Show SHOT BY AMERICANS CAPTAIN OF YACHT BESOTTED FROM HONDURAS PRISON Attempt to Recapture Him Results in Killing of Two Honduras Soldiers I Sol-diers and Wounding Three Others New Orleans La June 1A private letter from Porto Cprtez Honduras says that Allen Jackson captain of the American yacht Theresa accused wrongfully of stealing gold dust at Truxlllo was put Into prison there His crew without waiting to ask u slsta nee of the American Consul broke open the Jail and rescued him taking him aboard the yacht The yacht made for Utlla where the commandant was Informed of the occurrence oc-currence and put out in a boat to rej t takeJTa lson The commandantvand his soldiers were warned off by the crew of the Theresa but answered by firing shots The Americans on the yacht then opened lire with rifles and two Honduras Hon-duras soldiers were killed and three wounded The Theresa then put out to sea and subsequent events are unknown un-known |