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Show HOT OFF THE WIRE About People and Events of Local Interest Stray Bits of Information Gathered ut Random and Arranged fur Rapid Readers James Ramsey has taken a Job at the roundhouse. C. Root, proprietor of the Lund Hotel, at Lund, was in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Swallow, of Garrison spent Tuesday in Milford. Attorney W. F. Knox of Beaver was down Monday on legal business. Thos. Johanson and Gus Helsten, of Newhonse spent New Years in Mil-ford. Mil-ford. F. A, Mendenhall will prove up on his homestead near Malone next week. G. A. Richardson, of Garrison was a New Years' guest at the Hotel Milford. Hayden Long, of Provo, was a Milford Mil-ford visitor Sunday, registering at the Milford. Mr. Robbins, of Murray, has taken charge of the hardware department of Sloan's store. R. G. Seiwert spent several days of the holiday week in Salt Lake, returning Monday. 1 - S. H. Goodwin and Clarence What-cott, What-cott, of Kanosh, took Monday dinner din-ner at the Milford. Mrs. Gus Price and children and Loraine and Emily spent Christmas Christ-mas vacation in Beaver. H. C. Lewison has taken the contract con-tract to finish the Woodbury residence resi-dence in the Lewis addition. The little girl of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hanks has been quite ill with the grippe, but is now improving. Mrs. Roy Baxter returned Monday Mon-day from Minersville, where she spent the holidays with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Adkins are preparing pre-paring to move into their new home in the Lewis addition in a few days. Mrs. Elizabeth Hanks, of Para-guna, Para-guna, is visiting the families of her sons, Heber and S. J. Hanks of this city. The Catholic Ladies Aid Society met yesterday at the home of Mrs. LaTourette and transacted sundry business. Clark Kessler and Roy Warner will open a garage next the Hardy property on South Main street, the News is informed. There will be services both morning morn-ing and evening, next Sunday at the M. E. Church, Rev. S. Allison will speak at both services. Stake President McGregor and Councillor J. F. Turner, of Beaver, spoke at the Latter Day Saints church Sunday afternoon. Thos. Fotheringham, wife and children came home from Beaver Monday, where they spent Christams and New Y'ears with relatives. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Church met yesterday at the home of Mrs. Henry Jefferson and planned for church work of various kinds. Mr. Croft, of the Croff Mining Co. came down from Salt Lake Monday. He is much pleased with conditions here. Mr. Croff is also interested in the Creole. P. B. McKeon, o Salt Lake was in Milford a few days this week. Last week's News contained an account ac-count of Mr. McKeon's marriage to a Chicago lady. Dr. Hamilton went to Black Rock last Saturday night to investigate a measles scare. He found no cases of the epidemic which ia causing alarm in some parte of the state. Miasep May Bowen. and Del! Cot- trell returned from Salt Lake Monday Mon-day where they spent a few days in visiting the family of George Deer-Ing, Deer-Ing, former residents of this city. - -- W. F. Cottrell and sons Roy and Fred, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tribole and Mr. Seiwert spent New Years afternoon after-noon hunting rabbits south of town. They secured almost a dozen bunnies. bun-nies. Fred Reber, of the high school faculty returned Sunday from the Dixie country where he spent the Christmas vacation with relatives. Owing to bad storms in the mountains, moun-tains, Mr. Reber's family did not return at this time. Russell Parsons, county attorney-elect, attorney-elect, returned Sunday from Southern South-ern California whither he was called by the illness of his mother. Monday Mon-day In company with attorney Sam Cline, Mr. Parsons went to Beaver to be sworn into his new office and file his bond. Virginia Dobson, the little daughter daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dobson, who went to Salt Lake City to visit relatives is seriously ill from an attack at-tack of measles and Mr. Dobson was called to the city by wire last Saturday. Sat-urday. The little girl is five years old. Measles is said to be epidemic In Bait Laku City. j |