Show MOLECULAR MATTERS I No Apprehension I The Bells Bear Excites sion encountered cne A DEMOCRAT reporter of the spirits of the Molecular Telephone told there y this morning but was company was nothing new in the matter I We have not sent for instruments yet said the gentleman but expect to arrives from Ogden as soon as Mr Brown We have received numerous applications I from subscribers Is there anydruthin the rumor that the existence of the Molecular company is dependant upon the decision of a New York court S None whatever That is all nonsense non-sense It is true a suit brought by the Bell mpany is pending against us there I and I believe an early decision is looked for but if it is decided against us which we think improbable it will be carried I through the higher courts and a decision I from the Supreme Court of the United States will not be reached in less than two years at the least Thepolicy ofthe Bell Company of Boston is for its subordinate subor-dinate companies to bring no injunction suits against us while the caseis pending between the present companies The case will not decided in less than two years and we are confident the decision will be in our favor then What are the main features of this i suit S Oh the Bell I Company claims an infringement in-fringement of course They claim to have a monopoly on the principle of I transmitting speech by electricity and that all improvements on their method are infringements We claim that the principle is not patentable and is not covered cov-ered by the letters patent secured by Mr Bell The local Bell companies have held this suit up for warning purposes everywhere that Molecular exchanges have been established but the SCarecrow has been ineffectual in every instance In what cities is the Molecular system in use Exchanges are inoperation in Boston New York Philadelphia Pittsburg Cleveland Cleve-land Ogden Los Angeles and San Francisco Fran-cisco In San Francisco over one thousand thou-sand applications have been received for instruments but the Bell Company have i < the exclusive right of May through the streets and the Molecular system cannot I be put in operation until a franchise through the streets is secured I There is no question then but the Salt Lake exchange will ba put in operation opera-tion None whatever There is nothing to prevent us from running for two years at I the least even should every court decide against us which is highly improbable II I I |