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Show Eliorri Leather Goods Company HARNESS AND SADDLERY, BLANKETS, WHIPS, ROBES Auto Tops Dressed and Repaired. Harness and Saddles Built to Order REPAIRING GOLDEN RULE STORE i H MILFORD - UTAH ji THIS WEEK'S I SPECIALS 8 . 11 lb Sugar $1.00 J 35c grade Coffee, per lb 27 '2c S 6 Bars of Laundry Soap for 25c J 12!2c Toilet Soap, 3 bars for 25c & X Pine Nuts, per lb 20c Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes 3 f 3 for 25c 40c per dozen Oranges, this M week only 30c 4 g $ THE GOLDEN RULE STORE Vvi PHONE 10. vt XI THE HOME OF THE WORKINGMAN $ I Advertise In the Beaver Oountf Now J FROM THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM: Joseph Grahom lives five miles from the coal yard lit Murray. For him to get 100 pounds of coal he is compelled to travel ten miles. Saturday he went to the coal yard to get his 100 pounds of coal and found 127 teams ahead of hint. He-fore He-fore his turn came the supply luul become exhausted and he traveled home with an empty wagon. - The mines have not operated at capacity for more than a month and there has been practically no service . until the last two days since Christmas. Christ-mas. SOMETIMES EVEN THE "SUDDEN SERVICE" HOUSE GETS UP AGAINST IT BUT WE ARE DOING OUR BEST TO GET COAL FOR YOU. i Milford Lumber Co ... ' Hal Stephens, Manager MILFORD - - UTAH -- T ss'SNS,lis!9Si' sees? tsstsafssssscrBB I j 1 1 I BOTH WE M AND j I i THE NEW YEAR i Greet You and Wish You Health, fA I Happiness and Prosperity ) 50 AND AVE WISH YOU WOULD START YOUR APPEARANCE OP PROSPERITY BY If j LOOKING OVER THE BIG SHIPMENTS OP EARLYr SPRING STYLES' OF CLOTHES. : N HATS AND SHOES THAT HAVE JUST COME IN. THERE'S NO USE BUYING OLD ! GOODS AND "LEFT-OVERS" WHEN WE CAN OFFER YOU NEW STYLES FRESH 1 V O ! FROM THE EAST. t 1 1 P P - y SOPHOMORE PERFECT CLOTHES COST YOU $20.00 j fj H I $25.00 for both Suits and Overcoats. V$ . I Clothes with a tone of their own j I WALK -OVER SHOES - - $4.75 to $6.00 j p n 1 FLMSAEIM SHOES - - $6.00 to $9.00 I H T S McKIBBON HATS - - - $3.50 to 4.00 1 ft p The rival of any $5.00 Hat J j SEE THE NEW GOODS AND YOU WILL BE CONVINCED j I M I THAT WE HAVE YOUR INTEREST, YOUR WELFARE AND J P I YOUR PROSPERITY AT HEART. j p hi - .-gs |