Show On April 21st throe rl c men undertook 11 uniertook to blow up the Thorold Thorolt lock on Weiland canal with Yeland h dynamite dynamre Thfey v A caught arraigned In Ilh Tle CanadhTn courts on Wednesday Of last week i i iiq tried and convicted on I Thursday and centonml In 1 lift k hnnrIRnnmnt nn 1rl nnt exhibition oC the execution day That la a exhibion be copied cution of the law which might cpied ulon succoris on this side of tho line wJh would have Had they succeeded they hnvc involving no disaster caused a fearful dlsstor JmolInb and possibly end of loss of property po of life The authorities dealt with them effectively There was no I Lt once and cfecllvcly doubt of their guilt Even motion for n rehearing or ncW trial was overruled I They were promptly placed In a position posi-tion where they will not attempt to I world blow up any more locks in this and under the rule that governs there there will be no possible danger of their I being pardoned in I year or two and turned out to renew their deviltry |