Show DEATH OF JOHN JAQUES I ASSISTANT CHURCH FSTORIN PASSES AWAY He Came to Salt Lake in 1856 and rI r I I Achieved Considerable Prominence Ac in His Work John Jaques assistant historian of the Mormon church and general church recorder died at his home 520 East Sculh Temple street lost evening atC at-C oclock Tho cause of his death was Brlghts disease with which he hal Buffered more or less for several years He had been quito ill for couple of months or more but did not think that it was necessary for him to lake to his bed until a week ago and It was not until Tuesday that his friends had any Idea that he would not recover The deceased was n native of England I Eng-land being born in Market Boiuvorth Leicestershire on January 7 1827 He convert to thc came to Salt Lake as a i Mormon faith In 1S5C and has resided here ever since He was always of a llleriry turn of mind and soon after I his conversion 10 the Mormon faith In I England ho was given charge of tho Millennial Star a position that he held for some time U hon he reached Salt I Lake City ho was employed in n genet gen-et al way around the public works Later ho became u member of the staff of the Dally Telegraph then published by T B H Stcnhouso Then ho accepted ac-cepted the position of assistant editor of the Deserct News and was trans ferred after a service of several years I to the historians olllce oC which he was a valued member on account of the painstaking habits that had characterized I char-acterized him all through life In October 1881 he was made assistant I church historian and general chinch recorder a position he held at the time of his death He served one or more missions abroad Ho was always consistent in his walks In life and while there were people who looked upon him as being cold and reserved In his nature those who touched the heat ol John Jaques soon discovered thc worth of the man He was very reserved his books and church work reserve most Intimate companions Ho was the author of thc catechism on church history which was adopted as n standard lextbook In the Sun dayschools or the Mormon church and was generally regarded as an authority authori-ty on matters ecclesiastical concerning the church of which ho was a valued member The deceased leaves ° seven children to survive him most of whom have arrived ar-rived at manhoods estate lvc dale of the funeral services have not been set and probably will not be until it Is discovered whether or not nl he left Instructions In regard thereto able which his family think is very prob |