Show ALUMINUM IN NEW FIELD aluminum is rapidly bantlin battling batt lin its way to the arnt in many new industries we now have aluminum lawn mowers which make the work of cul ting the grass mere childs play compared to the former drudgery due to the lighter machines alamin im is taking the place of maple and ober 0 her hard wood for the lasts in shoe manufacturing machinery in the automobile industry where it is desirous de to secure the utmos ut tot power and economy from ahe he engine regardless of cost alum aluminium alu minim inam alloys such as Bohn Bolin alite are used for the cylinder head and pistons in the airplane industry of course the light j metal has been supreme for a long i i time so rapidly has ale use of this metal advanced and so completely compete lv has it 1 been improved that it actu actually alIX rivals ordinary carbon steel in strength streng tik originally igi nally it could only be cat car now it can be cast drawn extruded forgea and in fret fact handled in every conceivable cei vable ni manner allner it is revolutionize ina irm o VIT oar ar railways buildings bui dings and cur mode of if living all honor to the scientist 4 engineers and who have mods male this wonderful material to us word comes from mrs joseph in ris ria that she is well and enjoying cal ca c ivonna weather immensely imm ensly |