Show NOTICE FOR publication hv de department partin ent of the interior general land office aa a 1 l salt lake city bath march 26 1936 NOTICE is hereby given that frank armstrong Arm Arms stroner of la sal who on dee december ember 26 1930 made homestead entry no for section 6 section 7 township 29 S range 24 E S L meridian has filed noice of intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above described before H W balsley Bals lcy clerk of the seventh judicial dietric Dis c i court at moab utah on the day of may 1936 claimant aames as witnesses R L kirk jr of moab utah ephraim wilcox of la sal utah mrs hafle blevins of moab utah R H dalrympe of moab utah THOMAS F THOMAS register first pub apr aar 2 last apr aar 30 NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior general land office at salli lake city utah march 26 1936 NOTICE is hereby given that tames james herschel woods of cortez colorado who on april 29 1931 wade made homestead entry no nr br section 19 SEIA SE V NSW section 18 township 32 S ranee 26 E S L meridian has fled notice of intension to make final fina proof to establish claim land ave de described bribed before frank halls clerk of the ole Ditri district ct court ati at monti flo utah on the day of may 1936 pimont names as witnesses fiat Fi mt qt harrall or of conicello Moni cello mali T T R pearson pe aryon of Mont monticelo icelo M 11 R r motley of point itah IT TT ah h J TAT TM gafford of lewis colorado THOMAS F THOMAS register firt first pub apri 2 tast last apr aar 30 1 NOTICE FOR publication r f department of the interior Gene general land office at salt lake city utah march Is hereby given that robeer mea of dove creek colo who ion may 21 1031 1931 made home acad entry no for section 15 township 35 range 26 east salt lake meridian has filed notice of at intention til make final proof 00 A establish claim to the land above described before the clerk of the district court at monticello ubah on the day of april 1936 claimant names as witnesses charles al arnold jack medley sa samuel muel taggart elmer gilbreth all of dove cre creek ek colo THOMAS F THOMAS register first pub lastA last aar apr pr 23 NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior general land office at salt vike city U utah tah feb 26 1936 19 16 NOTICE is hereby given that clare 11 oliphant Oli pliant of monticello Al utah who on jan 20 1933 made aadi stock raising homestead entry no for lots I 1 2 NEY NE section 18 township 32 south range 24 east salt lake meridian has filed notice of intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above described before tha clerk of the fhe district court at monticello utah atall on the ath lay day of april 1936 caimano names as witnesses 1 F W keller joe adams I 1 loyd 1 adams leo miller all al of monticello Manti cello THOMAS F THOMAS register first pub mar alar 5 last apr aar 2 ORDER baby ier stargil U CHICKS now or let us hatch your L chicken turkey tor for dock dack eggs for you Patt ericks Hatche hatchery iv grand junction colo NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior general land office at salt lake city utah march 18 1936 r i 1 1 NOTICE is given bat charles martin haege arald ri of dove 1 creek colo who oni on 4 I 1 slay A by 1 made homestead ead ent entry t no for lots 1 2 3 section 11 township 35 south rale Ra 6 east salt lake meridian has ailed filed notice of io inaki floal proof to establish claim edthe larid land above described bed before the clerk of the district court at utah on the day of apri U 1 ar 1 I claimant names as witnesses it nesses ia 11 R F medley jack medley adee adean giggey gig i ey A erneso Z T w dovic f reek Cok THOMAS F THONIA THOMAS registe firsa pub mar 26 last apr aar 23 I 1 I 1 S 4 notia NO nce POR FOR publication i department of the interior interior general land office at asty estyr uta iut 4 march 5 1936 W NOTICE is hereby given that rulo So mervine of moab utah who oa on sept 20 0 0 1933 made stock raising homestead entry no for all section 17 township 31 south range 23 east salt lake Aler meridian idian has filed notice of intention to make f fi naV proof to estabi es sli claim to the land lana above described before the clerk of ithe the district court at moab utah on the day of april 1936 i claimant names as witnesses andrew somerville morgan C stewart of moab utah james arthur christensen of monticello utah THOMAS F THOMAS I 1 register first pub mar 12 last apr aar 9 |