Show HALF RATES EAST Tin UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD On June 6th the Union Pacific Railroad Rail-road announces very low rates to Eastern points with limit of September Septem-ber 9th as follows 3200 Omaha and ret 3200 3200 Kansas City and 1 < 1 3200 3550 St Louis and ret 3930 S360 3990 St Paul and ret 3930 0940 Minneapolis and ret 3990 1450 Chicago and ret 4400 Three trains dally on the best track in the West and making many hours quickest time superior service with equipment consisting of Pullman Palace Pal-ace and Ordinary Sleeping Cqrs Dining I I Din-ing Cars Buffet Smoking and Library Li-brary Cars with barber shop Free Reclining Chair Cars No change to I Missouri river and Chicago Ticket Onice 201 Main f |