Show nrSIXESS CARDS ERCON IS LOCATED IN TIlE llouse Main street 1 Lnke house FRrD j a J L WJYTOCK DDS DENTISTS WAL WflYTOCK n tpA House Allcstheties admlnls 1crT fcphOne in office CATAIUUI 051 2 t XD warranted 31m HlGGlKS to cure ail cases if flenCdS is followed w otUce1o 272 Main jo nrc directions Stree oTHTfX STKEEJ1 UliULK viLLA1 0 If Clift House and sec Dr C I doors north crocnP1C nt and Analytic medicine Physic of the taking J1i lns cia1iSt before filled spcc ll trders promptly 41 the oders by mall 11 anyone else I1Iggius So 22 hllu Street Pr W 4ddresS Dcrt nnh Cit Salt Late LEWIS B ROGERS INSURANCE SVRSCE CO fIRE I TIlE LION Capital antI assets 01 Iondol111 ng laud 4t949z JNSURAC CO Olt1ET Cllpital liud assets or Ilnrtford c on F t M 18 CO 4SHIXGTO ssaellusetts Capital and assets et Boston Ms fI5i1IO Mso MORE sending Eas1 FOR UNLAUNDERED SHIRTS We Will Give You The I BEST MADE PRICE I i OWE DOLLAR A GOOD ONE FOR Seyeiityflye Cents imii jracra Must be Accompanied by Cash Potase on Each Shirt 12 cents Money Ke landed if Goods not Satisfactory Rule f ° r Self Measurement Furnished on Appluiulu i W H YEARIAN CO 142 Main St Salt Lake City U S DEPOSITARY Deserei National Bank SALT LAKE CITY Paid in Capital 200000 Surplus 200000 H S Eldredge President Ira Jennlns VicePrest I i Feramorr Little I John Sharp 1 Directors Km W Kiter 1 L S Hills Cashier JM Ltttle Asst Cashier J fcfdics Deposits Payable on Demands Demand-s and Sells Exchange on New York San francIsco Chicago St Louis Omaha London Lon-don and principal continental cities Jfakes Collections Remitting Proceed Promptly McCORNICK COI BANKERS SALT LAKE CITY UTAH And Hailey Idaho Tan3Uct Every Description of Banking Business CORRESPONDENTS kjorters 1 and Traders National Bank Y Cmercial National Bank Chicago Ills AM National Bank Chicago Ills Chemical National Bank N YOm Y-Om la National Bank Omaha first National Bank San Francisco Cal Kountze Brothers N Y State Savings Association St Louis I Crocker Woolworth Co San Francisco Cal i City National Bank Denver T E JONES s J LYNX I T R JONES Co I BANEERS I Salt Lake City Utah Tral1 act a General Banking Business in I I all its Branches Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Exchange Careful attention given to Collections and refinances re-finances made on day of payment Long Loans > made on City Heal Estate at low sates of interest all Sclal attention given to the Selling of Ores 1 1 Uln of which Consigumente are iciil lth a nntuiSEJt y ore Base Bullion Gold tad Silver bars hhppd for refining COERESPOr DENTS Few York J B Colgate Sc Co Omaha Omaha National Bank Chicag0 First National Bank tan T8nc1sco Bank of California Denver Co10r8do tonal Bank 7 Wells Fargo Cos aAlV II ltt I LAKE CITy 0 UTAH I Corral Banting Business Transacted sold lEaaadD < > raesti j Exchange bought and I ale 8 oCUrnaftenl9n given to the purchase and I Hetariwl And bullion I lent lAte for collecti Jns promptly made at cur leJegraph nl travel0 tmsf rs made and commercial MMinal II Pit Crs credit issued available in then the-n vincinl es of the world Poadenu in addition to our Bank correspond town lVeo i of an i Iress Agency in almost every peclale j the Rocky Mountains affords us tXCCUti Ciljtie5 for making collections and iClOU1i commissions lid nao fof Banks and Bankers mercantile 1 ° geom utUrinS firms corporations min oeceiYJotimes I > stock growers and Individuals ° u favorable terms 1tr COJIRPOXDENTS eivok Jln r cl Wells Fargo Co loston co Wells Fargo Co Chicago Maverick National Bank C1nrlnnnu Merchaaij Jfational Bank 101nflati Third National Bank Q1I1aba First National Bank it IoSi First National Bank fe Or Boatmens Savings Bank enll Paris u Louisiana Rational Bank L00d00 Lherbette Kane Co Wells Fargo Co Respectfully J E DOOLY Aqcnl DENVER HOUSE lisp D s R G Depot Salt Lake City JJ lEENN Proprietor 0j1aUVluJdE8IinpV L FIND SUPPLIES OF Clgttrkjaad Eatables and Groceries Choice Tobacco aceo Flritelas rlitclau1lleals 25 sent tfl BOOTS SHOES at L D A Youngs 1 Saturday buyers will find all styles all qualities and at the lowest prices s BOLIVAR ROBERTS W A NELDEN ROBERTS S NELDEN DRUGS AND J Assayers Goods I We offer to the Trade the Largest and Best Stock of 1 Drugs Assayers Material and Toilet Articles Druggists Sundries SUrgica1 IJ1S1irUD3e Etc Etc I Ever Brought to this Market II I I II We are Agents for all the Leading Lines of Goods we carry and can offer Better I Prices than ever given before r Entire Drug Stores Furnished at Five Days Notice i I We are Never Undersold p V7rito for Prioes or o33ci a Toria Orc3or I I 220 Main Street Opposite Postolllce Salt LaUc City Utah Postofllcc Box 973 Telephone Xo 266 P 4 PASCOE DEALER IX I I Lime Cement Plasler Hair Building Rock Salt i TERRA COTr A I AGENT FOR I The Utah Lime and Cement Company Sanpete Palace Stone Company Utah United States Encaustic Tile Company Indianapolis Ind F Beck Coa Lincrusta Hangings New York Manilla Building Material Marbleized Mar-bleized Mantels Grates Architectural Sheet Metal Work VULCAN POWDER COMPANY Etc WARWICK BLOCK First South Street SALT LAKE CITY i CLIFT OUSE SALT LAKE CITY I Rates 150 to 2 per Day I I Corner Main and Third South Sts I s c ErVVING Prop Satisfactory Rates Made By Week or Month SIMON BROS Wholesale ahd Retail Dealers in Millinery r Fancy Goods C1iF We are closing out all remaining Winter Win-ter Goods at n Great Sacrifice and will open out an entire new line of Millinery and Fancy Goods SIMON BROS Jennings Building Salt Lake City Utah Mrs Dr M B Mallorys c LIiedioa1 3ar orB No 24 W Third South Street second door west of Clift House GENERAL PRACTITIONER PRACTI-TIONER Treats all Diseases Acute or Chroniu Obstetrics Diseases of Women and Children Pneumonia Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria given special attention by combining internal medication with our New Triple Medicated Vapor Baths Can remove all poisousmercurial lead syphilitic etc Invaluable to Consumptives Consumpt-ives Office Hours 8 to 12 am and 3 to 7 pm C W Mallory General Assistant c References Messrs F Foote Assayer George Davis Merchant SALT LAKE CITY UTAH I AT ELIAS ONS I 112 MAIN STREET I You can find the largest assortment of 1 Gold Silver Watches JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS I And everything needed in that line at I Vciry JaO1Vost Prioes I A FISHER BREWING co I BreWery near U C R R and D R G Depots Salt Lake City Utah We are now prepared to supply the Public with I Keg and Bottled Beer I I Of Superior Quality I At PopuJnr Prioes I P 0 Box 1047 telephone 201 i A FISHER BREWING CO I THOS W a JENNINGS I I REMOVED TO i I No 35 W First South Street I First door east of Dimvoodeys store i W W GEE I torneyatLaVtT EEIL ESTATE A SPECIALTY o i Room No 2 Union Block Main Strcet Salt Lnke City Utah SAL LAKE CITY BOTTLING WORKS I T P rsons Prop Manufacturers of SODA WATER GINGER ALE SARSAPARILLA SARSAPA-RILLA and CHAMPAGNE CIDER Examine our Goods and Prices before buying buy-ing elsewhere ° 22 Commercial Street of ESTABLISHED 1864 JOSEPH E TAYLOR UNDERTAKER i A Complete Stock of WOOD METALLIC and CLOTH COVERED I COFFINS AND CASKETS Constantly on hand Also a full line of i BURIAL ROBES I Masonic Odd Fellows and Knights Pythias emblems furnNheil on hearse OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Factory and warerooms ware-rooms No 203 E First South street Telephone No 70 70D DRGW Coal Agency I 145 S MAIN STREET o I i Pleasant Valley Anthracite i Blacksmith COAL I Coke Charcoal Wood l I I I t 5 All of the above Coals are thoroughly fcr27n ed and clean Prompt Delivery Guaranteed Telephone Xo211 I I SELLS BURTON CO Managers I REMEMBER THE OLD i JUNCTION CITY HOTEL I OGDEN UTAH CENTRALLY LOCATED I Is now open and Everything FirstGlass I F RATES 125 TO 200 PER DAY I AVm D WADLEY Prop I f P D SPRAGUE I Passenger and Baggage Transfer To and from all Trains to any Hotel or Private Residence In the City I Orders received at White House through telephone tele-phone No 152 or left on slate ALL ORDERS GIVES ITOMFT ATTKNTIO r PENDLETOIS SON HORSE SHOEING I I A SPECIALTY o CO W Second South near Walker Opera House of |