Show HOW DO WE K KNOW 0 W this is more difficult ques question boll to answer because so few chete are arc who accredit the fact that we who are in tune with the In finc or attuned to the higher vibrations of sense perception can and DO commune with those who are Nor working kinz from the UNSEEN REAL REALMS MS and that we ve are Ae lle privileged to enjoy a contact arid and to receive guidance concerning the DIVINE PLAN in order that we I 1 may HELP HUMANITY when the cicat accounting lime ime will come upon us again we ave say there is nothing to fear if one would only try to under derland tand the LAW IN OPERATION and make now rather than to wait until such things happen tor or such time comes when it mayba tao late A b escape some of ille the which so many are fore forced ten I 1 bendure dure pow jiow I 1 how much easier to 1 I le e order our lives in c calmness a lit iness and understanding now than tot compelled com to do so BO under sta ands and panic later laier |