Show AN ULTIMATUM England Will Expect Russias Answer on Monday I Ii II I i Granville Declares the Policy 1 and Will Not Flinch t Enthusiasm High Among the I British Volunteers i Englands Ultimatum LONDON March 27Thc Globe says that a proposal partaking of the nature of an ultimatum was telegraphed by the government to St Petersburg yesterday yester-day It requestedat the same time that I the Russian government should send an answer that should reach Downing street I not later than Monday next The Globe also declares Granville on the 16th inst proposed to Russia that I both Russians and Afghans should withdraw with-draw from that portion of the territory at present subject to dispute and remain I outside of it during the continuance of the negotiations then in progress at London Lon-don To this proposal Russia sent no I reply until last Wednesday She then refused to accede to Englands proposition II propo-sition on the ground that the withdrawal of her troops would be a source of humiliation I humil-iation to Russia After this answer was received the Cabinet decided to embody the reserves and militia and send the ultimatum I ulti-matum already referred to In the event of war 25000 mniltia will be assigned for I garrison duty in Ireland and that number num-ber of regulars will be released for active service |