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Show DOTS AND DASHES H. H. McDonald, local car inspec-Vor inspec-Vor has been transferred to Caltonte. J The local roundhouse and shops j ok a half-holiday New Years af- , - Vnoon. J "r0UD'e caused by recent heavy kvs along the line of traffic have overcome and train service is i normal. 1 -- Ipal switch and yard men of the ' ake Route will receive an in-cre in-cre of $5 a month in wages, ef-fec4 ef-fec4 January 1. ' Wfo Cottrell, a member of the Safeti First Committee, attended 'ne brnonthly meeting of the eom- "y " mfttein Salt Lake, Wednesday. ' . . . The local freight and express of-""vj' of-""vj' .fice renirt heavy . business, a condi- '0u fat becoming chronic and U A' jJii0'1 soon require an enlarge-' enlarge-' 'jf quarters. "-ne 4 J. L. Craig, Salt Lake Route agent at Sa't Lake, was here the first of the week, looking over some mining property in which he is interested and which he expects to begin shipp ing soon. County Farm Agent Christensen expects to attend the next regular meeting of the Milford Valley Farm Bureau and report upon the available avail-able supply of seed potatoes and the prices demanded for the same. Local friends of Arthur Wood, of . the roadmaster's office will be pleas ed to know that he has accepted n y position here as assistant freight agent and will not be transferred to j Callente as at first contemplated. Howard Elliott. inspector of transportation who was to have addressed ad-dressed the local Home and School organization in a few weeks on the subject of "Safety First." has written writ-ten of his inability to fill the engagement engage-ment which is much regretted. While in Salt Lake a few days ago, Miss Delia Cottrell called upon Superintendent Van Hansen, of the Salt Lake Route, who was injured a few weeks in an accident at Moapa. She found Mr. Van Hotisen improving, improv-ing, though still confined to his room. Nine Pullman sleepers which conveyed con-veyed the returning troopers to Salt Lake last week, were returned to Los Angeles for repairs. The intense in-tense cold has frozen up and bursted all steam and water connectiors and it will cost from $2,000 to $2. son |