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Show of Utah-Idaho Central ill Railroad Co., to be New 'm Name for Electric Way DBK The Ogdcn, Logan & Idaho Hall- HM" 'way. will, on and after January 1, H; 1918, bo known as, and its official Eu ', name will bo Utah-Idaho Central pi jt, Itallroad Company. HF , The change In the official name Is S, '' brought about through loss of freight pLj v business, whereby, in tho use of In- ; ' Ulttls a11 height is billed O. L. & I. )j : which is similar to tho initials of the ft O. S. L. that It has been a financial Wk ' loss to this company, ,i ' While the layman is under the jK ,f '' impression that interurban lines are llg '-. passenger carrying lines only, and H . their earning powers are from that HH ' source, this is incorrect as far as the Ml "O. L. & I. Is concerned, particularly HI- on account of the territory it serves. hH While it has a considerable popula- Sli '" tlon located tributary to its lines, jMrefe community Interests govern, which lHy results in a short haul of passengers k i r this electric line, thereforo must ml ' look to freight business for its rev- ,( '; enue, and with tho present through fl $ freight rate arrangements and con- , i f uectlons with all lines in the United , 'i States, it Is endeavoring to build up I j Its freight business. w3 Before the chango of tho .name of Warn the railroad, much freight which has a been intended to move via its lino, Hot has been lost, and the operators feel iSK that the chango will result material- iflffi ly in the increase of freight business. M This line was constructed by Utah 51S3 capitalists, whose Interests are all in H Utah and Idaho, and they feel that fffl they have the support of the ship- 9f ping public tributary to its line, and 111'' with the congestion on the steam I lines, can servo its patrons more ef- m& , flciently In this business. Another JL feature, electric lines are operated T ' by use of electric energy, furnished " ' j by the Utah Power & Light Com- ! ' pany, who have spent some fifty mil- ; J,, lions of dollars In construction of j Y power plants in Utah and Idaho, thus & assuring continual and efficient ser- s ffl vice all the time, this must be looked , ifi upon as a great saving in fuel, which ' M . - Is so scarce at the present time. While practically no new construction construc-tion of branch lines has taken place during the past year, due to tho high cost of materials and the scarcity of labor, much Improvements has been made in its present facilities, such as construction of spur tracks to the new warehouses and Industries, as well as putting its roadway and its equipment in first class condition. During tho year two new freight locomotives lo-comotives have been received from the manufacturers, tho Westlnghouso Clectrlc Company, which makes a total of seven freight locomotives In service, meeting tho growing freight business. During the year of 1917 tho Utah Idaho Central Railroad handled on its interurban line, G83.958 passon-bers, passon-bers, of this number approximately GO, 000 were school children, handled to and from school. Seeing the necessity nec-essity of promoting educational work In Utah, this company has placed in effect one-half rates for school children, chil-dren, enabling them to be at their homo each evening assisting their parents. The schedules of all the trains have been so placed as to accommodate ac-commodate the children in going to and from school. On the city car lines at Logan, Ogden and Drigham thero were handled, han-dled, 4,147,590 people, making a total to-tal of 4,831,549 passengers handled by this system during the year of 1917. In handling this number of people, It required an average of 562 men per day, with a payroll for th year of $405,118.98. To handle this tiumber of people It required to operate op-erate on the interurban lines, 1,001,-520 1,001,-520 car miles and on the city lines 921,349 car miles, which means that If one car were used It would have to run that many miles, to equal the number of miles operated by th"-cars th"-cars used In transportation ot these people. For the year of 1918 the Utah-Idaho Utah-Idaho Central Itallroad Company will expend approximately $400,000 in the purchase of now freight equipment, equip-ment, such as coal, stock and box cars, this equipment will be received during tho year 1918. Prospects In Cache Valley are untold, un-told, and within tho next four or five years great developments In stock raising, dairy business and agriculture ag-riculture will be Been, as the larger tracts of land will be cut up nnd more Intensive farming done. The enterprising people of Cache Valley contomplato considerable publicity pub-licity and advertising throughout tho United States, which will bring in quite a number of now farmers. With the drainage of waterlog lands, qulto a number of thousand acres will be put upon tho producing market. The re-orgnnlzatton of the Oneida Irrigation Irriga-tion District in Franklin County, Idaho will mean much to that section, sec-tion, as it is contemplated to expond approximately $199,000 in re-con-structlng and enlarging the capacity ot dams, as well as the enlarging ot canals and latterals. This project will servo successfully on additional ten or twelve thousand acres of land, which acreage will be producing produc-ing in the year of 1918. Tho territory tributary to tho Utah Idaho Central is served with transportation trans-portation better than In any section of the West, which is a great Inducement In-ducement to increasing the population, popula-tion, being close to the largo markets mar-kets of Ogden and Salt Lake 'city, and city attractions, this territory should develop fast. Passenger rates being 2 cents a mile and service being be-ing unexcelled, it has a future, that larger localltltes of the West are not favored with. -3 S & |