Show monticello JUNIO MAKES agn TO ENTERTAIN PUBLIC preparations preparation are being made at the monticello iti cello high school for the most elaborate and enjoyable enjo jenir Ju junior nir prom ever to be sta d in this pit pait of the sate severs several in ovations are to be introduced lending novelty and beauty to the occasion the min main hs h 1 will have a lattice work effect along he walls with a lattice arch over the coith entrance on the raised age wil be a marine scene with water nater ship and sinking sun un providing a realistic rea lisic picture behind the th orchestra bichest li across the ceiling the effect of a gorgeous sunset will give the effect of a me low trop acal night in the new addi addition Dri of the school which is just being compelled com two private dancing rooms with cud speakers from the main auditorium I 1 wil il take care of lof the excess dancers adjoining the blue i room oom is to lp a tea room while a portier or of nf tilt taif green c reen room will wj 1 l contain a lilly I 1 ily pond made of earth on a cement I 1 libor f floor I 1 if the cifor being expended on oil ahk I 1 splendid effect is properly rewarded I 1 j people from at all parts of south st utah will throng to the gaa affair for one of tile outstanding pleasure sure events ever bitnes ed |