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Show PROJECT PARAGRAPHS . E. T. Morrison butchered a veal and two hogs at the Utafornia Ranch Tuesday, and he is an artist at the job. Marshal Kirklanc', who has been ill from a severe attack of lagrippe. is improving and hopes soon to be able to start hauling ore. Gus Rickner, the genial gentleman from Germany, went to his homestead home-stead near Malone Wednesday, lie has been staying for a time at the Anderson and Nelson homes on the project. Joseph Johns will remove to his homestead southeast of town about April 1, and expects, in addition to his own land, to farm 160 acres under un-der the irrigation project. Most of the ranchers are husy either hauling fertilizer and distributing distrib-uting It on the la;id where it will do the most good for next season's crops, or they are accumulating a supply of wood from the foothills. Mrs. Husband started to the north part of the state to visit relatives, but where the railroad portion of the trjp ended. Mrs. Husband had to stay, unable to reach her destination, destina-tion, and returned home disappointed disappoint-ed in her holiday plans. A very pleasnnt social event of the project was a New Year's dinner and dance at Ihn home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Nelson. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. Nelson, Misses Lillian and Wilma Anderson. Messrs liuek-ner. liuek-ner. Johnson. Nelson, Wade. Anderson. Ander-son. Sahlstrom and Itirken. An elaborate spread of all the good 'hings of the season was enjoyed In the afternoon and dancing throughout through-out the evening. j Mr. and Mrs. Works, late of Delta. have removed to the Beaver County irrigation Company's residence at, j Ko. ky Ford da;n and will have charge r)r the big reservoir and oth-er oth-er property or the company there the coming season. Mr. Works ior-' ior-' tueriy held a similar position on the j Delta project. He was reeonimemi ;d by Supt. A. M. Mcpherson ami employed by Supt. Uiih-rt. |