Show EXSENATOR BROWN INTERVIEWED The Hailey Idaho Times has a purported pur-ported Interview with exSenator tht Brown The exSenator repudiates most of It but some of It he admits lp i true He says the trouble In Utah 1 was with the old Liberal party and tho rntlMorrnons This perhaps Is natural for tho exSenator We do not I think that he ever voter a Liberal I Lib-eral ticket In the old days and he naturally I nat-urally still clings to his old kinks This very singular paragraph appears In the Interview The Tribune does not fight fairly While nominally opposing op-posing Roberts It made a fight that elected him I wants to rule or ruin the party We hardly understand what the Senator Sen-ator means by a fair light There has never been any dinioulty In any kind l of a light in showing where The Trlbuno stood and if it was The Tribune4 fight that elected Roberts we fear that Rob ens didnot give us full credit and wo do not believe that any one except I Senatol Brown has a brain perverted I enough to think that The Tribune elected el-ected Roberts AH for ruling or ruining I the party that is but tho fancy of a most prejudiced mind I would wo think trouble xSonator Brown to show where The Tribune has ever interfered in any convention conven-tion or has failed to support any ticket because men of Its friendly liking were turned down Can the Senator say as much He says It supported Hammond because he was ono o Its tools He would have been controlled by it We do not believe that any one in The Tribune office talked twenty minutes with Mr Hammond before or after he wns a candidate The Tribune did 0t suggest his candidacy neither did any one connected with The Tribune Trib-une Tf there was ever n candidate in the field free from all obligations of any description expressed or implied to any newspaper that supported him Mr Hammond was free from them to The Tribune The only suggestion The Tribune made him at all was that it would be better for him if he would repudiate openly fairly squarely as a Mormon the resolution of the Democratic convention which laid a wreath on Mr Robertss political grave which bewailed the fact that the House of Representatives irrespective of party would not see his virtues and invited all Mormons covertly to vote for Mr King as a vindication for Mr Roberts Mr Hammond did not choose to accept that advice Whether had he accepted it he would have been elected it is Imposlble to Htate H certainly his defeat would not have been any worse I was foregone from the day of the nomination that Judge King would be elected I has been clear enough to those who read between be-tween the lines that Mr King was forced oft tlje course In 98 that Mr Roberts might be rewarded for the surrender sur-render of his political sentiments to the church and because from the first he had been an active and defiant lawbreaker law-breaker So when he was turned down in Congress the place which ought to have been Mr King > In the beginning was delegated to him and people Mho know how things go in Utah had no idea from the start that Mr Hammond would be elected |