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Show JEFFERSON Mercantile Co. FANCY GROCERIES I all kinds of MEATS. Vea1' Pork' VfjS Mutton, Meats, j Fresh Fish Every Thursday and i J.V Friday. j -at Fresh Oysters every day. j We specialize on Ilitfh Crade Coffees, Teas and Spices. MILFORD Everything for Blasting, iTTAii HERCULES POWDERS, 11 All GIANT POWDERS, Phone No. 20 CAPS AND FUSE, MINING SUPPLIES, and SPORTING AMMUNITION. irT We Sell the Famous 0LD M ASTER COFFEE, VjL f and specialize on Chase & Sanborn u TEAS AND COFFEES. FOR THE HOUSE ' j nips, Parsnips, Carrots, WIFE. ! Pears, Peaches, Plums, Celery, Sweet Spuds, j Apples, Oranges, Ba- Cauliflower, Bell Pep- J nanas, Muscat Grapes, pers, Egg Plant, Cab- Tokay Grapes, Concord bage, Cucumbers, Tur- j Grapes. i lilsSlrcantileCo. i . Ve have the RANGE YOU WANT AND IT MAKES A GIFT THAT BRINGS JOY AND SATISFACTION BURNS & BIRD CO. Ui ' " V Use 1 our Whole House II i This Winter j; ) TpxON'T let cold weather lock i j I J yu UP n one room- -A Per- f I fection Oil Heater will bring j""" f f glowing warmth and cheer to any f B ? 1 , i room in the house. Ready in a min- f g f S ute. Clean. Quick. Economical J L ; ten hours of glowing warmth j on a gallon of kerosene oil. I THE CONTINENTAL OIL CO. Jw'J t (A Colorado Corporation) Jr' fvlV1 '-' Denver Pueblo Salt Lake City Cheyenne 7 MjjiU Jvf " Butte Albuquerque Boise jJSJ vy ; 'j Sold at hardware, fur- U ' JJ nitura, general and de- """ T p partment storea every- VsTnV i jj where. ETf I f i TRY THE BEAVER COUNTY NEWS FOR JOB PRINTING. YOU'LL SURELY BE SATISFIED j J. L. GRIFFITHS Carries the best and most complete stock of everything in J Groceries, Dry Goods, Miners' Supplies and all kinds of ' -..' Fresh and Cured Meats If there is anything you want, we have it and can supply you at right prices. Frisco, Utah ..... v Something New inMilforr Quirk Drug Co. recently purchased a supply of t1 best eczema remedy in the world. Ask about LV ZENSAL for the dry, scaly skin and Moist ZE- SAL for the watery eruptions. Two perfect rei?- '; dies for the treatment of skin diseases. Sold by : 1 QUIRK DRUG COMPANY AN APPRECIATION We want to express our appreciation to our many friends for the support sup-port given us during the past year. It has been our endeavor to merit this patronage by honest goods, fair prices and helpful service. Our one New Year's resolution is to so conduct our business as to justify still further evidence of your confidence and good will. With best wishes to you for the New Year, " B DNNEV1LLE LUMBER CO. O a o . . Merrill CZ Gv3 a n a Associate Milford Lund Modena |