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Show t PEACE 1 ' A rdifeTMAS THHT ( (Douglas Mdlodij l figjffiyace is iW something J&6 5?i ' 7 yy pleasureyof Kings, Affiffy Sssills J Peace is nonomethiraJl&( df "sell or to 'mUAJm Every carol that mi'iM Every anthem thatlSjniHj dens the sKy, j) iffi Wfmvi 3m Sings of a peace that ojh ; F ; U ;llw '' ever is ours, 1 Itl nm! Sings of a peace thit dan )x ll u never depart I ' 1 y Peace of the Chrifslmas, ill .1. VJ hi God-given Christmas, jjJl fl vjal ; Christmas that brings us I'M lr the peace of thheart. I yl rejA , Deep in the heart is the dwelUngppjpeace, There is the temple, the fonerrnast) shrine. "Be ye not troubled," for sorrow shall cease' Christmas is here with its message divine.) See you the star in the heaven of blue, " Lighting the meadow the mill and the martj. ttJsourChnsto- --SS3L rStar of our Christmas "sj rTfjj3 Qchristmas4hatbrings us the peace oTtheJean Centuries so it has lighted the world) li When we were weary has given us calmj Flags have been flaunted and flags haveb, I furled, , S&Jzm . Still it has lighted the pine and the palm. W'M t Man on his earth cannot dim it with wrongjy M Change it with all of his warrior's f&yj Phave Clvrisimasp&-JZs: s Christmas- -3jZ ,s that briris us the peace of theheart Life is a labor, and labor is long- . ,-r Only by effort we come to the goal; , We shall have need of the star and the songXl ' Lamp for the Highway and light for the soul Lift up your eyes to its radiance clean J Orfa new year of your pilgrimagearCfJ Gladdened by ChristmM-J God-given Christmas, IZZP' J Christmas that brinrfs"usthe peace of the hearOJ r- r-' j-y,f??r:w p 3 "TYi V r J KiricI and courageous, un- rfeXyfR fi daunted by doubt, V I Wm'Jh it faithful to duty, to God AMvC uw As and to an, f ( ' ? lrh. WorKing your ultimate I ' k iWWi rillin yur Plac in the k Sikm&k infinite plan I fmifaw0m Thus yu sha11 come t0 Tkfif the end of the tasK SC Knowing the pleasure of lAwKW,&B playing your part, WiSSif'K U MaKing your Christ- plrWW mas' (SCM&rriest Christmas, r && iVaBa"'Christmas that brings '$!5C &5 you the peace of i$$czr TsrT nr5 tho hear.1- JiV-p1 ' v-JJ' , " ,4 -eomioHT it vtitiiN ntvjwti unicn |