Show Real Estolo Sales Abstract of transfers filed In time Recorders Re-corders ofllcc Salt Lake county Utah June 1 1900 G G Hall to E L Jones warranty deed 3x10 rods southwest from northeast corner lot 1 block 29 pint D S 22 S H Browne to W C Greene warranty war-ranty deed 2x6 rods northeast f r from pouthwcst corner lot 2 block I IS plat A LGOO I Thomas Blackburn to Charles Cole brook warranty deed west half of southwest quarter of northwest quarter section 2G township 2 I south range 1 east 1000 S H Lewis to E A Tilt ct nl warranty war-ranty deed north half ot southwest south-west corner lot 3 block S3 plat D 137 Utah L B association to A T Sanford warranty deed 2 > S rods northeast from southwest corner Ii lot 3 block 13 plat G 2000 L L Woodruff et al to T M Mum ford et al warranty deed TlVlxilol cot northeast from northwest corner cor-ner lot 2 block SO plat D 900 Clara Jf Field to J T Richards warranty deed north half lot 1 block 13 plat D 3000 W S McCornlck to M W Davis qultcalm deed Interest Daylight lode West Mountain < 200 Emma M Harpraves el nl to Mary P Kcsler quitclaim deed 10 rods by 31 feet northeast from southwest south-west corner lot 1 block 135 plat Apart A-part section 21 township 1 south range 2 west SM Selma Stanley to E W Center milt claim deed Mississippi lode West Mountain 1000 Salt Lako county to Addlgon Cain quitclaim deed part lots I and 12 block 2 Kolsey Glllcpples subdivision subdi-vision II i I plat C 2i IL R Stephenson et al to A C Reeso ct nl Sheriffs deed Interesc UVfcx3 rods northwest from 2 rods west of southeast corner lot 3 block 51 plat B 1150 Total 17352 |