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Show ONLY A FEW MORE SHOPPING $ fj M ; 0 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. WE l X M ARE SHOWING AND SELLING jLf H H Will venture that's what you'll H h see the showing here. jH H Come now and look them If you H H see anything you would like, we'll lay it H away for you until wanting time. ijH H This will give you a chance fKM B llllllfl 1 And you know early choosing is always Hj HB Our Line of Xmas Cards and Greetings DHHBl HH are particularly attractive. BQRPfflHS RITER BROTHERS DRUG GO. BH 'B The Store HftHHH I I ' OLDSMOBILE I j This Car Revises All Standards Of Motor Gar Value H 1 The purchase of an automobile is the purchase of certain vides the utmost in comfortable leg room. Long, wide I n elements of physical satisfaction and mental enjoyment, springs and perfect balance of chassis insure easy riding 1 j a i least of which is by no means pride of ownership. The under any kind of going. M measure in which your car gratifies your desire for these The fifty horse power motor, with the light weight of the 1 K enjoyments, as compared with other cars, establishes its car 3,000 pounds, ready for the road provides a re- 1 & I value in your eyes. ' serve of power that makes gear shifting rarely necessary. i?i u In the new Oldsmobile, Models 37 and 45, you are enabled ' , . The smoothness of the eight cylinders is a motoring . I II g 1 to secure the fullest measure of physical satisfaction, as delight. m 1 determined by smooth, effortless performance, and of t Economy of operation is insured by light weight and ' j . jjy I pride of possession, as warranted by superior coachwork '"' motor refinement. The gasoline average is from fifteen I i P I and utmost refinement of finish, at a cost that estab- to twenty miles per gallon, and the tire mileage is unusu- I E M lishes this car as a new standard of motor car value. ally high. Oil consumption is nominal. I I Exquisite harmony of outline and over-all proportions Throughout, the car leaves nothing to be desired. Walnut I j !P S distinguish this car, the result of nearly twenty years woodwork and nickel finished instruments are but details I I m I of experience in combining beauty with comfort, sturdi- of its superior worth. " j E 9 ness with grace. The car is built in four body styles at prices astonishingly I ! R I The comfort of the car is a revelation, due to the new . low, 1467 for the seven passenger, and $1185 for the . 1 I ' M I style upholstery of finest quality, bright finish, black five passengei, club roadster and convertible roadster S I i , ' m 1 leather, laid in box pleats, with no buttons to gather and models, f . o. b. Lansing. S I j 1 hold dust and dirt. All cars are now on display at our show room. Call or I I r-1 I The 120-inch wheel base, through clever body design, pro- write today for a demonstration, I I "Tl j I NORTH UTAH AUTO CO. I I 1 34 FEPEARL AVENUE, LOGAN, UTAH I I K?9HHiMHHHVS!3flHHSSiliSII9BflHHHHHHHNHHHHI9RSBHHHHMHHBHHHifl '-s uiMi iwiiBiMrTai mmmm -,..-.. . 5?Q t |