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Show 600 HUNDRED I POPULATION I OF NEWTON I -W-T-, r H " J- w r fl Town Is necornliiR .Vo,lorii with I Kleetrlcltj, llolh l Tho Homes , I And .Streets H NEWTON', Dec. 17. Newton Is . I n growing town with n population ot I 000 happy and contented people It H Is 16 miles northwest of Logan and H 2 miles north of Cacho Junction. The I town has a board of directors con- H slstlng of u mayor and councllmen H who direct nnd transact all of the H public Improvements. H The chief Industries aro farming, H wheat, beets, hay, some cattlo, sheep H and pigs are tho chief products. H The town has a modern upto-date H water systom. Tho water Is supplied H by mountain springs, situated north- H west of town. Thero Is a large, sup- H ply, sufficient for all purposes. H There aro many beautiful homes H with modern conveniences. Tho town. H has street lights as well as electric H lights In tho homes, tho electric Juice H Ibolng furnished by tho Utah Power H and Light Company. H Tho school building Is modern In H every respect, well equipped class H rooms, library, gymnasium, that are H used for basketball nnd other athletic H sports. Tho building with Its equip- H ment cost nbout $25,000. H Tho meeting houso Is a largo and H modern building that was completed H about three years ago, at a cost of H about $8000. It Is used for religious H services, amusements, and socials. H During tho year of 1917 thero has H been built on Bear River near New- H ton and, Cacho Junction a modern electric pumping plant by Mr. W. R. H Ballard and othor progressive farm- H ors for tho purposo of Irrigating 1000 H acres of land .near Cache Junction, H and Newton, which will bo planted In H sugar beets and hay noxt spring. H Thero-is about 2000 acres of land. H which 1b Irrigated by tho West Cacho H Canal and tho Newton Reservoir. H We have an up-to-dato store, Tho H Peoplo's Mercantile, that Is doing- H a good business under tho nblo man- H agemont of Androw Peterson, where H ono can buy anything from a mouso H trap to a thrashing machine. Mr. H Peterson always has a kind, obliging H and efficient clerks to wait on his H many customers. H Thero is ono confectionery store, H managed by William J. Barker where H hot or cold drinks are served, (strict- H ly temperance) Ico cream, and can- H dy served by two smiling young H ladles. H Noxt wo have tho barber shop, H strictly modern, and up-to-date-, H whero one can get a hair cut and'a H shavo at popular prices. Whero Mr. H John Hanson Is always roady with H his razor or scissors. Don't forget to H call on him. H Mr. Wllllani P. Hanson, tho con- H tractor and builder has had a very H busy and prosperous year. Ho ts put- H ting tho finishing touches ou one ot H tho most beautiful and convenient H homes for Mr. M. J. Benson. H Mr. Ed. W. Fish has also had a H very busy year building beautiful H and comfortablo homes, for tho pros- porous sugar boot growers at Corn- H ish and Tronton. H Mr. Carl Johnson the bricklayer H and plasterer has been very busy all H summer. H Tho Larson Brothers Lumber Co:, H has had a very successful year, un- H der tho ablo management of II. M. H Larson. M William Larson tho city electrician H and plumber, has been very busy H connecting the people up with the W water ranlna slnco tho first ot May. jflti Pearl Jenkins, the auto doctor, is Wk a very busy man trying to keep his IH many customers supplied with gas M and extras as thero aro, about fifty M automobiles and somo Fords to be ' takon care of nt his garage. MB Mr. Eric Ecklund, contractor and builder, has been very busy this jJ summer. Ho has built a nice modem M storo at Cache Junction for Mr. J. H. Barker, and Is now finishing a nlco H resident for Mr. Ed Dahlo at tho M sanio placo. B Mr. Sidney Alvls, "Tho Town Cop" M has had' a very busy timo Icoeplng H (Continued on Pago 4) H Newton Christmas News (Continued from Page 1) track or looking for lost Fords, however how-ever Mr. Alvls is to be complimented compliment-ed on his endeavor to keep everything every-thing right. James 8. Hancey, The Town Painter, Pain-ter, paper hanger and decorator reports re-ports a very successful year along his line of business, Ashton" Jenson the Village Blacksmith Black-smith has Installed an electric blower blow-er and other modern machinery In his shop where he is able to render prompt and efficient service. Don't forget to call on Mr. Jenson when In need of work done In his line. Mr. Theodore Ecklund after an absence ab-sence of nine years in Alaska, British Columbia and the nocthwest, Is back In Newton shaking hands with his old friends. Parley Itlgby was seen on the streets, with his usual smile, shaking hands with his many friends. Parley hos been engaged buying wheat In Idaho, where ho says the wheat crop was very good. James Kellson has returned from Idaho, where he has a large farm. After having harvested a splendid crop of wheat and oats. Carl Jorgenson has moved his family fam-ily to Newton for the winter, where his children can have the advantage of attending our excellent schools. There Is about twenty young people peo-ple attending high school at Logan and elsewhere which Is a very good representation for a town of this size. Our orchestra under the able leadership lead-ership of George Ecklund, are preparing pre-paring some of the latest up-to-date muBlc for this winter. Manager Alphonso Chrlstensen, of the opera house has bad some very good playo, put on lately, which is very much appreciated by the people. The moving pirture show every Wednesday evening Is well attended, I William J. Barker la to be complimented compli-mented for the clean, moral and educational edu-cational pictures he puts on. The roads are In excellent condition condi-tion at present, ,but In the spring of the year they are not what they should be, so brethren let us haul some gravel and make them as good as they are on the east side of the valley. J 4 fc |