Show THE RATE TROUBLE No Special Rates Likely to be Given Either to Salt Lake or Logan Yesterdays DEMOCRAT announced that if the Utah Central and the D R G Western roads remained firm in the positions posi-tions they had taken the local pool would be wrecked or no conference rates would be given It is now learned that the latter lat-ter alternative is likely to be taken and that no special rates Mill be given either to Salt Lake or Logan during conference time Hit was intimated yesterday that the pool itself was in rather a tottering condition butassuranceis given at both offices today to-day that it is assolidas a rockand there ij no probability of its going to pieces The whole question at issue as stated yesterday was over the construction of article 3 of the pool regulations The Denver Rio Grande claimed that if the Utah Central gave special through rates to Logan it would be a violation of that article while according to the Utah Centrals construction it would not and that the narrow guage was not entitled to a voice in determining Logan rates The Rio Grande withheld its consent to give rates to this city unless it was given a percentage percent-age on Logan business and that is substantially sub-stantially the way the matter stands at present Each road is firm and shows no disposition dispo-sition to change its attitude and the whole question Mill probably be allowed to remain just as it is in order to secure the preservation of the pool as each road I seems to think a continuance of the pool Mill be of greater advantage to them than would be gained by giving special conference con-ference rates Several meetings have been held between the officials but the discussions I discus-sions have been good natured and no ill I feeling prevails the only disagreement I being as to the construction of certain portions of the pool agreement As the matter stands at present therefore there-fore it is pretty safe to predict that no special conference rates will be given either to Salt Lake r Logan and neither city will have any unusual amount of visitors vis-itors during that time S SALT LAKE CITY BREWING COMPANY M CULLEN II W MOUSE President VicePresident We are now prepared to receive orders for our CELEBRATED BUDWEISER LAGER S BEER Special inducements given to purchasers pur-chasers of carload lots Having given our careful attention to the selection of the finest material for the manufacture of beer after the Budweiser process we are in a situation to place before be-fore the public an article superior to any hitherto offered in this market Orders by telephone promptly attended to JACOB MORITZ Sec Treas |