Show Stationers = A Booksellers Order your Goods of us by Mail or Telephone or call at our store by the Postoffice on Main Street SCHOOL BOOKS NEWSPAPERS MAGAZINES ARTISTS SUPPLIES OF EVERY KIND c F Subscriptions taken for any Periodical in the World C H Parsons Co COOK GLANFIELD t 9 Family Wholesale BUTCHERS Star lofarket First South Street West of Cunningtons WE KEEP A CHOICE LINE OF Beef BeefMut1 ML1OIa ea1 Larnb Pork And the best of everything in the meat market Sausage a Specialty 1 S J JONASSON I Attorney and CounselloratIaw OFFICE 173 East Second South Street below the Thirteenth Ward Schoolhouse and opposite the Presbyterian Church F M BISHOP Assaycr 161 MAIN STREET SALT LAKE CITYUTAH All work Carefully and Promptly Executed IRS S M GOULD Fashionable Dressmaker Up Stairs in the ZEIMER BOILDINO Main Street North of Coop OLDEN UTAH McVICKEK J ASSAYER Under HcCornicks Bank Main St SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Sohoo1 of Singing MR B B YOUNC AND Mme Mazzucato Young Lessons by the Term of 12 Weeks On Mondays Wednesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at Calders Music Palace 45 W First South street I F C NICHOLS t DE1VTIST OFFICE opposite Walker House Telephone in Office Anesthetics given FRANK FOOTE ASSA i 1 QQ SOUTH MAIN STREET SALT LAKE 139 1OJ City Personal attention given to all business PEMBROKE cm 72 Main Street alIt al-It as a full stock of e STATIONERY BOOKS DRAUGHTSMANS SUPPLIES FANCY GOODS TOYS News matter Magazines and will guarantee satisfaction Orders for Books Solicited Blank Books to Order PRINTERS INK AND SUPPLIES Heesch Ellerbeck PLUMBERS Sole agents for the EXETER HEATER the most economical and refiablo heater in use Water Pipes laid on short notice 49 East First South Street SALT LAKE cITY II B BARTON ISAAC BARTON J B TORONTO A S GEDDES RenJova1 of BAR TON cfc OO We have removed to No 41 S Main Street opposite Hooper Eldredge Block where we shall be ever nappy to have you call and see us Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Mens Youths Boys and Childrens CLOTHING EJATS CJAPS FURNISHING GOODS PIONEER Ore Sampling Mill AND Aaaay Office Situated at Sandy Utah Controlling also the Park City Sampling Mill The Oldest and Most Reliable Samp pling Mill in Utah SAJSDY UTAH JCCOOTILINCo jot l UTAB ORE SAMPLING MILL Ores and Bullion Carefully Sampled 0 SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE sale of Ores and Bullion Mill South Temple Tem-ple Street between Utah < < Nevada and Utah Central Railroad Depots Office over London Bank of Utah front room lr d JIASON COV Wholesole and Retail DEALERS IN LUMBER SPANISH CEDAR Large assortment of Double and Single Strength n GLASS Eastlake Doors and Finish 225W South Temple Street i Pioneer i Lumber Yard SELLS CO 122W First Sou Street SALT LAKE CITY l LITM B E FI I T and G FLOORING RUSTIC SIDING I LATHS SHINGLES WINDOWS DOORS f BLINDS MOULDINGS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL REMINGTON JOHNSON CO IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Staple and Fancy Groceries AGENTS FOR DDOIXTTS GEM BAKING POWDER scfety Nl tro AND UTAH POWDER COMPANY Remington Johnson oNO o-NO 20 W SECOND SOUTH STREET Sro herl5S 01c1 tit aDd 7 T J ior cc1iiircf We invite attention to our large line of Parasols and Sunshades We have just opened Also to our beautiful SPRING WRAPS NEWMARKETS AND Jersey EWe E-We have just received We have also just opened a large shipment of Ladies Muslin Underwear ANDSLIPS INFANTS ROBES AND AND Chi1dre11 Shor1i Dresses 9 ALL OF WHICH WILL BF DISPOSED OF AT I EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES Cohn Bros G F CULMER W H CULMER II L A CULMER I G F Cul er Bros n n HI n WHOLESALE I GROCERS l S 5 nULLdHLL y Si U y 20 22 28 and 30 First South Street Salt IuaKe Ci 1iy LT1ah 0 OUR SPECIALTIES WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS PAINTS OILS AND BRUSHES TOBACCO CIGARS AND PIPES ENAMELED READYMIXED PAINTS CONFECTIONERY CRACKERS VARNISHES PAINTERS GOODS SHOWCASES AND MIRRORS FLASKS BOTTLES AND CORKS GLASSWARE AND BAR GOODS EX WHITE ILLUMINATING OIL CASTOR MACHINE LUB OIL We Treat You Squarely and Give Lowest Prices MARKS GOLDSMITH CO GOLDSMITH CO Ogden Utah Butte Mont Goldsmith Co VVJ30LESAxm CLOTHING AND FURNISHINC GOOOS EInt and Caps Manufactory 320 W Bait St Baltimore Md Salt Lake City Utah I d GEO A LOWE Salt Lake City and Ogden Utah II I I SCHUTTLER FARM FREIGHT WAGONS nmrmSTCLASS C > pen and Top BUggieS WARRANTED OF BEST QUALITY AND SOLD AT VERY LOW PRICES 0 GRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS f 0 DEDERICK HAY PRESSES PRESSESBALING BALING TIES AND BALING WIRE Kllowles Steam Pumps For all Purposes All Sizes Constantly r in Stock AMES PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES LEFFEL TURBINE WHEELS SAW MILLS AND SHINGLE lllLLS Correbponderice solicited Enquiries answered ronIptly t h FT > v President HSR ld GEORGE M SCOTT U1JtFntn VicePresident GLENDINIUNG Secreta JAMES eret arp w Geo e M e ScottCo FR 4 f IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN T I HARDWARE IRON STEEL IRON Ar i PIPE t i tlm sa < < en Miners Tool Stoves Tinware wh ar AND A th I gat a General Assortment of Mill Finding i 9 CIt ca to GRANITE IRONWARE AND DRIPPING PANS STAMPED JA1111 we 1D BLACK POLISHED GALVANIZED AND PIECED TINWARE fl > go BLACK SHEET AND GALVANIZED IRON LAPWELDED eer I CHARCOAL IRON BOILER TUBES STEAM GAS tlul AND WATER PIPE BRASS GOODS SEL neij I 1 DENS PATENT PACKING ETC ETC jer bit Also Carry in Stock a Full Line of Blakes Improved Steam Pumps and Pine Ptun ing Engines John A Roeblings Sons Cos Steel Wire Rope Yaccum CviT la and Engine Oil Hercules Powder Caps and Fuse Boston Belting Cost nil m + Tar Pitch Patent Stretched Rubber Belting Stockholm Rosin ami < co LUaBICATING OILS 6 Frm thm Exclusive Agents for the Heavy SteelTemperad Battery and Bolting Wire i Cla l to ti is di CUNNINGTON < fcCO CaSe an rya THE LEADING HOUSE IN UTAH FOR AIi FAMILY AND MINING SUPPLIES t Mu min o By m We carry a full and complete stock of Th Staple and Fancy Groceries wit 1 bon Wholesale and Retail In our net boa H ardvvare J > e rtiienB the and Machinists Tools and all Kinds of Grand lett We carry a full line of Carpenters Grab ware Tinware Table and Pocket Cutlery In our trou cap DlIini g Oep ira the chit We carry a full stock of Candles Powder Fuse and Caps Picks Shovels Stet war Steam Fittings Etc Etc and we are Agents for the MalT Mal-T POWDER cab The ORIENTAL SPORTING and torn AND BLASTING POWDER itsel o fine Hooker Pumps Howe Scalesand the Crescent Extra Steel M We have also for sale two FiveFlue Boilers in complete running order They his 1 can be had at a bargain whir bargainCUNNINGTON all t h CUNNINGTON CO endm shri noun with H PARKE LACY GO Mini two hand flu Gills life e III III MACHINERY DEPOT laws Th < t want Carry the most complete stock in the West The Hoisting Engines Rock Drills a form roaj J er rectio AIR COMPRESSORS nose h the cjl red h J est > in4ho ase Engines Etc Etc called used tl KNOWLES STEAM PUMP and openiij Bsj knife the ai AND chorui Pumping Engines Boilers Blowers Fans ductoil pirate pirate Wire Rope Horse Whims Steam and Air Hose there Iron Jipe LIaa JIi ttings y Hancock Inspirators Valvoline Cylinder and Machine Oils Chilled Iron Car Wheels Smelter Mill and Mining Supplies Contracts and Estimates made for Cornish Rolls Rock Breakers Concentrating and Stamp Mills and Smelters Machinists Tools Woodworking Machinery etc etc Send for circulars Tht Office and Warerooms 259 Main Street Salt lake City arour their to sii BAIN WAGON DEPOT S aisles every In get ury HOWARD SEBREE COMPAQ Evan gave pray Keep a Full Stock of These Celebrated Wagons stage head like Concord Buggies Spring Wagons Capt loafe Oliver Chilled Plows Moline Plows pa3 sente Casaday and Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows field star editi OBAMP1C > N MACaIN S Mr And a Full Line of Agricultural Goo ds Hardwood and Wagon 7btcriu31 a pole btu Specialty Call on or Address AddressHOWARD voly HOWARD SEBKEE CO I Majo pily Salt Lake City or Ogden Utan dress tied motl BURT MARSHhad had i the a PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERING cried ago DEALERS IN let it General Plasterers Supplies Plastering Hair Plaster of Paris tumuj The Best in the Market Quality Guaranteed Way At i A Large Quantity Of Center SAT Thii down S-AT were LJVI G JFtJ CES ham coffee Whitewashing and Calsomining a Specialty hers tw ent Office No3 f S West Temple Street and t selves Blare JOHN TAYLOR SON There like J it I at it JIEFI CHA T dAaJJELr 1 stock and e i Sang i E3EABLI3HED IN 1S65 danced Have just received a Choice Lot of Five to 3 e SPRING AND SUMMER WOOLENS the ax tor pi Of the LATEST stock gage LATEST STYLES the which they offer at REDUCED RATES Call and examine our t and makeup before having your measure taken elsewhere Ghost 40E Second South Street SALT LAKE CITY tam Geo i |