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Show "THE RAINBOW" WELL PRESENTED University of Utah Delivers an Excellent Ex-cellent Performance Iist Evening "It was fine," "It was splendid," were exclamations heard on every hand at the close of the presentation of "The Rainbow" by the Dramatic Club of the University of Utah last night at the high school auditorium. The public is under obligation to the Home and School Organization, under un-der whose auspices the club appeared appear-ed for this really excellent entertain ment. Especially are congratulations due to Miss Mills, head of the English department and a graduate of the University, who with the principal. Mr. Miner, induced the club to appear ap-pear in Milford. I The state university has every' reason to be proud of the talent and training of the young artists who compose the dramatic club. Moroni Olson, as Neil Sumner, the leading man. is superb, as a fond, but unwise father, and Helen Spencer, Spen-cer, as Cynthia Sumner was a charm-'ing charm-'ing child portrayal. They were twice 'given curtain calls which were well deserved. The entire cast is good and the presentation shows unusual ability and excellent training. Here's hoping hop-ing the club will visit Milford again. |