup by army private r and noncommissioned io ed officers r re suited in the ousting of at about gOO commissioned officers and they con ton another problem for lor the t fledgling government Nobody ex cx thc these e officers to tike take the DO- DO overturn lying down SPIKES R REPORTS PORTS t i Commissioner Carbo spiked reports f j that the new administration would invoke in in- J voke yoke press censorship I shall be the first to resign 1 if J censorship is established he said Among the factions to be bc neot f r. r in the new regime Carbo continued con eon are arc the women's revolutionary organizations The ABC group which played an aa f j Important part in the ousting of Gen eral Gerardo Machados Machado's government i less than a month ago agot did not parti- parti parti 1 I 1 as an organization in the new revolution apparently was not has has- tile Elder members of the ABC withheld withheld with with- held comment except for asserting that they wished Cuba welt well Some of the more radical radic elements of U this s group took part pant in the movement It was announced that the cabinet cahl- cahl net positions had been baen apportioned I thus j Guillermo Portela s secretary of ot state and of ot justice Senor Carbo Interior war andr communications Porfirio Porfinio Franca finance I Jose IrizarrI public works land and ago 1 Ramon Grau San Martin public r rI I instruction and sanitation |