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Show ASSETS GROWING AT FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK From assets amounting to $26,145 In March, 1913 to $450,000, December,- 1917, tells the story of progress that. lis been the good fortune of tho Farmers fc Merchants Savings Bank of this city. "Nothing succeeds suc-ceeds like success," is the old adage, and this bank seems to have run a ring around "success" and appropriated appropri-ated It to Its heart's content. When tho bank started It was predicted pre-dicted that thero was no room for It, and that It would be a failure, but Its organizers said, "yjju may knock It, If you desire, but every knock will be a boost, for It will be- W a success and grow from year to WM How well the organizers were on U to their Job Is now demonstrated by U Its well filled coffers, and the de- W tnand for Its stock at a remium. M Dally Its depositors are growing, and M although still young In tho business,. M Its past demonstrates that It Is des- W tlned to become one of the big In- fl stltutlons of the cly. s m i,..Nitf-.. bbbbbI |