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Show A j Professional Cards I LL j J. A. INGOLS Mining and Civil Engineer, Engi-neer, U. S. Deputy Mining Min-ing Engineer, City Engineer. En-gineer. MILFORD, UTAH PHONE No. 67. There's only one right way to ! tune a Piano j A. W.WINDBERG An expert in this line does it the right way Agent for the celebrated i BALDWIN PIANOS . . A. W. WINDBERG, Milford -:- :- -:- Utah C. T. WOODBURY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW X.! , j I BANK BUILDING T Phone 71 1 Milford Utah r Dr. 0. E. ADKINS DENTIST I- ) BANK BUILDING, PHONE 38 . i I ; Milford Utah r -J L I ri MATHESON I THE TAILOR MAKER OP UP-TO-DATE T 1 ; Milford Utah i 1 1 1 Phone 13 Notary Public MJLLINE Attorney-at-Lav FORMERLY OF CALIFORNIA MILFORD -:- -:- -:- UTAH Shirley S. Atkin Attorney-at-Lav Office MILFORD STATE BANK BUILDING MILFORD' UTAH Phone 19. Abstracts for Mineral Patents WILLIAM HURST Licensed Abstractor e , Utah Examinations and Reports on Properties. 0. A. Murdock ATTORNEY AT LAW Beaver, Utah E. B. JORGENSEN Licensed Embalmer Funeral Director Phone 4 Milford, Utah Open Day and Night CLINE & BOYER Big; Bargains in Good Land CASH OR TERMS Some Specials in School Lands MILFORD, UTAH When In Lund Patronize THE LUND HOTEL Cleanliness, Comfort, Courtesy, Good Service REASONABLE RATES Headquarters for travel throughout Southern Utah LUND, UTAH Mrs. E. L. CARTER, Prop. BILL and BILL We have a Complete Line of ' Fancy and Staple f. , Groceries Call M The Fresh and Cured And 1 Place Meats I I . OUR SPECIALS See I hat Pressed Corned Beef Us Gives Saur Kraut, Weiners , Cranberries, Grapes Before Celery, Lettuce Placing Most Sweet Potatoes F Home Cured Ham Your and Bacon 0rd The Fresh Oysters O ,f Chicken or Money. Frcsh Fish Ev?ry Thursday We give both quality and service. 8 Phone No. S6. Phone No. 86. Try Beaver County News Classified Ads. They Tay Cough Medicine for Children Mrs. Hugh Cook. Scottsville, N. Y. says: "About five years ago when we were living in Garbutt, N. Y., I , doctored my two children sufering from colds with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and found it just as represented in every way. It prcmpt- ly checked their coughing and cured 'their colds quicker than anything I have ever used." Obtainable everywhere. every-where. Adv. Tombstones, Monuments and Grave Markers of all kinds at reasonable prices. E. B. JORGENSEN, Agent MILFORD, UTAH I CLASSIFIED COLUMN MANGANESE MINE FOR SALE Assays over 42 per cent. Opened ready for ore to is taken out. For further information writ Mrs. M. J. Loring, Monroe, Utah. Adv. FOR EXCHANGE Forty acres of deeded land in New Mexico, three miles from town. Value $1,508. Want stock of goods or furniture, or house in town. Eaquire at News Office. Adv. tf FOR EXCHANGE 110 acres of timber tim-ber in Coleville County, Washington. Wash-ington. Original growth 2 million mill-ion feet. Want land or house in town. Value $3,500. Enquire at News Office. Adv. tf WANTED Second hand 6 h. p. gaa engine. See B. H. Matteaon, Milford. Mil-ford. Adv. tf If you want the best in Paintine, Kalsomining and Decorating, go to R. G. Siewert. Adv. tf State of Ohio. City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doinpr business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, afore-said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December. Decem-ber. A. D. 18S6. A. W. GLEASON. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally intern-ally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. If you are looking for results, re-sults, advertise your wants in our want Column. |