Show BOULDER NOTES NOT ES by lee L brudy brady sheriff palmer was in boulder last week i hl ainslee mrs AIr sLee lee L brady was called calle dinto into town for medical assi assistance tance for mrs airs bidal sn sa arday f john P peterson eterson received a shipment of chickens last week litte al malister A liter cr is quit 4 well now clarence pierce is sick again john peterson bought a mare from clement johnson guy wheatly spent one day last week visiting at danells Ha han nells ells ranch mrs lee L brady while in town last saturday removed a needle tha was im beaded in mrs evans finger the needle was inch in she als alss examined mined roy millers ba baby bill Hansen in boulder last week J f the Doug lases and petersons peterson were in town T tuffy t lf f yva hai i te reir I 1 I 1 is abin carrying car 1 1 I 1 mail mr air Frank franklin liri is up and around again I 1 raymonda Raymond Raymon dM calister McAlister visited one day last ast week at lee L brady s home guy mcalister and jack dumbreck were we home over the week end from their mrs lee L brady was called monday to the home of mrs C johnson whose daughter marva is ery sick with pneumonia arthur carlson ac bradys guy wheatly the Mus harrell andersons McAlis teis Rho deses cs an and thompsons Thomp sons were all in town last week mr and mrs airs otto ander anderon on came after mrs lee L brady sa arday airway night tor for mr air Enie quiz the ne roads in bouder are just about impassable again since the storm |