Show Smoke of Cigarettes The inhaling of the smoke of cigarettes has been a common practice and unless one is graceful in the art they are not considered professional consumers The London Medical Times in commenting upon this subject says Of ordinary cigarette cig-arette smoking we say nothing we do not believe that smoking a dozen cigarettes cigar-ettes a day in the ordinary way ever did any grownup person any tangible harm But inhaling the smoke is a very different thing Let even the most inveterate i in-veterate smoker try this and he will be convinced Let him smoke an ordinary Turkish cigarette while walking and at some distance from a meal inhaling the smoke well into the bronchial tubes Then if before he has finished his cigarette cigar-ette he does not find his head grow dizzy or his heart begin to thump or his fingers tingle we shall be quite ready to congratulate congrat-ulate him on the possession of an excellent excel-lent organism Whether the ePect is due to an impression on the termination of the vagus or whether the active principle of the tobacco is absorbed and carried straight to the heart in the blood current we shall not undertake to describe we only describe the fact |