Show BIDS FOR WATER METERS Opened by Board of Public Works Last Evening The Board of Public Works met last evening and opened bids for furnishing to the city 300 lnch water meters thirty ftlnch sixty 1Inch thirteen 2 inch and four 3lnch size Bids verc received from the Neptune Meter company com-pany P J Moran Grorge G Doyle Co Jones Jacobs Union Meter company com-pany Dunham Carrigan llayden company and time Pltlsburg Meter company The clerk of the board was Instructed to make an abstract of the liIm and the awarding of the contract went over until the next meeting of the board The board decided to push as rapidly us posslblo the water main and sewer extensions In various parts of the city which have been ordered by the Council Coun-cil and the contracts for which were let to P J Moran and A G Glauque |