Show A I h Fascinating 1 u Albert Edward Wiggam D D. D Sc I j L Lets Let's e ts t's Exp Explore I ore Y Your our M. M Mind 10 d Pastime len With Vl The Fruit T TIle The e NoltA of the Author o of Family Tree t VJ I i II I I iv A i 7 CAN SOME SOME- o APPARENTLY TRIVIAL ENTIRELY I I 1 Y JJ 1 Sk cy 1 j C CHILDHOOD I D J A lw I I 1 Il I IES OR- OR 0 J rk r IF TWO MEW LOVE OWE AR ARG MORE LIKELY TO B BE 2 MOU TOWARDS EACH t I OTMER OT TWO WHO w-lo- p DO PEOPLE I Al I OF ABILITY LOVED LoVo owe ONE MAM MAJ WOULD e HAV LARGER THAW PULL OR STUPID PEOPLED PEOPLE YE Yee OR T MT II U u DIU j C 6 OR op- 0 Auth Authors Author's rs r's note These answers are given from the scientific point of view Not all an moral questions can be answered with absolute scientific accuracy but no decision as ns to what is morally right Is possible wIthout without without with wIth- out science Science puts the rights of organized society above the rights of individuals 1 I think so as a 1 rule No doubt natural qualities are arc here involved somewhat but but as I have often said I think the chief differences between men and women are not natural differences dif dif- but learned differences Men have lave more practice in give and take they hey have more rigid rules of oC the game they are rebuked more by their fellow men if they do not play fair lair I doubt that they are nat nat- irly more magnanimous but the they have lave developed more elaborate rituals for putting up an appearance of mag g. g 2 No Dr DIY Harry W. W Hepner anthor au au- thor hor of ot Psychology for Business BusinessMen BusinessMen Men cites the following h historic fig ures urea Thackeray's brain weighed 58 ounces those of Daniel Webster and Napoleon from 50 to ounces those of Gambetta and Liebig 40 to ounces Doctor Sims a neurologist weighed the brains of or a Jar large e number of ot imbeciles and idiots and their brains weighed from rom GO 60 to 70 ounces Probably largely large large- ly water Brain quality not brain weight is what tells 3 Yes we are chiefly indebted to Freud from one angle and to Dr John Watson and the behaviorists from another for showing sho the importance importance importance tance of ot childhood experiences although although al al- al though one does not have to agree with all the explanations of either school as to just how the mind acts A father tosses his child up for tor fun and the adult man Is afraid of ot going up on high places a boy is scolded while drinking milk becomes nauseated ed and lOd all his life has hasa a horror of or milk a girl is r or some blunder blunder blun blun- der in school or for the color of ot her hair and all nil her life Hie has has' hasa a sense of ot inferiority etc etc There are now whole libraries of such cases It almost almost al al- most appals one at the responsibility of ot rearing a child but fortunately nature Is always fighting for sanity MARRIAGE By Dr Albert Edward Wiggam With Questionnaire A remarkable little booklet written from the scientific viewpoint It should prove of or rapt interest not only to those of marriageable age but also so alsoto alsoto alsoto to parents for its guidance value It is packed with priceless priceless price price- less information It dc deals ls with heredity how you get it it how you transmit it it Sent upon request request re re- re- re quest Include self addressed stamped return envelope and extra stamp to cover print print- ing tag Address D Dr Dro Albert Edward Edward Edward Ed Ed- ward Wiggam care this news news- paper Just ask for Marriage Booklet I and health and tends to rectify man manof many of our mistakes |