Show NEWS OF THE DAY j It looks as if Butte would walk away with the Governorship of Montana Clark of that place is mentioned as a strong candidate The finest Jewish synagogue in New York was dedicated yesterday It will seat 2000 has a most beautiful l interior and the Jewish population are justly proud of it I The deposition of General Grant was I taken yesterday in the Fisji trial He replied re-plied after the examination was over that he was not very tired but added seriously seri-ously I know I am a very sick mau I A Presbyterian delegation called on the President yesterday and urgently urged him to enforce the Edmunds law in Utah and the other Territories Cleveland Cleve-land promised the matter early attention San Francisco is moving in the matter of holding a monster reunion of army veterans next year If the railroads will give low rates it is thought the demonstration demon-stration can be made a huge success The California Legislature will give 100000 to help it The failure of five of Moscows leading lead-ing commercial houses the past month with liabilities of 1000000 has created quite a panic in that city The war rumors ru-mors brought about the failures and the government will assist in restoring confidence confi-dence in commercial circles i I Eastern cities are scourged with pneumonia I pneu-monia From January 1st to March 15th there were over 1100 deaths from this I disease in New York IIi Boston and I Washington there is also a heavy mortality mortal-ity from the same cause and in Washington I Wash-ington it is very prevalent The best treatment seems to fail of success after I the disease is once grounded i The outbreak of halfbreeds in Manitoba I Mani-toba headed by Rid remains about as i it was yesterday No collision between I the rebels and the troops has yet been reported although it nay occur at anytime any-time In the Canadian House of Commons Com-mons it is almost the sole subject of discussion dis-cussion The great fear is from a general outbreak of the French halfbreeds The railroad quarrel is holding out still The Pacific Mail Company declares that it will not resume the subsidy contracts con-tracts with the C P and U P railroads except at an increased rate and the railroads rail-roads declare that the Pacific Mail Company Com-pany must come down in its figures It I is a pretty quarrel as it stands and when i these railroad thieves fall out the Government I Gov-ernment may get its due If the English newspapers express the feelings of the English people that feeling is certainly for war The London I Times is good authority in this respect The Thunderer says The Czars forces I are almost at the gate of Constantinople I Even if the Cabinet were disposed to I concession afterconces I preserve peace by conc j I sion it is now cl ar that such a policy is j I unsafe as it would be dishonorable Minister Phelps is nut much liked on I Wall street for it is urged that on account I ac-count of his being attorney for Parke and Schenck in the Emma mine suit our English cousins will receive him with distrust It is not known however that Phelps has any mines to dispose of and it is presumed that he will attend strictly to his business as Minister The feelings of English speculatorsparticularly those who so lovingly fondled our own Little Emmamay be quite sensitive but Phelps can hardly be held responsible for it |