Show DEATH OF MRS F1TZMAURICE I Wife of WellKnown Police Officer I Passed Away Yesterday Mrs Ella Fltzmaurlce the wife of the wellknown police officer Phillip Fltzmaurlce died yesterday at G a mat m-at her home No 231 South First West street this city Mrs Fitzmaurlce has been n great sufferer and for about six weeks has I been lying at the point of death so that her demise was not unexpected I She was born in New York city in 1SGO and came to Utah with her father 1SG about twentyfive years ago Since 1 that time she has resided In the State continuously most of the time In Salt Lake City Her father is Bernard Mc Manamon the wellknown mining man who is one of the pioneers of the industry indus-try in Utah The deceased was married to P A Fitxmaurlce in February 18SO and leaves besides her husband four chil dren two boys and two girls to mourn her loss A sister and a niece of Mrs Fitz maurice are now en route to the city from Susquehanna Pa having started from there on Wednesday last The deceased lady was highly respected and beloved by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance and her many friends will mourn her loss as one near and dear Awaiting the arrival of the sister and niece of the deceased no arrangements for the funeral have yet been made |