Show II I THE PIERCE ASSIGNMENT Its Validity being Tested in the Third District Court i The case of T C Griffiths vs E A I Ireland came up trial in Third District Court this morning Considerable im Dortance is attached to this case as the validity of the famous G M Pierce assignment is to be tested It will be remembered that after Peirce made his assignment to T C Griffiths Messrs Walker Bros Sholes Scribner and Redall creditors who were not included in-cluded in the various preferred lists disputed dis-puted the validity of the assignment and levied an attachment on the goods Marshall Mar-shall Ireland replevined the stock and the assignee was compelled to furnish bonds in the sum of 16000 Simon Bam berger and Nicholas Groesbeck being the sureties The present uit is an outgrowth I of this matter and as stated above will determine the validity of the assignment The amount involved is about 5000 Sheeke Rawlins cQnduct the case for I plaintiff and Messrs Gilchrist Brown Denny and Kaighn for the defendant J |