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Show COMMISSION HOUSE ABLY MANAGED BY G. B. BOWEN George U, Howen came to Logan three years ago, a strnnger In our( community and entered the produce business, purchasing the Interests of tho lute Isaac Smith. How well ho has succeeded hero Is evidenced by tho ronuirkablu growth of his business. busi-ness. Ho was for a long Hmo In the Amussen building on South Main street but during tho past summer filio. l. iwnVKN has erected one of tho f nit warehouses ware-houses In tho stato on the Interurban lines near tho O. L. & I. freight Bta-tlon. Bta-tlon. This building Iiug boon arranged In ruch a way as to ullo of (l-o storing of nutomoblles, blued ha, fruits, potatts, in Tact nil U'nds of produce. It Is a fireproof building and Is a bonded warehouse, whern tho local merchants can leave their merchandise stock with perfect safety. safe-ty. A building of this kind is certainly certain-ly a community necl and we are sure that the efforts of Mr. isowen In securing It, will bo appreciated and tbo building put to the use for vhtch It was erected. |